9 research outputs found

    Identification of 73 mH2A<sub>MET/EMT</sub> genes.

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    A. Diagrammatic representation of the rational followed for the identification of the 73 mH2AMET/EMT genes. B. Venn Diagram depicting the number and the identity of the commonly and differentially affected expression of the mH2AMET/EMT genes following individual mH2A KDs in MEFs (left panel) and ESCs (right panel). Each Venn diagram was constructed using the differentially expressed genes (DEGs) defined with p-adjusted2FC>0.58, or log2FCC. Heatmap depicting the expression levels (z-score) of the 73 mH2AMET/EMT genes in MEFs and ESCs (n = 2). D. Reconstruction of a mH2A-regulated gene network safeguarding the mesenchymal cell identity. The mH2A-regulated gene network in MEFs (MSCN) was reconstructed from 63 out of the 73 mH2AMET/EMT genes. The nodes were placed and grouped according to their known predominant subcellular localization (GO cellular component data) and molecular function (as annotated on the figure). Each connection (line) represents putative interactions and/or links between the indicated nodes. The expression trajectory of individual genes (nodes) during cellular reprogramming is depicted as a line within each node (Day 0, Day 3, Day 6, Day 9 and ESCs), according to our previous data [8] and publicly available data [32]. The border color of each node depicts the role assigned to this gene product in MET or EMT (orange: genes related exclusively, or mostly to EMT/mesenchymal phenotype, green: genes related exclusively, or mostly to MET/epithelial phenotype and grey: genes related to both EMT/mesenchymal and MET/epithelial phenotypes.</p

    ChIP-seq analysis revealing the mH2A1.1, mH2A1.2 and mH2A2 binding patterns in MEFs and ESCs. A.

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    Summary and Tornado plots depicting the binding of mH2A1.1 (left panels), mH2A1.2 (middle panels) and mH2A2 (right panels), in MEFs (upper panels) and ESCs (lower panels). Signal is normalized as log2FC (IP signal/Input signal) and peaks were defined using SICER2. B. Venn diagrams depicting the mH2A individual variant targets of the 73 mH2AMET/EMT genes in MEFs and ESCs. Targets were defined using the broad peaks derived from peak-calling analysis with SICER2 and peaks were annotated to genes with GREAT tool (±10 kb from the TSS). mH2A1.1 and mH2A2 have the most targets in MEFs, whereas in ESCs mH2A1.1 is the primary variant with direct binding at the 73 mH2AMET/EMT gene loci. C. Heatmaps depicting comparative ChIPseq analysis of mH2A1.1, mH2A1.2 and mH2A2 variants bound to the 73 mH2AMET/EMT genes in MEFs and ESCs as indicated. The average mH2A binding was calculated either at the -5kb regulatory region upstream from TSS or at the gene bodies after RPKM normalization. D. Intersection of the data presented in Fig 2B and S3C Fig. Genes with direct binding of a mH2A-bearing nucleosome are depicted in yellow and genes with no significant mH2A binding are depicted in black. (TIF)</p

    Distribution of mosquito trapping locations tested for filarial DNA in 60 PHM areas in Galle district.

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    <p>Molecular xenomonitoring results show trap locations with no mosquito pools positive for filarial DNA (coastal: green and inland: blue waypoints), and traps with one or more positive pools for filarial DNA are shown in red (in the coastal and inland EU areas).</p