12 research outputs found
Estimating LOCP cancer mortality rates in small domains in Spain using its relationship with lung cancer
The distribution of lip, oral cavity, and pharynx (LOCP) cancer mortality rates in small domains (defined as the combination of province, age group, and gender) remains unknown in Spain. As many of the LOCP risk factors are preventable, specific prevention programmes could be implemented but this requires a clear specification of the target population. This paper provides an in-depth description of LOCP mortality rates by province, age group and gender, giving a complete overview of the disease. This study also presents a methodological challenge. As the number of LOCP cancer cases in small domains (province, age groups and gender) is scarce, univariate spatial models do not provide reliable results or are even impossible to fit. In view of the close link between LOCP and lung cancer, we consider analyzing them jointly by using shared component models. These models allow information-borrowing among diseases, ultimately providing the analysis of cancer sites with few cases at a very disaggregated level. Results show that males have higher mortality rates than females and these rates increase with age. Regions located in the north of Spain show the highest LOCP cancer mortality rates.The work was supported by Project MTM2017-82553-R (AEI, UE), Project PID2020-113125RB-I00/MCIN/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and Proyecto Jóvenes Investigadores PJUPNA2018-11
Age- and sex-specific spatio-temporal patterns of colorectal cancer mortality in Spain (1975-2008)
Incluye 2 ficheros de datosIn this paper, space-time patterns of colorectal cancer (CRC) mortality risks are studied by sex and age group (50-69, ≥70) in Spanish provinces during the period 1975-2008. Space-time conditional autoregressive models are used to perform the statistical analyses. A pronounced increase in mortality risk has been observed in males for both age-groups. For males between 50 and 69 years of age, trends seem to stabilize from 2001 onward. In females, trends reflect a more stable pattern during the period in both age groups. However, for the 50-69 years group, risks take an upward trend in the period 2006-2008 after the slight decline observed in the second half of the period. This study offers interesting information regarding CRC mortality distribution among different Spanish provinces that could be used to improve prevention policies and resource allocation in different regions.This research has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (project MTM 2011-22664, which is co-funded by FEDER)
Incidence rate trends for colorectal cancer in Navarre (North of Spain) in the 1990-2005 period
Fundamento. En España, se ha observado un aumento
de la incidencia de cáncer colorrectal (CCR) en ambos
sexos en los últimos años, posiblemente debido a las
mejoras diagnósticas, a la occidentalización de la dieta
y al empeoramiento de los niveles de obesidad entre
otros. En este trabajo se han estudiado las tendencias de
la incidencia de CCR en las diferentes áreas de salud de
Navarra (norte de España) durante el período 1990-2005.
Métodos. Para cada sexo y área, se obtuvieron las
tendencias de las tasas de incidencia y los correspondientes
intervalos de confianza mediante modelos de
Resultados. Se observa una tendencia creciente de la
incidencia de CCR en la mayoría de las áreas para ambos
sexos, siendo menos pronunciada en las mujeres
que en los hombres. En la zona centro de Pamplona (la
capital) se observa una tendencia decreciente para los
hombres durante el período estudiado.
Conclusiones. Para cambiar las tendencias crecientes
observadas en la mayoría de las áreas de la provincia, la
prevención primaria es la mejor estrategia. Sin embargo,
adquirir estilos de vida saludables tiene resultados a largo
plazo por lo que un programa de detección temprana
serviría como estrategia de prevención a más corto plazo.Background. In Spain, an increase in the incidence of colorectal cancer (CRC) has been observed in both sexes in recent years, probably due to an improved diagnostic, the westernization of dietary habits, and worse obesity levels, among others factors. In this work, CRC incidence rate trends in different health areas in Navarre (northern Spain) are studied during the 1990-2005 period. Methods. An estimated incidence trend curve for each health area and the corresponding confidence bands were obtained for each gender using P-spline models. Results. These results show an increasing trend of CRC in most of the areas in both sexes, being less pronounced in women than in men. In the central area of Pamplona (the capital city) a decreasing trend has been observed for men during the studied period. Conclusions. Primary prevention is the best strategy to change the increasing trend observed in most areas of the province of Navarre. However, a healthy lifestyle has long-term results, so it is important to have an early detection program that would serve as a short-term prevention strategy.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Proyecto MTM2008-
03085 y MTM2011-22664) y por el CIBER de Epidemiología
y Salud Pública (CIBERESP)