4 research outputs found

    Immunophenotype of undifferentiated and differentiated cells.

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    <p>Immunofluorescence of undifferentiated GSCs neurosphere (left panels) and of differentiated cells (right panels) labelled with anti-human Sox2 (top panels), anti-human GFAP and anti-human TUBB3 (bottom panels).</p

    Patients characteristics.

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    <p>β€Š=β€Š sample identifier, sex β€Š=β€Š patient sex, KPS (score) β€Š=β€Š Karnofsky Performance Status score; Sympt. (mo) β€Š=β€Š symptom duration in month; Surgery (type) β€Š=β€Š origin of tumor tissue from the patient brain (temporal/parietal/occipital/frontal); ki67-% β€Š=β€Š% of cells expressing ki-67; p53β€Š=β€Š p53 positivity (less than 5% of nuclei); MGMT β€Š=β€Š MGMT promoter metylation; EGFR β€Š=β€Š EGFR positivity (moderate-to-strong signal on >% of cells); PFS β€Š=β€Š progression-free survival; OS β€Š=β€Š overall survival; PTEN activ β€Š=β€Š PTEN activation group according to clustering of phospoproteomics profiles. Characteristics of patients from which samples were collected. Legend: Sample </p

    Transcriptional and post-translational modulation of CDC25A, DUB3 and Wee1 during cell cycle in PTEN active cell lines.

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    <p>CDC25A mRNA is constantly produced throughout all phases while DUB3 expression increases in the G1/S phase and wee1 expression decreases during the phase M. CDC25A modulation occurs at post translational level with DUB3 inhibiting its ubiquitination and Wee1 controlling negatively the activity of Cyclin-B/Cdk1.</p