9 research outputs found

    Оценка противогрибковой и антибактериальной активности нового ненасыщенного производного 1,2,4-триазола (Нитротриазона)

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    The growing clinical importance of drug-resistant fungal and bacterial pathogens has given additional urgency to microbiological research and the development of new antimicrobial compounds. 1,2,4-Triazoles act as important pharmacophores by interacting with high affinity biological receptors due to their dipole character, hydrogen binding capacity, stiffness and solubility. Following the evaluation of the antifungal activity, Nitrotriazon has MIC/MFC values: from 0.07 to 0.19 mM compared to the reference drugs: Ketoconazole, Bifonazole. Nitrotriazone also showed good antibacterial activity with MIC / MBC values from 0.0006 to 0.0013 mM, compared to the reference drugs Ampicillin and Chloramphenicol. The antimycobacterial activity of Nitrotriazone against M. tuberculosis, the reference strain (H37Rw) and the extended resistance of M. tuberculosis (M/XDR) were also studiedCreşterea importanţei clinice a agenţilor patogeni fungici şi bacterieni rezistenţi la medicamente a acordat o urgenţă suplimentară cercetării microbiologice şi dezvoltării de noi compuşi antimicrobieni. 1,2,4-triazolii acţionează ca farmacofori importanţi prin interacţiunea cu receptorii biologici cu afinitate ridicată datorită caracterului lor dipol, capacităţii de legare a hidrogenului, rigidităţii şi solubilităţii. În urma evaluării activităţii antifungice, Nitrotriazonul are valori ale CMI/CMF: de la 0,07 la 0,19 mM comparativ cu medicamentele de referinţă: Ketoconazol, Bifonazol. Nitrotriazonul a prezentat şi o activitate antibacteriană bună cu valori CMI/CMB de la 0,0006 la 0,0013 mM, în comparaţie cu medicamentele de referinţă Ampicillină şi Chloramphenicol. A fost studiată şi activitatea antimicobacteriană a Nitrotriazonului împotriva M. tuberculosis, tulpina de referinţă (H37Rw) şi rezistenţa extinsă a M. tuberculosis (M/XDR)Растущее клиническое значение устойчивых к лекарствам грибковых и бактериальных патогенов придало дополнительную актуальность микробиологическим исследованиям и разработке новых противомикробных соединений. 1,2,4-Триазолы действуют как важные фармакофоры, взаимодействуя с биологическими рецепторами с высоким сродством из-за их дипольного характера, способности связывать водород, жесткости и растворимости. После оценки противогрибковой активности Нитротриазон имел значения MИK/MФК от 0,07 до 0,19 мМ по сравнению с препаратами сравнения: кетоконазолом, бифоназолом. Нитротриазон также показал хорошую антибактериальную активность со значениями MHK/MBK от 0,0006 до 0,0013 мМ по сравнению с препаратами сравнения ампициллина и хлорамфеникола. Также была изучена антимикобактериальная активность нитротриазона против M. tuberculosis, эталонного штамма (H37Rw) и расширенную устойчивость M. tuberculosis (M/XDR

    Design, synthesis, computational and biological evaluation of new anxiolytics

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    Abstract New anxiolytics have been discovered by prediction of biological activity with computer programs PASS and DE DEREK for a heterogeneous set of 5494 highly chemically diverse heterocyclic compounds (thiazoles, pyrazoles, isatins, a fused imidazoles and others). The majority of tested compounds exhibit the predicted anxiolytic effect. The most potent activity was found in 2 (4 nitro phenyl) 3 (4 phenylpiperazinomethyl)imidazo[1,2 a]pyridine 8, 1 [(4 bromophenyl) 2 oxoethyl] 3 (1,3 dioxolano) 2 indolinone 3, 5 hydroxy 3 methoxycarbonyl 1 phenylpyrazole 5 and 2 (4 fluorophenyl) 3 (4 methylpiperazinomethyl)imidazo[1,2 a]pyridine 7. The application of the computer assisted approach significantly reduced the number of synthesized and tested compounds and increased the chance of finding new chemical entities (NCEs)


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    Room temperature ionic liquids (ILs) have been recognized as a new generation of solvents for “green chemistry” and represent remarkably promising classes of technologically useful and fundamentally interesting materials [1-6]. Most of them are quaternary imidazolium cations with inorganic counterions. Cation in these salts is appended to the organic group (usually saturated hydrocarbon fragments). However, some problems regarding the functionalization [2,7], coordination properties [4] of ILs still remain to be solved. It seems to us that functionalization of imidazoles by ethylcarbonitrile, allyl, 2,3-epoxypropyl fragments will lead to new properties of synthesized ILs. There are no literature data on use of 2-(1H-1-imidazolyl)ethylcarbonitrile 4 for synthesis of imidazolium salts with ILs properties

    The Synthesis of Triazolium Salts as Antifungal Agents: A Biological and In Silico Evaluation

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    The control of fungal pathogens is increasingly difficult due to the limited number of effective drugs available for antifungal therapy. In addition, both humans and fungi are eukaryotic organisms; antifungal drugs may have significant toxicity due to the inhibition of related human targets. Furthermore, another problem is increased incidents of fungal resistance to azoles, such as fluconazole, ketoconazole, voriconazole, etc. Thus, the interest in developing new azoles with an extended spectrum of activity still attracts the interest of the scientific community. Herein, we report the synthesis of a series of triazolium salts, an evaluation of their antifungal activity, and docking studies. Ketoconazole and bifonazole were used as reference drugs. All compounds showed good antifungal activity with MIC/MFC in the range of 0.0003 to 0.2/0.0006–0.4 mg/mL. Compound 19 exhibited the best activity among all tested with MIC/MFC in the range of 0.009 to 0.037 mg/mL and 0.0125–0.05 mg/mL, respectively. All compounds appeared to be more potent than both reference drugs. The docking studies are in accordance with experimental results