57 research outputs found

    Quantum critical point shifts under superconductivity: the pnictides and the cuprates

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    We compare the position of an ordering transition in a metal to that in a superconductor. For the spin density wave (SDW) transition, we find that the quantum critical point shifts by order |Delta|, where Delta is pairing amplitude, so that the region of SDW order is smaller in the superconductor than in the metal. This shift is larger than the ~ |Delta|^2 shift predicted by theories of competing orders which ignore Fermi surface effects. For Ising-nematic order, the shift from Fermi surface effects remains of order |Delta|^2. We discuss implications of these results for the phase diagrams of the cuprates and the pnictides. We conclude that recent observations imply that the Ising-nematic order is tied to the square of the SDW order in the pnictides, but not in the cuprates.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Exciton condensations in thin film topological insulator

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    We study the many-body physics in thin film topological band insulator, where the inter-edge Coulomb interaction can lead to an exciton condensation transition. We investigate the universality class of the exciton condensation quantum critical point. With different chemical potentials and interactions, the exciton condensation can belong to z = 2 mean field, or 3d XY, or Yukawa-Higgs universality classes. The interplay between exciton condensate and the time-reversal symmetry breaking is also discussed. Predictions of our work can be tested experimentally by tuning the chemical potentials on both surfaces of the thin film through gate voltage. We also show that all the analysis of the exciton condensate can be directly applied to a spin-triplet superconductor phase with attractive inter-edge interaction.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, published versio

    Novel Quantum Criticality in Two Dimensional Topological Phase transitions

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    Topological quantum phase transitions intrinsically intertwine self-similarity and topology of many-electron wave-functions, and divining them is one of the most significant ways to advance understanding in condensed matter physics. Our focus is to investigate an unconventional class of the transitions between insulators and Dirac semimetals whose description is beyond conventional pseudo relativistic Dirac Hamiltonian. At the transition without the long-range Coulomb interaction, the electronic energy dispersion along one direction behaves like a relativistic particle, linear in momentum, but along the other direction it behaves like a non-relativistic particle, quadratic in momentum. Various physical systems ranging from TiO2{}_2-VO2{}_2 heterostructure to organic material α\alpha-(BEDT-TTF)2{}_2 I3{}_3 under pressure have been proposed to have such anisotropic dispersion relation. Here, we discover a novel quantum criticality at the phase transition by incorporating the 1/r long-range Coulomb interaction. Unique interplay between the Coulomb interaction and electronic critical modes enforces not only the anisotropic renormalization of the Coulomb interaction but also marginally modified electronic excitation. In connection with experiments, we investigate several striking effects in physical observables of our novel criticality.Comment: 12 pages + 31 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables, published versio

    A New Type of Quantum Criticality in the Pyrochlore Iridates

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    Magnetic fluctuations and electrons couple in intriguing ways in the vicinity of zero temperature phase transitions - quantum critical points - in conducting materials. Quantum criticality is implicated in non-Fermi liquid behavior of diverse materials, and in the formation of unconventional superconductors. Here we uncover an entirely new type of quantum critical point describing the onset of antiferromagnetism in a nodal semimetal engendered by the combination of strong spin-orbit coupling and electron correlations, and which is predicted to occur in the iridium oxide pyrochlores. We formulate and solve a field theory for this quantum critical point by renormalization group techniques, show that electrons and antiferromagnetic fluctuations are strongly coupled, and that both these excitations are modified in an essential way. This quantum critical point has many novel features, including strong emergent spatial anisotropy, a vital role for Coulomb interactions, and highly unconventional critical exponents. Our theory motivates and informs experiments on pyrochlore iridates, and constitutes a singular realistic example of a non-trivial quantum critical point with gapless fermions in three dimensions.Comment: 5 pages + 8 pages of Supplementary Material, 3 figures + 1 supplementary figur

    Superfluid-insulator transitions of the Fermi gas with near-unitary interactions in a periodic potential

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    We consider spin-1/2 fermions of mass m with interactions near the unitary limit. In an applied periodic potential of amplitude V and period a, and with a density of an even integer number of fermions per unit cell, there is a second-order quantum phase transition between superfluid and insulating ground states at a critical V=Vc. We compute the universal ratio Vc m a^2 / h^2 at N=infinity in a model with Sp(2N) spin symmetry. The insulator interpolates between a band insulator of fermions and a Mott insulator of fermion pairs. We discuss implications for recent experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure