305 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Landry, Etien (Lewiston, Androscoggin County)

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    Evaluation de la flore et des stocks de carbone dans une foret privee a allany (Rubino - Cote d’Ivoire)

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    Les aires protégées constituent l’élément clé de toute stratégie de conservation de la biodiversité en Côte d’Ivoire. Les jardins botaniques, les banques de graines hors des aires protégées de conservation sont peu ou pas développés raison pour laquelle il faut encourager toutes les initiatives privées. Nos travaux avaient pour objectif d’évaluer la flore et les stocks de carbone de la forêt privée d’Allany (Souspréfecture de Rubino, Département d’Agboville, Côte d’Ivoire). Les méthodes de relevé de surface et des inventaires itinérants couplées aux mesures dondromètriques ont été adoptées lors de ces travaux dans quartoze parcelles dont quatre dans les jachères. La flore du domaine est de 328 espèces qui se répartiessent en 233 genres et 75 familles. Du point de vue de la compositionfloristique, cette forêt est riche en Fabaceae, en Apocynaceae, en Rubiaceae, en Malvaceae, en Annonaceae et en Moraceae. Le site renferme des espèces endémiques et des espèces à statuts particuliers. La flore est diversifiée avec une répartition équitable des espèces au sein des biotopes. Les 14 parcelles, échantillonnées, ont une biomasse de 370,89 tonnes et séquestrent 174,32 tonnesde carbone. Les connaissances acquises sur le domaine sont aujourd’hui suffisantes pour utiliser les graines, les jeunes plans des espèces forestières du site dans des programmes de plantation d’arbres dans la Région d’Agboville ou ailleurs en Côte d’Ivoire. La création et la gestion des aires protégées ont plusieurs avantages. Elles permettent de montrer comment équilibrer conservation dela nature et développement économique. Le domaine constitue aujourd’hui un laboratoire d’étude des écosystèmes et leur mode de fonctionnement dans un environnement protégé. Mots clés : Forêt privée, Diversité floristique, Stock de carbone, Allany (Rubino, Côte d’Ivoire) English title: Evaluation of flora and carbon stocks in a private forest in allany (Rubino- Cote d’Ivoire) Protected areas are the key element of any biodiversity conservation strategy in Côte d’Ivoire. Botanical gardens and seed banks outside protected conservation areas are poorly or not at all developed, which is why all private initiatives should be encouraged. The aim of our work was to assess the flora and carbon stocks of the private forest of Allany (Sub-prefecture of Rubino, Department ofAgboville, Côte d’Ivoire). Surface survey methods and itinerant inventories coupled with dondrometric measurements were adopted during this work in quartoze plots, four of which were fallowed. The estate’s flora consists of 328 species divided into 233 genera and 75 families. From the point of view of floristic composition, the forest is rich in Fabaceae, Apocynaceae, Rubiaceae, Malvaceae, Annonaceae and Moraceae. The site contains endemic species and species with special status. The flora is diversified with an equitable distribution of species within the biotopes. The 14 plots, sampled, have a biomass of 370.89 tons and sequester 174.32 tons of carbon. The knowledge acquired on the estate is now sufficient to use the seeds and young shoots of the site’s forest species in tree plantingprogrammes in the Agboville Region or elsewhere in Côte d’Ivoire. The creation and management of protected areas has several advantages. They show how to balance nature conservation and economic development. Today, the estate is a laboratory for studying ecosystems and how they function in a protected environment. Keywords: Private forest, Floristic diversity, Carbon stock, Allany (Rubino, Ivory Coast

    Les macrophytes aquatiques des berges lagunaires

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    This synthetic article describes the composition and organization of vegetations colonizing the Ebrié lagoon banks and provides original data on the recent evolution of this association consecutively to the accidental introduction of 2 new species of floating macrophytes (Salvinia molesta and Eichhornia crassipes)

    Geovisualization to support the exploration of large health and demographic survey data

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    BACKGROUND: Survey data are increasingly abundant from many international projects and national statistics. They are generally comprehensive and cover local, regional as well as national levels census in many domains including health, demography, human development, and economy. These surveys result in several hundred indicators. Geographical analysis of such large amount of data is often a difficult task and searching for patterns is particularly a difficult challenge. Geovisualization research is increasingly dealing with the exploration of patterns and relationships in such large datasets for understanding underlying geographical processes. One of the attempts has been to use Artificial Neural Networks as a technology especially useful in situations where the numbers are vast and the relationships are often unclear or even hidden. RESULTS: We investigate ways to integrate computational analysis based on a Self-Organizing Map neural network, with visual representations of derived structures and patterns in a framework for exploratory visualization to support visual data mining and knowledge discovery. The framework suggests ways to explore the general structure of the dataset in its multidimensional space in order to provide clues for further exploration of correlations and relationships. CONCLUSION: In this paper, the proposed framework is used to explore a demographic and health survey data. Several graphical representations (information spaces) are used to depict the general structure and clustering of the data and get insight about the relationships among the different variables. Detail exploration of correlations and relationships among the attributes is provided. Results of the analysis are also presented in maps and other graphics

    JSClassFinder: A Tool to Detect Class-like Structures in JavaScript

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    With the increasing usage of JavaScript in web applications, there is a great demand to write JavaScript code that is reliable and maintainable. To achieve these goals, classes can be emulated in the current JavaScript standard version. In this paper, we propose a reengineering tool to identify such class-like structures and to create an object-oriented model based on JavaScript source code. The tool has a parser that loads the AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) of a JavaScript application to model its structure. It is also integrated with the Moose platform to provide powerful visualization, e.g., UML diagram and Distribution Maps, and well-known metric values for software analysis. We also provide some examples with real JavaScript applications to evaluate the tool.Comment: VI Brazilian Conference on Software: Theory and Practice (Tools Track), p. 1-8, 201

    Phytotoxicité du glyphosate sur la Jacinthe d'eau (Eichhornia crassipes, Solms)

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    The toxicity of the herbicide glyphosate was tested on water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) samples cultivated in glass aquariums. The lowest dose (0.09 g.m-2) leads to an increasing plant growth rate. This growth rate decreases with intermediate doses (0.18 and 0.36 g.m-2), the consequence of which is to increase stolons (vegetative reproduction). On the other hand, the dose of 0.72 g.m-2 leads to a total and irreversible destruction of plants

    Towards a Unified Notation to Represent Model Transformation

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    In order to unify our internal exchange and communication about transformations, we propose TrML (Transformation Modeling Language), a unified UML notation to design model transformations. This proposal aims to reify the synthesis of existing notations dedicated to transformation modeling. TrML is independent from implementation details and could be adapted to several transformation engines. To let TrML run on top of existing engine, we transform TrML model to a model accepted by the engine. But, which language should we use for the first transformation? TrML, the targeted engine or another one? In this article we will describe how we bootstrap our new language on top of existing transformation engines

    On the customization of model management systems for file-centric IDEs

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    International audienceModel-based solutions are becoming more sophisticated because of the advent of new types of models, languages, and editors. To deal with this complexity, some of the current Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) offer Model Management Systems (MMSs) that provide functionalities to visualize, navigate, and search the modeling artifacts existing in a workspace. Each MMS defines the types of modeling artifacts that it supports and, commonly, furnish extensibility mechanisms for including new ones. However, the use of those mechanisms usually requires a big implementation effort. As a result, when an MMS does not support all the types of modeling artifacts that a model-driven engineer uses, he/she discards it and ends up manipulating his/her solution through file system views which is not appropriate when projects become larger. In this paper we present some of our preliminary results towards the construction of MoMS-DL, a domain-specific language to define (and automatically generate) customized Eclipse-based MMSs improv- ing the daily work of model-driven engineers

    Towards a Systematic Propagation of Evolution Requirements in IS Adaptation Projects

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    Information system adaptation is a type of system evolution that can be managed defining evolution requirements as a set of gaps with the current system. Today, most Requirements Engineering approaches for system evolution guide the modification of requirements, but very few tell how the required modifications can be elicited or even specified as such in a requirements document. This paper proposes an approach that facilitates the search and expression of evolution requirements. It advocates a business driven approach to align system adaptations to the objectives of the changing organisation. The approach is presented, then and illustrated it with an example
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