17 research outputs found


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    The continuous growth of the urban traffic threats cities with “thrombosis“, generating social, economic and ecological long term problems. The paper outlines the positive externalities induced by the non-motorized transportation (walking, bicycling or small-wheeled transport) at individual, social and environmental level. This kind of transportation meets the requests of the urban sustainable development, being used stand-alone or as a part of an intermodal chain. Local authorities, education institutes, corporate and non-governmental organizations should be involved in challenging perceptions and attitudes toward non-motorized trips. Beside the infrastructure construction, the early education is mandatory for creating a civic culture regarding the use of non-motorized transportation. The case study in Bucharest shows out the present state concerning the use of non-motorized transportation and the barriers in using it.urban mobility, non-motorized transportation, sustainable transport barriers.

    Quality of life in Romanian patients with schizophrenia based on gender, type of schizophrenia, therapeutic approach, and family history

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    The low quality of life of patients with schizophrenia has been extensively discussed and investigated. Various aspects from gender, socio-demographic profile, and/or type of neuroleptic treatment have been taken into account in describing this condition. The purpose of this study is to assess the perceived quality of life of Romanian patients suffering from schizophrenia and to correlate it with gender differences, type of schizophrenia, family history of psychiatric illness, and type of antipsychotic treatment. 143 patients diagnosed with schizophrenia according to DSM IV-TR and ICD 10 were included in the study. Social demographic data were documented and further assessment was performed using the Subjective Well Being under Neuroleptic Treatment Scale –the short form (SWN-S) and the short version of the WHO- Questionnaire for The Quality of Life (WHO-QoL-BREF). The mental functioning dimension was higher in men than women; the social integration dimension was higher for the residual type of schizophrenia. Emotional regulation and the capacity of social integration did not show significant differences between patients who had a family history of mental illness and those who did not. Levels of self-control and physical functioning were better for patients treated with atypical antipsychotics and who did not report a family history of psychiatric illness. All five dimensions of the SWN-S were higher in patients treated with atypical antipsychotics, compared to those who were treated with typical antipsychotics. The study showed that for people with schizophrenia mental functioning was better preserved in men, in patients who did not have a family history of psychiatric illness, and in patients who were treated with atypical antipsychotics. The level of social integration was better in patients who were treated with atypical antipsychotics but this effect depended on the type of schizophrenia

    Quality of life in Romanian patients with schizophrenia based on gender, type of schizophrenia, therapeutic approach, and family history

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    The low quality of life of patients with schizophrenia has been extensively discussed and investigated. Various aspects from gender, socio-demographic profile, and/or type of neuroleptic treatment have been taken into account in describing this condition. The purpose of this study is to assess the perceived quality of life of Romanian patients suffering from schizophrenia and to correlate it with gender differences, type of schizophrenia, family history of psychiatric illness, and type of antipsychotic treatment. 143 patients diagnosed with schizophrenia according to DSM IV-TR and ICD 10 were included in the study. Social demographic data were documented and further assessment was performed using the Subjective Well Being under Neuroleptic Treatment Scale –the short form (SWN-S) and the short version of the WHO- Questionnaire for The Quality of Life (WHO-QoL-BREF). The mental functioning dimension was higher in men than women; the social integration dimension was higher for the residual type of schizophrenia. Emotional regulation and the capacity of social integration did not show significant differences between patients who had a family history of mental illness and those who did not. Levels of self-control and physical functioning were better for patients treated with atypical antipsychotics and who did not report a family history of psychiatric illness. All five dimensions of the SWN-S were higher in patients treated with atypical antipsychotics, compared to those who were treated with typical antipsychotics. The study showed that for people with schizophrenia mental functioning was better preserved in men, in patients who did not have a family history of psychiatric illness, and in patients who were treated with atypical antipsychotics. The level of social integration was better in patients who were treated with atypical antipsychotics but this effect depended on the type of schizophrenia

    Клинические и параклинические особенности пациентов с высоким и повышенным раком эндометрия.

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    Clinical and para-clinical particularities of patients with high and intermediate risk of endometrial cancer.Aspectul clinic al problemei, constă în posibilităţi reale de evidențiere şi monitorizare clinică şi paraclinică a tratamentului combinat al cancerului endometrial prin aplicarea metodelor, care includ tratamentul chirurgical, chimioradioterapie concurentă și chimioterapie adjuvantă. În studiul clinic se preconizează de stabili particularitățile clinice şi paraclinice ale pacientelor cu cancer endometrial cu risc înalt şi crescut.   Клинические и параклинические особенности пациентов с высоким и повышенным раком эндометрия

    Patogenia cancerului ovarian: probleme şi paradoxe

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    Investigaţiile materialului postoperator de la 226 pacienţi şi datele din literatura de specialitate confirmă că în cadrul oncogenezei ovariene epiteliul de la suprafaţa ovariană cu o structură simplă se transformă în structuri histologice diferenţiate şi complexe. Acest fenomen este în controversă cu transformarea neoplastică şi apariţia altor tumori epiteliale maligne, care sunt mult mai puţin diferenţiate decât epiteliul de origine

    Гиперплазия эндометрия и рак эндометрия два патогенные и лечения вопросы.

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    Endometrial hyperplasia and two pathogenic types of endometrial cancer and treatment aspects.Cancerele endometrale se întâlnesc cu aceeaşi frecventă maximală în două decade: perioada 50-59 ani, care poate fi numită perimenopauzală, şi perioada 60-69 ani, cea postmenopauzală. Cancerul perimenopauzal, cum mărturisesc datele obţinute, poate avea ca precursori hiperplaziile endometrale, îndeosebi cele atipice, foarte frecvent însoţite de manifestări clinice dishormonale. Al doilea tip de cancer endometral, cel postmenopauzal, poate avea ca precursor numai hiperplaziile atipice care mai persistă în această perioadă, sau se dezvoltă intru-un endometru aparent atrofic. Tratamentul hormonal local cu relizing sistem „Mirena” poate fi apreciat ca o alternativă efectivă a tratamentului conservativ sistemic hormonal a stărilor precursore a cancerului endometrial, ce permite a exclude efectele secundare negative specifice pentru tratament cu progestine prolangate şi cu agonişti de relizing factori, folosite până în prezent.Гиперплазия эндометрия и рак эндометрия два патогенные и лечения вопросы

    Real-time investigation of skin blood flow changes induced by topical capsaicin

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    Capsaicin induces a localized inflammatory process known as neurogenic inflammation upon its topical administration on the skin, due to the release of various neuropeptides from the cutaneous sensory nerve endings. In this study, we investigated real-time skin blood flow changes that occur in neurogenic inflammation induced by topical capsaicin by means of in vivo reflectance confocal microscopy. 27 healthy subjects (15 women and 12 men, mean age ± Standard Deviation: 22.62±4.47) were administered topical capsaicin solution (Capsaicin group) or immersion oil (Control group) on the dorsal side of their non-dominant hand. At different time intervals during administration (0, 10, 25, and 40 minutes), cutaneous blood flow was evaluated using reflectance confocal microscopy and compared between the two groups. Blood flow values were higher during topical capsaicin, with significant increase after 25 (P=0.0160, Dunn’s multiple comparisons test) and 40 minutes (P=0.0132, Dunn’s multiple comparisons test) after its administration when compared with the initial 0 min value. Furthermore, the differences in the blood flow changes between the two groups were significant at 25 min (P=0.0182, Dunn’s multiple comparisons test) and 40 min (P=0.0296, Dunn’s multiple comparisons test) after capsaicin administration. Reflectance confocal microscopy allows in vivo, real-time evaluation of cutaneous blood flow changes within the capsaicin-induced inflammation, and this method might serve as a research model to test neurovascular reactivity. </p