2 research outputs found

    Geospatial Analysis of Alaskan Lakes Indicates Wetland Fraction and Surface Water Area Are Useful Predictors of Methane Ebullition

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    Arctic-boreal lakes emit methane (CH4), a powerful greenhouse gas. Recent studies suggest ebullition might be a dominant methane emission pathway in lakes but its drivers are poorly understood. Various predictors of lake methane ebullition have been proposed but are challenging to evaluate owing to different geographical characteristics, field locations, and sample densities. Here we compare large geospatial data sets of lake area, lake perimeter, permafrost, land cover, temperature, soil organic carbon content, depth, and greenness with remotely sensed methane ebullition estimates for 5,143 Alaskan lakes. We find that lake wetland fraction (LWF), a measure of lake wetland and littoral zone area, is a leading predictor of methane ebullition (adj. R2 = 0.211), followed by lake surface area (adj. R2 = 0.201). LWF is inversely correlated with lake area, thus higher wetland fraction in smaller lakes might explain a commonly cited inverse relationship between lake area and methane ebullition. Lake perimeter (adj. R2 = 0.176) and temperature (adj. R2 = 0.157) are moderate predictors of lake ebullition, and soil organic carbon content, permafrost, lake depth, and greenness are weak predictors. The low adjusted R2 values are typical and informative for methane attribution studies. Our leading model, which uses lake area, temperature, and LWF (adj. R2 = 0.325, n = 5,130) performs slightly better than leading multivariate models from similar studies. Our results suggest landscape-scale geospatial analyses can complement smaller field studies, for attributing Arctic-boreal lake methane emissions to readily available environmental variables.</p

    Peace-Athabasca Delta water surface elevations and slopes mapped from AirSWOT Ka-band InSAR

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    In late 2023 the Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) satellite mission will release unprecedented high-resolution measurements of water surface elevation (WSE) and water surface slope (WSS) globally. SWOT’s exciting Ka-band near-nadir wide-swath interferometric radar (InSAR) technology could transform studies of surface water hydrology, but remains highly experimental. We examine Airborne SWOT (AirSWOT) data acquired twice over Canada’s Peace-Athabasca Delta (PAD), a large, low-gradient, ecologically important riverine wetland complex. While noisy and susceptible to “dark water” (low-return) data losses, spatially averaged AirSWOT WSE observations reveal a broad-scale water-level decline of ~44 cmn (σ =271 cm) between 9 July and 13 August 2017, similar to a ~56 cm decline (σ=33 cm) recorded by four in situ gauging stations. River flow directions and WSS are correctly inferred following filtering and reach-averaging of AirSWOT data, but ~10 km reaches are essential to retrieve them. July AirSWOT observations suggest steeper WSS down an alternate flow course (Embarras River–Mamawi Creek distributary) of the Athabasca River, consistent with field surveys conducted the following year. This signifies potential for the Athabasca River to avulse northward into Mamawi Lake, with transformative impacts on flooding, sedimentation, ecology, and human activities in the PAD. Although AirSWOT differs from SWOT, we conclude SWOT Ka-band InSAR observations may detect water level changes and avulsion potentials in other low-gradient deltas globally.</p