7 research outputs found

    ERP software selection model for small and medium-sized in retail sector using analytic network process

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    Small and medium sized (SME) retailers strive to maintain the balance of demand and supply in their stores. By maintaining the availability of items, they able to provide positive shopping experience for customers. Therefore, they are able to survive in a competition with large retailers. The technological advances and the shopping behavior are among the factors that encourage SME retailers to adopt the technology information system for supports information between business functions to keep the balance of supply, demand and their distribution. One of the many ways to maintain balance of demand and supply is by implementing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) (). However, ERP is quite difficult for SME retailers to be implemented in their organization. Selecting the optimal ERP software is a critical process in the early phase of an ERP project. This study aimed to investigating the priority (preference) of the criteria and alternatives using the Analytic Network Process (ANP) approach for the small and medium-sized retailers focusing in Jakarta. This study conducted by observation and interviews with the experts who have experience with ERP and small and medium-sized retailers. In this study, the pairwise comparisons used to assess the proposed alternatives and criteria. Furthermore, this study also calculates the overall score of the criteria and alternatives for analyzing the relation and preference of the criteria and alternatives. The theory of ANP used to evaluate all criteria and alternatives with expressed numerically. The findings of this study provide an overview that small and medium-sized retail companies tend to require systems or ERP software. In this study, there are 5 criteria most preferred: ease of customization, technical aspects, functionality and compatibility with other systems, and software prices. These criteria are considered to ensure the good operational activities. The most preferred alternative is SAP Business One, as it scored highest on several criteria, Odoo and Acumatica. The limitation of this study is that this study only used three ERP software programs as alternatives and this study focuses only for the small and medium-sized retailers in Jakarta


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    Setiap pekerjaan memiliki beban kerja, yang jumlahnya akan berbeda. Idealnya, beban kerja yang diterima oleh pekerja sesuai dengan kemampuannya. Sejumlah dampak buruk dapat terjadi jika beban pekerjaan telah melampaui kapasitas fisik dan mental yang dimiliki pekerja, diantaranya yaitu kelelahan kerja dan gangguan kesehatan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melaksanakan studi literatur secara sistematis, untuk mengetahui metode pengukuran beban kerja serta intervensi perbaikan yang dilakukan.  Metode yang digunakan adalah studi literatur secara sistematis melalui basis data seperti Google scholar, Researchgate, Ripositori Indonesia-Neliti, serta referensi lainnya, dengan menggunakan kata kunci beban kerja dan intervensi ergonomi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode pengukuran beban kerja fisik dengan pendekatan fisiologis diantaranya menggunakan pengukuran denyut nadi/jantung, %HRR, %CVL dan konsumsi oksigen. Sedangkan pengukuran beban kerja mental dengan pendekatan psikologis diantaranya menggunakan kuesioner SWAT dan NASA-TLX. Intervensi  ergonomi dalam perbaikan kerja dapat menurunkan beban kerja. Terdapat celah penelitian mengembangkan pengukuran beban kerja secara real time pada bidang transportasi. 

    Analysis on The Mental Workload of Female Lecturers During The Covid-19 Pandemic

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    The coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic continues to create significant effect than initially predicted. In addition, the virus spread showed rapid increment, since March 2020, leading to several impacts on human lives, e.g., education. Furthermore, various government policies, including social distance greatly influences teaching and learning activities, both in high schools and universities. As a consequence, conventional face-to-face learning model was temporarily suspended. This implies the need to engage online education. Prior to the outbreak, the mental workload of lecturers was relatively intense, comprising the three basic pillars of higher education (Tridharma), termed education, research and community service, as well as other additional tasks, including final year project supervisions and hold structural position. During the pandemic, mental workload considerably increased considerably as most lecturers, particularly the females also served as home teachers. Therefore the purpose of this research is to analyze the mental workload of female lecturers during the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Questionaire is used to measure mental workload taken from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration-Task-Load Index (NASA-TLX). Furthermore, the survey is applied to evaluate job demands. The results showed that teaching, research and housewive role influence the mental workload as an aspect with the maximum score. In comparison, a maximum score of 29% on the mental demand aspect generates a physical demand aspect of 27%


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis sistem informasi akademik dengan pendekatan  konsep Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) yang dilakukan pada salah satu universitas di Indonesia. Analisis SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunities & threat) dilakukan untuk mengetahui kekuatan,  kelemahan, peluang dan ancaman dari sistem yang ada saat ini untuk dapat diberikan usulan perancangan sistem baru sesuai yang diharapkan.  Hasil analisis sistem informasi akademik universitas berupa diagram konteks usulan yang terdiri atas tujuh entitas yaitu mahasiswa, Ketua Program Studi, Dosen, Biro Keuangan, Lembaga Penelitian (LPP), Lembaga Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPkM), Biro Administrasi Akademik (BAA).  Langkah strategis yang perlu dilakukan diusulkan agar universitas dapat memiliki sistem informasi akademik yang lebih terintegrasi serta dapat meningkatkan keunggulan kompetitifnya. Kata Kunci : Sistem Informasi Akademik; Enterprise Resource Planning; SWOT; diagram konteks; perancangan sistem

    Usability Testing Vision Sensor Based Work Time Measurement Technology

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    A product or technology is perceived easily in case it has a high level of usability. This means users have no difficulties or encounter problems while using. The purpose of this study is to conduct usability testing of vision sensor-based working time measurement technology. It is meant to determine the ability of the technology to conduct work time measurement functions with the same results as the conventional process using a stopwatch. The study involves an experimental method with two factors. Based on the results of the ANOVA Two-Way Analysis (within-subject design), the first and second levels in apparatus factor shows there is no difference in the average value of the cycle time between work measurements with and without the vision sensor technology (Fobtained(4,1) < Fcritical(5,12)). Therefore, the technology designed is capable of measuring the same work as manual measurement.

    Penerapan pendekatan ergonomi total dalam menurunkan kelelahan kerja: Studi literatur

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    Work fatigue is one of the factors that affect occupational health and safety. To create a good quality of occupational health, an approach that can be applied to reduce work fatigue is needed, so that good work performance can be achieved. The purpose of this study was to carry out a systematic literature study to determine the application of the Total Ergonomics Approach in reducing worker fatigue. This literature study is useful for explaining the Total Ergonomic Approach model, fatigue measurement instruments, and various improvement interventions carried out in various fields of work. The research method used is a systematic literature study through databases such as Google Scholar, Science Direct, Researchgate, and the Indonesian Scientific Repository-Neliti, using the keywords total ergonomics approach and work fatigue. The Total Ergonomic Approach Model was found to obtain optimal repair solutions, in the fields of industrial work, agriculture, education and hospitality, and others. Improvement interventions developed include improving work attitudes, working conditions, providing nutrition, and redesigning work tools. The measurement of work fatigue in all literature was carried out using a questionnaire instrument. Based on this literature study, there is a research gap to develop a model of a total ergonomics approach in the transportation sector to reduce logistics driver fatigue and to develop an objective and real-time fatigue measurement instrument. So that it can produce a contribution to creating quality health and safety for logistics drivers