780 research outputs found

    Risk Analysis of the Romanian Banking System – an Aggregated Balance Sheet Approach

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    The paper presents a risk analysis for the current Romanian banking system. The analysis is conducted from the point of view of prudential rules and also from the point of view of Romanian banking system’s exposure to foreign funds, considering the consequences of these features, concerning the soundness and reliability of the banking system. The analysis found a manageable risk level, apparently, although during 2009 and 2010 the expansion of risk indicators was accelerated, but finally, in the late 2010, there are some signs of stabilization. The exposure of Romanian banking system to foreign funds was another important risk source. The exposure to foreign funds had an important decrease during 2009, but in 2010 it seems to stabilize.prudential rules, exposure, Basel accords, capital adequacy, Romanian banking system

    Risk Analysis of the Romanian Banking System – an Aggregated Balance Sheet Approach

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    The paper presents a risk analysis for the current Romanian banking system. The analysis is conducted from the point of view of prudential rules and also from the point of view of Romanian banking system’s exposure to foreign funds, considering the consequences of these features, concerning the soundness and reliability of the banking system. The analysis found a manageable risk level, apparently, although during 2009 and 2010 the expansion of risk indicators was accelerated, but finally, in the late 2010, there are some signs of stabilization. The exposure of Romanian banking system to foreign funds was another important risk source. The exposure to foreign funds had an important decrease during 2009, but in 2010 it seems to stabilize

    Angiogenesis of atherosclerotic plaques in patients with metabolic syndrome

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    Department of Pathological Anatomy, State University of Medicine and Pharmacy "N. Testemitanu”, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, The Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy, The Angiogenesis Research Center, Timisoara, RomaniaIntroduction: Numerous studies have demonstrated that endothelial damage is a precursory symptom o f atherosclerosis, which leads to an increase o f vascular permeability, activation o f mast cells and migration o f leukocytes, lymphocytes, macrophages, adhesion o f platelets, proliferation o f vascular smooth muscle cells and eventual vasospasm and pro-inflammatory condition. All o f the above listed components can be rightf-ully considered active pathogenetic participants in atherosclerosis and a result o f aggregation o f all risk factors that accompany a wide variety o f cardiovascular diseases, such as coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, etc. The influx of monocytes and mast cells during the early stages of atherosclerosis leads to the most pronounced manifestations of vascular inflammation, especially in patients with metabolic disorders. Angiogenesis is a very important pathogenetic element of atherosclerosis in stages of complicated plaques, along with mast cells and macrophages. CD -105 is a sensitive marker of newly formed endothelial cells, an effective index of activation and proliferation of microvessels, not only in aggressive forms of cancer, but also in atherosclerotic plaques of the affected vessels. The plaque neovascularization process often begins in intima, progresses and leads to further destabilization of atherosclerotic plaques (intramural hemorrhage, ruptures etc.). Also, anti-MCT (mast cell tryptase) and CD-68 demonstrate clearly the important pathogenetic stages and patterns of atherosclerosis development and its complications in patients with metabolic disorders. Purpose and Objectives: In our study, we analyzed the histotopographic distribution of newly formed blood vessels as a feature of angiogenesis, the extent of mast cell degranulation, the expression of macrophages in different types of plaques, as well as various arterial vessels in patients with atherosclerosis and metabolic syndrome, complicated by atherosclerosis. We have tried to analyze the importance of mast cells and macrophages, the patterns of development of atherosclerosis stages, along with diagnostic and prognostic features. Materials and Methods: The study included 34 patients, who died of atherosclerosis (no. =17) and atherosclerotic complications of metabolic syndrome (no. =17). Fragments of their cerebral (middle cerebral arteries), carotid, coronary arteries, aorta (thoracic and abdominal segments), renal, iliac and vertebral arteries were collected for research at autopsy. The fragments were processed using standard techniques. The type definition of plaques was based on morphological classification, as well as on macroscopic and histological images of hematoxylin-eosin stained sections and on histochemical methods - silver and orcein impregnation. To determine the expression of mast cells in the affected vessels, we have used anti-M CT immunohistochemical stain. Macrophages were identified using the CD-68 specific marker and the newly formed vessels - respectively, by using C D -105 (Endoglin), which is specific. Results and conclusion: The evaluation of the results was based on determining the density and intensity of the final reaction, reflected in the quantitative ratio of different zones of atheromatous plaques. Positively stained mast cells, macrophages and newly formed vessels were found in many types of atherosclerotic plaques, especially in adventitia and in the immediate vicinity of plaques and in subendothelial layers. We found a statistical correlation between the plaque type and clinical data. The immunohistochemical method is effective for determining mast cells, macrophages, and newly formed vessels of atherosclerotic plaques, directly reflecting many important pathogenetic elements of atherogenesis in patients with metabolic syndrome. C D -105 is a valuable marker of angiogenesis o f atherosclerotic plaques, intimal arteries and adventitial vessels, an indicator of the degree of variation in the pathological development of atherosclerosis - the factors that may be important in introducing modem methods of research, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of these diseases

    Лечение ахалазии кардиа эндоскопическим интрасфинктерианным инъекцией ботулотоксина

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    Rezumat. Achalazia cardiei este o disfuncţie primară de motilitate a esofagului de etiologie necunoscută. Opţiunile terapeutice în achalazia cardiei vizează scăderea presiunii sfincterului esofagian inferior (SEI), îmbunătăţirea evacuării din esofag, şi cel mai important, ameliorarea simptomatologiei. Toxina botulinică (TXB) reprezintă o neurotoxină puternică, care duce la paralizia SEI, oferind astfel răspuns simptomatic pozitiv la pacienţii cu achalazia cardiei. Au fost examinaţi şi trataţi cu toxină botulinică șase pacienţi cu achalazie recent stabilită. Au fost injectate 100 unităţi de TXB imediat deasupra joncţiunii scuamocolumnare în 4 puncte. TXB a fost diluată cu soluţie fiziologică şi înjectată în echivalent a 25 de unităţi per injecţie. În perioada precoce, timp de 24-36 ore după înjectare, s-a constatat diminuarea scorului simptomatic la toţi pacienţii tratați. În 3 cazuri nu s-a remarcat recidiva simptomelor pe parcursul perioadei de supraveghere 4-13 luni. Un pacient a necesitat repetarea înjectării de TXB după o perioadă asimptomatică de 6 luni. Nu au fost înregistrate complicaţii majore. TXB reprezintă o modalitate de tratament sigură şi eficientă, care poate fi efectuată în condiţii de ambulator la pacienţii cu manifestări clinice ale achalaziei cardiei.Summary. Achalasia of the cardia is a primary motility dysfunction of the esophagus of unknown etiology. Therapeutic options in achalasia aim to decrease lower esophageal sphincter (LES) pressure, improve evacuation from the esophagus, and most importantly, improve symptoms. Botulinum toxin (TXB) is a potent neurotoxin that leads to LES paralysis, thus providing a positive symptomatic response to patients with achalasia of the cardia. Six patients with newly established achalasia were examined and treated with botulinum toxin. Totally, 100 units of botulinum toxin were injected immediately above the squamocolumnar junction in 4 points. TXB was diluted with saline and injected in the equivalent of 25 units per injection. In the early period, for 24-36 hours after the injection, a decrease in the symptomatic score was observed in all treated patients. In 5 cases, there was no recurrence of symptoms during the 4-13 month surveillance period. One patient required repeat TXB injections after 6 months of the asymptomatic period. No major complications were recorded. TXB represents a safe and efficient treatment modality, which can be performed in outpatient conditions in patients with clinical manifestations of achalasia of the cardia.Резюме. Ахалазия кардии представляет собой первичную двигательную дисфункцию пищевода неизвестной этиологии. Варианты лечения ахалазии направлены на снижение давления в нижнем пищеводном сфинктере (НПС) и улучшении эвакуации из пищевода. Ботулинический токсин (ТХВ) является сильнодействующим нейротоксином, который приводит к параличу НПС, тем самым обеспечивая положительный симптоматический ответ у пациентов с ахалазией кардии. Обследовано 6 пациентов с впервые выявленной ахалазией, которым проводилось лечение ботулотоксином. Всего было введено 100 ЕД ботулотоксина непосредственно над границей многослойного плоскоклеточного и цилиндрического эпителия в 4 точках. TXB разбавляли физиологическим раствором и вводили в количестве, эквивалентном 25 единицам на инъекцию. В ранние сроки, в течение 24-36 часов после инъекций, у всех пролеченных больных наблюдалось снижение выраженности симптомов ахалазии. В 5 случаях рецидива симптомов не было в течение периода наблюдения 4-13 месяцев. Одному пациенту потребовались повторные инъекции TXB через 6 месяцев бессимптомного периода. Серьезных осложнений не зарегистрировано. ТХБ представляет собой безопасный и эффективный метод лечения, который может быть выполнен в амбулаторных условиях у пациентов с клиническими проявлениями ахалазии кардии

    Invertebrate fauna (Coleoptera, Collembola, Diplopoda, Isopoda) collected in the karst areas of the Aninei - Locvei Mountains

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    The authors identified 132 species of invertebrates (14 Oniscidea, 25 Diplopoda,31 Collembola and 62 Coleoptera) recently sampled (2001–2006) from the soil and subterranean (MSS and caves) environments from the Banat Mountains. Some new,rare and endemic species are discussed. The seasonal changes of the species diversity in the superficial subterranean environments at 0.5 to 1 m in depth are for the first time presented for the Reşiţa – Moldova Nouă synclinorium. The characteristic and preferential species for the mesovoid shallow substratum (MSS), belonging to the analyzed taxa, are identified

    Sustainable land management in mining areas in Serbia and Romania

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    The paper analyzes the impacts of mining activities on sustainable land management in mining areas in the Republic of Serbia and Romania and discusses the main challenges related to the management of these issues in legislation and practice. Particular attention is paid to land disturbance, mine waste management and land reclamation, as well as access to land for mining purposes, the transfer of mining royalties and the partnerships of the mining industry, governments, communities and civil society for sustainable mining. Both governments are willing to provide the adequate role to mining in strengthening the national economies, but they face numerous constraints in this matter. Sustainable mining practices and consistent implementation of the mining for the closure planning approach, within an improved legislative framework and in cooperation with stakeholders at all levels, create conditions for the development of creative, profitable, environmentally-sound and socially-responsible management and reuse of mine lands

    Brain hemorrhage as a lethal complication of varicella

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    I Conferință națională a experților judiciari din Republica Moldova consacrată noului statut al expertului judiciar, 3 martie 2017, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, Catedra Medicină legală a USMF ”Nicolae Testemițanu, Centrul de Medicină Legală, Chișinău, Republica MoldovaA case brain hemorrhage as a rare lethal complication of varicella is presented. Authors consider that the most probable explanation of hemorrhagic syndrome apparition is association with thyroid cancer and cytostatic medicines administration

    Actualităţi în tratamentul trombemboliilor pulmonare

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    TEAP este o patologie cunoscută şi are un risc mare de letalitate. Diagnosticarea TEAP rămâne dificilă din cauza stării grave a pacientului şi a polimorfi smului simptomelor clinice. Majoritatea pacienţilor cu TEAP masivă decedează în primele ore de la debutul patologiei. O treime din pacienţi, care au supravieţuit după primul acces, dar n-au continuat tratamentul profi lactic, decedează în urma recidivelor de trombembolie. În ultimele decenii a fost primită o concepţie importantă că TEAP nu este o maladie, dar este o complicaţie a trombozei venelor profunde. Practic, fi ecare medic întâlneşte în practica sa pacienţi, care sunt supuşi riscului de TEAP. Este important ca medicul să fi e precaut, să cunoască simptomele clinice şi factorii de risc în procesul dezvoltării trombemboliei

    Percutaneous treatment of cervical and lumbar disc herniations

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    Scopul lucrării. Determinarea eficacității tratamentul herniilor cervicale și lombare cu etanol radioopac gelificat. Materiale și metode. Un lot de 83 (cu vîrsta cuprinsă între 18 și 73 ani) de pacienți au fost incluși în acest studiu și s-au tratat de hernie de disc intervertebral în regiunea lombară și cervicală cu etanol radioopac gelificat. Am evaluat nivelurile de durere pentru fiecare pacient în timpul procedurii în sine și apoi, după 3-4 și 8 săptămâni, 4 - 24 de luni după proceduri. Rezultate. Intensitatea de durere imediat după intervenție a fost semnificativ mai mică decât înainte de procedură. Nu au existat complicații. La două luni după administrarea procedurii, nivelul durerii inițiale a scăzut cu o medie de 84%.Rezultate foarte bune sau bune s-au obținut în 47 (83,9%), satisfăcătoare - în 7(12,5%) cazuri și rele în 2(3,6%) cazuri. Doar 2 cazuri cu un rezultat rău la nivel lombar au dus la o necesitatea de a interveni chirurgical. Concluzii. Studiul prezentat arată eficacitatea și inocuitatea acestei metode. Mai ales, ea a demonstrat absența complicațiilor și recidive pe termenul monitorizării pentru mai mult de 10 ani pentru primele cazuri. Noi considerăm această metodă ca un tratament conservator ultima etapă. Este necesară o selecție strictă și precisă a pacienților pentru procedura, pentru a evita un rezultat rău.Aim of study. Determinate the safety and efficacy of gelified ethanol in the percutaneous treatment of cervical and lumbar disc herniations. Materials and methods. A total of 83 (were aged between 18 and 73 years) patients were included in this study and treated with radio opaque gelified ethanol and intraarticular steroids of a lumbar and cervical intervertebral disk hernia. We evaluated each patient’s pain levels during the procedure itself and then after 3-4 and 8 weeks, and 4- 24 months after the procedure. Results. Pain levels immediately after the procedure were markedly lower than before the procedure. There were no complications. Two months after procedure administration, the initial pain level had fallen by an average of 84 %. Very good or good results were obtained in 47 (83,9%), fair — in 7(12,5%) cases and bad in 2(3,6%) cases. Only 2 cases with a bad outcome at lumbar level went to surgery. Conclusions. This study shows the efficacy and inequity of this substance. More especially, it demonstrated the absence of complications and recidivates in the immediate and long-term follow-up for more than 10 years for the first cases. Percutaneous disk interventions are an alternative therapy situated between medical treatment and spinal surgery. Exact, strict selection of patients for the procedure will allow to avoid the unsuccessful result of treatment