16 research outputs found

    Eretes sticticus (Coleoptera, Dytiscidae) - A new record for the Romanian fauna, and new data regarding the distribution of two rare species - Acinopus ammophilus (Coleoptera, Carabidae) and Sphenoptera (Chilostetha) laportei (Coleoptera, Buprestidae) in Dobrogea (Romania)

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    The presence of Eretes sticticus in the Romanian fauna, unconfirmed until now, is for the first time accurately recorded and documented with photographs in this article. The presence of other two very rare and little-known species: Acinopus (Osimus) ammophilus and Sphenoptera (Chilostetha) laportei are reconfirmed for the Romanian fauna, in a different geographical area (North Dobrogea), other than that they were previously recorded last century

    Half a century after Ionescu’s work on Romanian Diplura – A faunal contribution based on material collected from karst areas

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    The main publication on the Romanian diplurans belongs to M.A. Ionescu who inventoried 22 species mainly from soil and forest litter from 22 collecting points. The further faunal investigation of two caves (PeƟtera Izvorul TăuƟoarelor and PeƟtera Movile) allowed CondĂ© to describe other four new taxa, three species and one subspecies. This paper represents the first study at a national level, half century after Ionescu’s contribution. The faunal data presented, were obtained from over 60 sites, most of them karst areas (including caves) unstudied up to the present. As a result, the faunal list of Diplura known in the Romanian fauna has risen to 28 taxa. A new combination: Litocampa montana Sendra n. comb. is argued. For 16 taxa, the local (based on the UTM grid codes) and general distributions and the redescription of some species are given

    Invertebrate fauna (Coleoptera, Collembola, Diplopoda, Isopoda) collected in the karst areas of the Aninei - Locvei Mountains

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    The authors identified 132 species of invertebrates (14 Oniscidea, 25 Diplopoda,31 Collembola and 62 Coleoptera) recently sampled (2001–2006) from the soil and subterranean (MSS and caves) environments from the Banat Mountains. Some new,rare and endemic species are discussed. The seasonal changes of the species diversity in the superficial subterranean environments at 0.5 to 1 m in depth are for the first time presented for the ReƟiƣa – Moldova Nouă synclinorium. The characteristic and preferential species for the mesovoid shallow substratum (MSS), belonging to the analyzed taxa, are identified


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    First records of four species of Coleoptera (Fam. Leiodidae: Hydnobius latifrons (Curtis, 1840); Scarabaeidae: Limarus zenkeri (Germar, 1813); Zopheridae: Pycnomerus sulcicollis (Germar, 1824); Tenebrionidae: Helops caeruleus (Linnaeus, 1758) for the Romanian fauna are presented. The data on faunal distribution of the new recorded species and other rare and interesting species is provided

    The Cholevinae of Romania (exclusive of Leptodirini) (Coleoptera, Leiodidae) with special reference to the hypogeal records

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    Nitzu, Eugen (2013): The Cholevinae of Romania (exclusive of Leptodirini) (Coleoptera, Leiodidae) with special reference to the hypogeal records. Zootaxa 3620 (3): 351-378, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3620.3.

    Eco-faunistic study on the invertebrate fauna (Araneae, Collembola and Coleoptera) from the VñrghiƟ Gorge Natural Reserve (Eastern Carpathians, Romania), with special note on the micro-refugial role of the subterranean habitats

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    Les auteurs prĂ©sentent les rĂ©sultats des recherches effectuĂ©es sur la faune de araneae, collembolesĂ©s et colĂ©optĂšres Ă©daphiques et souterrains de la rĂ©gion karstique de VĂąrghiƟ (Carpates Orientales, Roumanie). Ces rĂ©sultats sont concrĂ©tisĂ©s dans l’identification de 37 espĂšces des araneae, 27 de collemboles et 82 de colĂ©optĂšres (rĂ©coltĂ©s du sol, milieu ripique, souterrain superficiel et cavernes) parmi lesquels, 3 sont pour la premiĂšre fois signalĂ©s en Roumanie. À la liste de la faune on ajoute des donnĂ©es concernant la chorologie et les biotopes dans lesquels ont Ă©tĂ© signalĂ©es les espĂšces.The autors present the results of their researches on the soil and subterranean fauna of Araneae, Collembola and Coleoptera from the VĂąrghiƟ karst region (Meridional Crapathians, Roumania). As result, 37 species of Araneae, 27 Collembola and 82 Coleoptera (sampled from the soil, riparian habitat, subterranean superficial environment and caves) were identified. Among them, 3 species are for the first time recorded in the Roumanian fauna. The faunal list is completed with chorological and ecological data

    Faunal researches on the invertebrates (Coleoptera, Orthoptera, Collembola and Araneae) in the Rodnei Mountains Biosphere Rezerve

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    The faunal lists of cave, epigaeic and soil species of Araneae (73 species), Collembola (61 species), Orthoptera (35 epigaeic species) and Coleoptera (127 species) collected in the years 2005 and 2006 from the Rodnei Mountains Biosphere Reserve are presented. Among these, eight species: Rugathodes bellicosus (Araneae, Theridiidae), Glyphesis servulus (Araneae, Linyphiidae), Incestophantes frigidus (Araneae, Linyphiidae), Gnaphosa badia (Araneae, Gnaphosidae), Eusphalerum pallens (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae), Cryptophagus corticinus (Coleoptera, Cryptophagidae), Otiorrhynchus scaber (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) Thamnurgus varipes (Coleoptera, Scolytidae), are for the first time recorded for the Romanian fauna. The presence of other species in the Romanian fauna is confirmed and new data on the local distribution of some rare or protected species are given. For the Pietrosul Mare Scientific Reserve (the core area of the Biosphere Reserve) quantitative and qualitative samplings from all altitudinal biotic zones, were carried out with the aim to observe the altitudinal gradient in the faunal structure. A brief zoogeographic analysis is presente

    Invertebrate communities from the mesovoid shallow substratum of the Carpatho-Euxinic area

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    Between 1998 and 2008, the authors have analyzed from a faunistic and zoogeographic point of view, 5 sites with different types of mesovoid shallow subtratum (MSS) from the karst areas of Dobrogea and the Carpathians. These sites are: the cleitric MSS from the Movile area (South Dobrogea) – from the karst of Dobrogea and the nude and covered colluvial MSS from the VñrghiƟului Gorges (600 – 660 m.), the colluvial and cleitric MSS from the Motru Basin (370 – 407 m.), the nude (Marele GrohotiƟ – 1650 m.) and covered colluvial (Valea Seacă – 1000m.) MSS from Piatra Craiului – from the karst areas of the Carpathians.On the whole, the authors have identified 265 invertebrate species frequently found in the various MSS types (19 species of Isopoda, 13 species of Diplopoda, 71 species of Collembola, 38 of Araneae and 124 species of Coleoptera), all presented in a comparative way. Among them, 25 species are endemic for the Carpatho-Euxinic space. The specific diversity, the degree of endemicity, the preferential and characteristic species are highlighted. The role of the MSS from the analyzed sites in the edaphic – subterranean transfer at a faunal level and in the conservation of the local populations is discussed