25 research outputs found

    Performance of DPA compared to DPA+MFBM (DPA combined with MACCS, GpiDAPH3, TGD and TGT molecular fingerprints) in different TOP positions.

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    <p>Performance of DPA compared to DPA+MFBM (DPA combined with MACCS, GpiDAPH3, TGD and TGT molecular fingerprints) in different TOP positions.</p

    Flowchart of the ADE detection process for <i>pancreatitis</i>.

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    <p>Flowchart of the ADE detection process for <i>pancreatitis</i>.</p

    The model generates interactions through the multiplication of the matrix M<sub>1</sub> (Established DDI matrix) by the matrix M<sub>2</sub> (Interaction profile similarity matrix.

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    <p>Note that each cell shows the TC between drugs A, B and C but interactions with more drugs are considered to calculate the TC value). The values in the diagonal of the matrices are set 0 since drug interactions with themselves are not taken into account. In the final matrix M<sub>3</sub> only the maximum value in the multiplication-array in each cell is preserved and a symmetry-based transformation is carried out retaining the highest TC value. In the example, the initial interactions A–B and A–C (red color) have a TC score of 0.9 in the matrix M<sub>3</sub>. The system generated a new predicted interaction between B and C with a TC score of 0.8 (green color).</p

    Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) (a) and Precision-Recall (b) curves evaluating the set of 278 EHR ADE candidates with OR05 and different MFBMs.

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    <p>It is worth noting that although OR05 algorithm is very useful to originate the first set of 278 candidate drugs related to <i>pancreatitis</i> (99 out of 278 drugs were already included in the <i>pancreatitis</i> reference standard set), the precision of the method is constant within this set. However, an improvement of the precision in top positions can be achieved using MFBM (in the graphic: black-OR05, red-MACCS, green-GpiDAPH3, yellow-TGT, blue-TGD).</p

    Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) (a) and Precision-Recall (b) curves evaluating the test set of EHR <i>pancreatitis</i> candidates (in the graphic are not included the drugs already in the reference standard: 21 true positives versus 158 false positives, black-OR05, red-MACCS, green-GpiDAPH3, yellow-TGT, blue-TGD).

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    <p>Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) (a) and Precision-Recall (b) curves evaluating the test set of EHR <i>pancreatitis</i> candidates (in the graphic are not included the drugs already in the reference standard: 21 true positives versus 158 false positives, black-OR05, red-MACCS, green-GpiDAPH3, yellow-TGT, blue-TGD).</p

    ROC curves for test set D: a) ROC curve generated by the IPF model for test set D.

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    <p>Interactions for the top 50 drugs (41 generic names) confirmed in drugs.com/drugdex were considered as true positives within all the possible interactions in a matrix of 41×928 drugs. Interactions already in the initial DrugBank DDI database (matrix M<sub>1</sub>) were not included in the analysis; b) ROC showed by a model applied to test D using MACCS fingerprints; c) ROC curve calculated by the IPF model for test set D but excluding CYP interactions; d) ROC showed by the MACCS fingerprints model applied to the test D without CYP interactions.</p