195 research outputs found

    Use of Implementation Mapping with community-based participatory research: Development of implementation strategies of a new goal setting and goal management intervention system

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    AIMS: This study aims to identify implementation determinants, mechanisms of action, implementation strategies, and implementation outcome evaluation plans for a new theory-based rehabilitation goal setting and goal management intervention system, called MyGoals, using Implementation Mapping with community-based participatory research principles. METHODS: We completed Implementation Mapping tasks 1 to 4 as a planning team consisting of MyGoals target implementers (occupational therapists (OTs), MyGoals intervention target clients (adults with chronic conditions), and the research team. We are currently conducting mapping task 5. These processes were guided by the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research, social cognitive theory, the taxonomy of behavior change methods, and Proctor\u27s implementation research framework. RESULTS: We identified intervention-level determinants ( CONCLUSION: We produced tailored implementation strategies for a rehabilitation goal setting and goal management intervention by using Implementation Mapping with community-based participatory research principles. The MyGoals implementation strategies may help OTs implement high-quality goal setting and goal management practice and thus contribute to bridging current research-practice gaps. Our findings can provide insight on how to apply implementation science in rehabilitation to improve the development and translation of evidence-based interventions to enhance health in adults with chronic conditions

    Multilingual Competence

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    Multilingualism is a widespread phenomenon in modern societies. A considerable number of people speak more than two languages in their everyday life due to historical, social, or economic reasons (Cenoz & Genesee, 1998). They may live in a multilingual community as a result of colonialism and immigration, or they might be in constant contact with different monolingual communities because of globalization (Kemp, 2009). The continuing growth of individuals and communities that use three or more languages has led many researchers to investigate multilingualism and multilingual acquisition. Of the many key issues within the field of multilingualism, this short piece will focus on multilingual competence from the perspective of proficiency and acquisition goals. Identifying the extent to which an individual should be proficient in each of his or her languages is essential for defining a multilingual and for understanding which goals are attainable in multilingual education

    Real-Time system verification techniques based on abstraction/deduction and model checking

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    http://www.win.tue.nl/~jromijn/Our research focuses on verification techniques for real-time systems based on predicate abstractions. These techniques aim to combine abstract interpretation, model checking, and theorem proving in order to obtain a powerful and highly automatic verification environment for real-time systems. One drawback of current real-time model checking approaches is the limited size of the systems that can be analyzed. For the computation of finite abstractions in the way of infinite-state systems analysis, we propose an Iterative-Abstract-Refinement algorithm. Using our algorithm, we can reduce the aforementioned drawbacks associated with the application of real-time model checking such as the limited applicability due to state space explosion characteristic

    Goal Setting and Goal Management for Chronic Conditions: Intervention and Implementation Strategies

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    Adults with chronic conditions experience limited participation in personally meaningful activities and roles. Chronic conditions can present challenges across personal factors such as cognitive, psychological, physiological, or neurobehavioral functions. These personal factors then dynamically interact with environmental factors, occupation, and performance, ultimately hindering adults with chronic conditions in achieving their goals to fully participate in meaningful activities and roles. Goal setting and goal management has evolved from diverse theories including Social Cognitive Theory, Self-Determination Theory, and The Theory of Intentional Action Control. These theories emphasize the importance of addressing influential theoretical constructs such as self-efficacy and outcome expectancy but also the active engagement of the person to promote the individual’s goal achievement. Hence, theory-based, client-engaged goal setting and goal management is suggested as necessary for adults with chronic conditions to effectively guide them to improve or manage their personal and environmental factors, and ultimately achieve their personally meaningful goals in everyday life contexts. However, theory-based, client-engaged goal setting and goal management is not yet widely implemented in community-based rehabilitation. There have been calls for developing comprehensive and engaging goal setting and goal management approaches and translating them into practice to improve participation and health among adults with chronic conditions. This dissertation addresses this important research and clinical priority by developing, examining, and refining a theory-based, client-engaged goal setting and goal management system along with implementation strategies for occupational therapists (OTs) to support effective implementation in community-based rehabilitation practice. The process was guided by Intervention Mapping and Implementation Mapping in collaboration with clients and OTs. The aims of this dissertation were to (1) develop a new goal setting and goal management system, (2) develop and evaluate the feasibility of implementation strategies for OTs to support delivery of this goal setting and goal management system for adults with chronic conditions in community-based rehabilitation, (3) evaluate the feasibility of the goal setting and goal management system in adults with chronic conditions. This dissertation developed a new theory-based goal setting and goal management system, MyGoals, and its implementation strategies with clearly defined mechanisms of action. OTs perceived MyGoals and its implementation strategies as feasible and promising for use with adults with chronic conditions in community-based rehabilitation settings. Adults with chronic conditions also viewed MyGoals as feasible, engaging, and person-centered. Taken together, these dissertation studies establish a rigorous foundation for theory-based, client-engaged goal setting and goal management for adults with chronic conditions in community-based rehabilitation. In using a rigorous, implementation science approach, this work may bridge a major research-practice gap in the field and improve rehabilitation practice, goal achievement, participation, and health for this population. Future studies should explore the efficacy and effectiveness of this new theory-based, client-engaged goal setting and goal management system and its implementation strategies

    Predicate Diagrams for the Verification of Real-Time Systems

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    to appear in Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science - ENTCS/http://www.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/people/staff/Ranko.Lazic/index.htmlWe propose a format of predicate diagrams for the verification of real-time systems. We consider systems that are defined as extended timed graphs, a format that combines timed automata and constructs for modeling data, possibly over infinite domains. Predicate diagrams are succinct and intuitive representations of Boolean abstractions. They also represent an interface between deductive tools used to establish the correctness of an abstraction, and model checking tools that can verify behavioral properties of finite-state models. The contribution of this paper is to extend the format of predicate diagrams to timed systems. We also establish a set of verification conditions that are sufficient to prove that a given predicate diagram is a correct abstraction of an extended timed graph. The formalism is supported by a toolkit, and we demonstrate its use at the hand of Fischer's real-time mutual-exclusion protocol

    Introduction: The Multilingual Prism

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    Each year the TESOL & Applied Linguistics programs invite internationally-renowned researchers to give lectures at Teachers College. This year, we had the pleasure of hosting Dr. Jasone Cenoz and Dr. Durk Gorter, two prominent scholars in the field of multilingualism. In their talk, Cenoz and Gorter re-evaluated the previously dominant understanding of multilingualism and proposed a new approach to investigating multilingualism, which they termed Focus on Multilingualism (henceforth, FOM). While earlier treatments of multilingualism ignored dynamic interactions between the different linguistic systems that multilinguals know, this new perspective stresses the importance of a holistic approach to understanding multilingual speakers and their linguistic repertoires. Stemming from this new definition, multilingualism may be examined as a social and an individual phenomenon, keeping in mind, however, that “individual and societal multilingualism are not completely separated” (Cenoz, 2013, p. 5)

    Molecular cloning and Biochemical properties of GH-16 β-agarase from Gilvimarinus agarolyticus JEA5

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    Agar is complex polysaccharide founds in the cell walls of some red algae and up to 70 % of the algal cell wall can be agar polymers. Agar was formed by a mixture of two polysaccharides named agarose and agaropectin. Agarose can be hydrolyzed by α-agarase (E.C. and by β-agarase (E.C.; the former cleaves the α-1, 3 linkage of agarose to generate agaro-oligosaccharides, and the latter cleaves the β-1,4 linkage to generate neoagaro-oligosaccharides. Agarases have been isolated from many sources, including seawater, marine sediments, marine algae, marine mollusks, fresh water and soil. Recently, Givimarinus chinensis, G. polysacchalyticus, G. agarilyticus were identified and their agarolytic activity also reported. However, there are no report published that molecular and functional characterization of agarase from Givimarinus genus. In this study, we first report molecular characterization and biochemical properties of agarase from Gilvimarinus genus. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Synergistic effect of acetyl xylan esterase on xylanase reaction originated from Ochrovirga pacifica

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    Acetyl xylan esterase plays an important role in complete enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic materials into fermentable sugars. It hydrolyzes ester linkages of acetic acid in xylan polysaccharide and supports to enhance the activity of xylanase. This study was conducted to recognize and overexpress the acetyl xylan esterase gene found from Ochrovirga pacifica strain S85 which was isolated from Chuuk state, Micronesia. The genome sequence was analyzed with genome sequencer-FLX and acetyl xylan esterase gene (Axe) was detected. The gene had an open reading frame of 864 bp encoding a polypeptide of 287 amino acids. Theoretical molecular mass and isoelectric point (pI) were 32 kDa and 5.9, respectively. The deduced amino acid sequence of the Axe showed 35.1% similarity with both endo-1,4-β-xylanase B from Robiginitalea biformata HTCC2501. The mature protein displayed the catalytic residues classically found in enzymes belonged to GH16 family. Axe was cloned into pET11a vector and recombinant protein was expressed in E. coli BL21 (DE3), purified by nickel affinity chromatography and its purity was visualized on SDS-PAGE. Commercial xylanase activity was tested after treatment of recombinant acetyl xylan esterase (rAXE) to birchwood xylan substrate. The xylanase activity of rAXE treated sample was about 2 times higher than xylanase only treated sample. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract