29 research outputs found

    Perceptual processing strategy and exposure influence the perception of odor mixtures

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    In flavor perception, both experience with the components of odor/taste mixtures and the cognitive strategy used to examine the interactions between the components influence the overall mixture perception. However, the effect of these factors on odor mixtures perception has never been studied. The present study aimed at evaluating whether 1) previous exposure to the odorants included in a mixture or 2) the synthetic or analytic strategy engaged during odorants mixture evaluation determines odor representation. Blending mixtures, in which subjects perceived a unique quality distinct from those of components, were chosen in order to induce a priori synthetic perception. In the first part, we checked whether the chosen mixtures presented blending properties for our subjects. In the second part, 3 groups of participants were either exposed to the odorants contributing to blending mixtures with a "pineapple" or a "red cordial" odor or nonexposed. In a following task, half of each group was assigned to a synthetic or an analytical task. The synthetic task consisted of rating how typical (i.e., representative) of the target odor name (pineapple or red cordial) were the mixtures and each of their components. The analytical task consisted of evaluating these stimuli on several scales labeled with the target odor name and odor descriptors of the components. Previous exposure to mixture components was found to decrease mixture typicality but only for the pineapple blending mixture. Likewise, subjects engaged in an analytical task rated both blending mixtures as less typical than did subjects engaged in a synthetic task. This study supports a conclusion that odor mixtures can be perceived either analytically or synthetically according to the cognitive strategy engaged

    Les arĂ´mes Produits chimiques ou naturels ?

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    Mise au point sur les techniques d'extraction et de séparation des constituants volatils du vin

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    Les différentes techniques d'extraction et de séparation des constituants de l'arôme des vins sont décrites et leurs avantages, inconvénients et domaines d'application mis en évidence. Les techniques d'extraction mettant en jeu un solvant en phase liquide ou supercritique, une distillation ou une concentration de l'espace de tête sont successivement étudiées. En ce qui concerne les séparations des constituants des extraits, l'accent est mis sur le type de phases à utiliser en CPV et sur les techniques de préfractionnement des extraits aromatiques par HPLC et chromatographie en deux dimensions. La difficulté d'obtenir un extrait olfactivement représentatif de l'arôme du vin est mis en évidence par l'analyse sensorielle. +++ The different extraction and separation techniques used for studying volatile wine constituents are described with their advantages, disadvantages and specificity of application. Different extraction techniques involving a solvent in the liquid or supercritical phase, a distillation step or a concentration of the head-space are successively reviewed. Concerning separation of volatile constituents, some emphasis was given to the type of GC phase which an the most suitable and to different HPLC or two dimensional GC techniques which can be used to get more simple fractions from the crude extract. The author outlines from result of sensory analysis the importance and difficulty to obtain an extract the odour of which is similar to that of the wine


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    DIJON-BU Sciences Economie (212312102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Etude psychophysique qualitative et quantitative des mélanges d'odeurs

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    L'objectif de ce travail de thèse est d'étudier, à des niveaux de concentrations supraliminaires et préliminaires, les interactions perceptives qualitatives et quantitatives dans des mélanges binaires d'odorant, constitués d'un composé boisé et d'un composé fruité. Aux niveaux étudiés, du point de vue quantitatif, notre étude a démontré des effets d'hyppo-addition, d'hyper-addition, de synergie et de suppression. L'étude de la qualité perçue, menée en parallèle et suivie d'une modélisation statistique des réponses individuelles, a montré l'existence d'une dominance qualitative des notes boisées sur les notes fruitées. Nous avons démontré que les interactions perceptives olfactives induites par des mélanges de composés odorants dépendent des proportions d'intensité des notes dans le mélange, mais aussi de la nature, des proportions et des niveaux d'intensité de leurs notes odorantes. De plus, certains composés non perçus isolément hors mélange peuvent avoir un impact déterminant sur la perception du mélange.DIJON-BU Sciences Economie (212312102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Le bouquet du vin : une intégration complexe des perceptions au nez et en bouche

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    Le bouquet du vin : une intégration complexe des perceptions au nez et en bouche. VINELINK international: avancées en perception sensorielle du vi

    The flavour components of mirabelle plums. Examination of the aroma constituents of fresh fruits: Variation of headspace composition induced by deep-freezing and thawing

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    The flavour components of mirabelle plums. Examination of the aroma constituents of fresh fruits: Variation of headspace composition induced by deep-freezing and thawin

    Flavor: from food to behaviors, wellbeing and health

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    RevueAndrée Voilley and Patrick Etiévant published a book entitled “Flavour in Food” in 2006. Since then, few progress was made in the field of flavor and taste constituents and of their interactions in various food matrices during the production process, the storage or the maturation of food and finally during eating.When our Publisher asked us an update for this edition, we thought that it was not the best thing to do, but that we should take advantage of this offer to publish a sort of follow-up of this first edition.In the last 10 years, it was obvious that large research efforts were made to understand how odor components stimulate the numerous receptors discovered in the early 1990s by Buck and Axel, and the same also happened for taste compounds and their receptors. Due to this knowledge, different teams focused their interest on the integration of the multiple nervous signals thus generated in different specific parts of the brain, beginning from peripherical structures to more central areas. More recently, scientific experts began to uncover the complex relations between odor and taste stimulations and physiological regulation associated with energy homeostasis.These authors therefore bring us new clues to understand better how the sensory image is formed in our brain, how it is stored and how it is then used in the elaboration and modulation of our eating choices and habits.We therefore decided to propose this book entitled “Flavor: From Food to Behaviors, Wellbeing and Health,” as a follow up of the previous one, and asked Elisabeth Guichard and Christian Salles to join us in the editorial team. Our first objective was to clarify the progress made in the release of flavor and taste compounds in the mouth during mastication and ingestion. This part aimed at making a link with the first edition, with a focus on the recent investigations in the field. The second was to make a synthesis of the scattered and recent knowledge acquired on the nervous odor and taste signals arising from interactions with receptors expressed in the nasal and oral cavity, and coded in the olfactory bulb and primary taste cortex.In order to answer questions related to the real world, we made a particular emphasis of the complex processing of the multiple signals sent mainly by the olfactory epithelium, the taste buds, and the trigeminal nerve, mainly into amygdala and orbitofrontal cortex, and in other parts of our brain.Beyond these interactions, we also wanted to clarify the potential use of this type of knowledge in food selling, the so-called neuro-marketing.We decided to dedicate an important part of this book on scientific elements enabling us to understand how taste and odors can interfere in the regulation of physiological signals regulating food intake. Since the physiological status of subjects may impact this regulation, a special point had to be made on taste perception in obese people and people subject to metabolic and neurodegenerative diseases, as well as cancer.Finally, we wanted to make a specific point on sensory learning related to our first feeding experiences in life.The importance for industries to simulate and predict the sensory perception in flavor and food formulation imposed us to develop specifically this aspect when it was pertinent and useful.Thanks again to the authors of the different chapters for their fantastic job and for the constructive exchanges we had to adjust their different inputs, thus avoiding redundancies. We learned a lot reading their manuscripts, discovering recent knowledge, and understanding better complex theories. We are for that confident that you will also on your turn appreciate the reading of this book

    Oral consistency and simple rheological measurement of strawberry jams

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    Six series of strawberry jam samples at different Brix values, with different types of pectins or different sugars were prepared and analyzed. Rheological tests were carried out and the obtained flow curves were modelized with the Herschel-Bulkley model. Apparent viscosity was calculated at 5 different shear rate values. At the same time, the samples were evaluated by a panel of a 18 selected and trained subjects. They were asked to rate the oral consistency using an unstructured scale. The effect of the characteristics of the pectin on the consistency of the jam was observed. Our results show that, for a same pectin concentration, viscosity and oral consistency decrease with Brix value, with demethylation and with molecular weight. Relationships between sensory and rheological data were studied. It was shown that the logarithm of apparent viscosity for a shear rate of 50 s-1 is significantly correlated with the oral consistency. This result shows that an easy and quick rheological measurement can give a precise information of the oral consistency of the product.Six séries d'échantillons de confitures de fraises préparées à différents degrés Brix, avec différents types de pectine ou différents sucres ont été étudiées. Des tests rhéologiques ont été réalisés. La viscosité apparente (η) a été calculée pour cinq vitesses de cisaillement (τ). Parallèlement, des analyses sensorielles ont été réalisées. L'influence des caractéristiques de la pectine sur la consistance des échantillons a été examinée