11 research outputs found

    Post-flight open field behavior parameters expressed as percent of pre-flight background values.

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    <p>Total (A), center (B) and periphery (C) distance moved, rearing frequency (D), center entries frequency (E), time in center (F), latency to the first center zone entry (G) and grooming duration (H). SF mice displayed reduced activity compared to any of the control groups (GC, SFV or GCV). Mice housed in habitats (SF and GC) were reluctant to explore the center of the arena. Statistical analysis was performed using Mann-Whitney test (*−p<0.05, **−p<0.01, ***− p<0.005 and ****−p<0.0001, ns – not significant or the p value is indicated).</p

    Schematic diagram of the experiments.

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    <p>Mice of SF, SFV and backup SF groups were co-adapted in housing groups of 3 mice each, SF mice were adapted to paste food diet, and mice of <i>in vivo</i> subgroups passed through preliminary tests. After transportation to and adaptation at Baikonur, SF mice were flown aboard the Bion-M 1 satellite for 30 days. After landing mice were examined and transported to Moscow, where animals of the <i>in vitro</i> subgroup were dissected, while recovery dynamics was followed in the <i>in-vivo</i> subgroup before dissection 7 days after landing. Ground control experiment replicated the principal stages of the spaceflight experiment.</p