6 research outputs found

    Experience of Research Undertaking among Women Academia at Addis Ababa University: a Qualitative Study

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    AbstractBackground: As a pioneer University in the Country, Addis Ababa University engages itself in collaborative and local research undertakings along with teaching, community engagements and technology transfer. Despite its long engagement in research, the participation of women academia in research is limited as manifested by their low research productivity in terms of publication in peer-reviewed scientific journals. However, the reasons for their low research participation are less known and needs further exploration. Objective: To explore the experience of research undertakings among women academia at Addis Ababa University. Method: We conducted an exploratory qualitative study using a phenomenological approach among women academia. Eight women who have been working in the University with a rank of a lecturer having at least two years participated in in-depth interviews. We used NVivo10 software to code and categorize the transcripts. Result: Our study revealed that only a few senior informants with more than 10 years of stay at the University had a better experience in applying for national and international research grants. Although all the participants said they had ever undertaken research, their publication track in peer-reviewed journals is limited. Social and economic factors, lack of networking, low salary and family responsibility, limited internet and library access, and lack of research skill among young faculty were raised as impediments to undertake research. Conclusion: This study has indicated that women in academia had limited research engagement in terms of grant application and publication in peer reviewed scientific journals. Balancing work and family life, low salary, lack of access to common University facilities were some of the challenges. While structural change ensures gender equality at a long time, addressing the gender gap in research is the responsibility of AAU. [Ethiop. J. Health Dev. 2021; 35(SI-2):22-29]Keywords: Addis Ababa University, experience of research, women in academi

    Female Academic Career Development and Administrative Positions at Addis Ababa University: a Mixed-Method Study

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    AbstractBackground: In Ethiopia, the number of female in academia in general and in administrative positions and higher university ranks in specific is very small as compared to men. A slight change has been seen in recent years, where a few women have come to male-dominated administrative positions as university presidents, vice presidents, deans and directors with still insignificant increase in the number of full professors. Objective: This study assessed female faculty member's career development and involvement in administrative positions and explored challenges. Method: We used a sequential mixed-method study starting with a cross-sectional quantitative study among 888 faculty members. The quantitate data were analysed using descriptive statistics and regression models to identify independent predictors of administrative involvement using SPSS version 25 software. An exploratory qualitative study was done among eight purposively selected female faculty. NVivo10 data management software was used to code and categorize the transcripts. Result: We found that male faculty members were more likely to involve in administrative positions than their female counterparts [AOR (95%CI) 1.6(1.1, 2.4)]. Those who were provided housing facility by AAU [AOR (95%CI) 2.29 (1.61, 3.23)] and assistant professors and above [AOR (95%CI) 1.495 (1.01, 2.220)] were more likely to involve in an administrative position than their counterparts. The qualitative findings indicated that the low salary faculty earns, lack of networks and family responsibility have deterred females from taking administrative positions. Conclusion: Female faculty involvement in the university administrative position and career development is very low. Both structural and personal factors such as gender roles affected their professional enhancement in academic ranks and hence positions. Creating a conducive platform for female faculty development is recommended to increase their involvement in administrative positions. [Ethiop. J. Health Dev. 2021; 35(SI-2):30-39]Keywords: Addis Ababa University, administrative positions, career development, female academician, female facult

    Gender Difference in Research Productivity and its Associated factors in Addis Ababa University: a Cross-Sectional study

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    AbstractBackground: Gender equity movements have increased the number of women going to higher institutions. However, the number of women participating in research is limited in creating a critical mass. Objective: To assess the gender gap in research and its associated factors determinants among faculty at Addis Ababa University. Method: We conducted a cross-sectional study from October 2018 to March 2019 using a structured self-administered questionnaire. University faculty who was lecturers and above level who served the University for more than a year were invited to participate in the study. Faculty were approached by data collection facilitators with graduate degrees and the secretory of the respective departments. We used descriptive and multivariate statistical methods to analyse the data. Result: Of the 888 study participants, 161 (18.1%) females faculty participated in the study. It was found that three hundred ninety-seven male academics (54.6%) and 50 female academics (31.1%) had ever published articles in peer-reviewed journals (p<0.001). Male faculty were more likely to publish in peer-reviewed journals than their female counterparts [AOR and (95% CI) [2.55 (1.68, 3.86)]. Faculty with a rank of assistant professors and above [AOR (95% CI) 3.47(2.31, 5.21)], those who have a Ph.D. as highest degree [AOR (95% CI) 2.98 (2.11, 4.19) and those who have affiliation with other institutions [AOR (95% CI) 2.59 (1.98, 3.56)], were more likely to publish in peer-reviewed journals than their counterparts. Conclusion: Female faculty were less likely to be involved in research than men counterparts. The University needs to narrow the gender gap in research by designing and implementing an appropriate intervention strategy. [Ethiop. J. Health Dev. 2021; 35(SI-2):15-21]Keywords: Addis Ababa University, female faculty, gender difference, publication, researc

    The role of health education on cervical cancer screening uptake at selected health centers in Addis Ababa.

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    IntroductionCervical cancer is one of the most common causes of morbidity and mortality among women in developing countries including Ethiopia. Unlike other types of cancers, the grave outcomes of cervical cancer could be prevented if detected at its early stage. However, in Ethiopia, awareness about the disease and the availability of screening and treatment services is limited. This study aims to determine the role of health education on cervical cancer screening uptake in selected health facilities in Addis Ababa.MethodsTwo-pronged clustered randomized controlled trial was conducted in 2018 at eight public health centers that provide cervical cancer screening services using visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Each of the eight health centers were randomly assigned to serve as either an intervention or a control center. A two-pronged clustered randomized controlled trial was conducted in eight public health care centers. All the selected facilities provided cervical cancer screening services using visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA). Four health centers were randomly assigned to the intervention and control arms. The study participants were women aged 30-49 years who sought care at maternal and child health clinics but who had never been screened for cervical cancer. In the intervention health centers, all eligible women received one-to-one health education and educational brochures about cervical cancer and cervical cancer screening. In the control health centers, participants received standard care. Baseline data were collected at recruitment and follow-up data were collected two months after the baseline. For the follow-up data collection, participants (both in the intervention and control arms) were interviewed over the phone to check whether they were screened for cervical cancer.ResultFrom the 2,140 women who participated in the study, 215 (10%) screened for cervical cancer, where 152(71%) were from the intervention health centers. Seventy-four percent of these participants reported that they learned about the benefits of screening from the one-to-one health education or the brochure. Women from the intervention health centers had higher odds of getting screened (AOR = 2.43,95%CI;1.58-2.90) than the controls. Women with the educational status of the first degree and those who have a history of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) had higher odds of getting screened (AOR = 2.03,95%CI;(1.15-2.58) and (AOR = 1.55,95%CI;1.01-2.36), respectively.Conclusion and recommendationProviding focused health education supported by printed educational materials increased the uptake of cervical cancer screening services. Integrating one-to-one health education and providing a take-home educational material into the existing maternal and child health services can help increase cervical cancer screening uptake

    Injury-related gaining momentum as external causes of deaths in Ethiopian health and demographic surveillance sites: evidence from verbal autopsy study

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    Background: In Ethiopia, though all kinds of mortality due to external causes are an important component of overall mortality often not counted or documented on an individual basis. Objective: The aim of this study was to describe the patterns of mortality from external causes using verbal autopsy (VA) method at the Ethiopian HDSS Network sites. Methods: All deaths at Ethiopian HDSS sites were routinely registered and followed up with VA interviews. The VA forms comprised deaths up to 28 days, between four weeks and 14 years and 15 years and above. The cause of a death was ascertained based on an interview with next of families or other caregivers using a standardized questionnaire that draws information on signs, symptoms, medical history and circumstances preceding death after 45 days mourning period. Two physician assigned probable causes of death as underlying, immediate and contributing factors independently using information in VA forms based on the WHO ICD-10 and VA code system. Disagreed cases sent to third physician for independent review and diagnosis. The final cause of death considered when two of the three physicians assigned underlying cause of death; otherwise, labeled as undetermined. Results: In the period from 2009 to 2013, a total of 9719 deaths were registered. Of the total deaths, 623 (6.4%) were from external causes. Of these, accidental drowning and submersion, 136 (21.8%), accidental fall, 113 (18.1%) and transport-related accidents, 112 (18.0%) were the topmost three leading external causes of deaths. About 436 (70.0%) of deaths were from the age group above 15 years old. Drowning and submersion and transport-related accidents were high in age group between 5 and 14 years old. Conclusion: In this study, external causes of death are significant public health problems and require attention as one of prior health agenda