5 research outputs found

    Characterization of matching in foster families

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    Foster care is a temporary family-based placement for children whose parents cannot take care of them. A good matching between the foster family and the child might improve the outcomes of this placement. This qualitative study explored the professional decision of matching a child with a non-kinship foster family in the child protection system. We conducted 17 semi-structured interviews with professionals working in foster care agencies in five regions of Chile. Applying the hierarchical content analysis, we identified five central constructs related to the case, the caregiver, the child, the organization, and the decision makers. We discussed the preponderance of criteria used by professionals in the process of matching, the relevant content found, and the implications of the findings for research, policy and practice, with a special focus on the implications for the Chilean child protection system

    Caracterizaci贸n Psicol贸gica de un Grupo de Delincuentes Sexuales Chilenos a trav茅s del Test de Rorschach Psychological Profile of Chilean Sexual Offenders through the Rorschach Inkblot Test

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    Es relevante profundizar en las motivaciones que determinan la conducta criminal e intentar una aproximaci贸n a la personalidad de quienes delinquen. As铆, este estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar la posible existencia de caracter铆sticas psicol贸gicas comunes en un grupo de delincuentes sexuales. Con este prop贸sito se utiliz贸 el Test de Rorschach y, como criterio de comparaci贸n, datos de individuos con comisi贸n de un delito de hurto y/o robo y datos estad铆sticos del Rorschach de referencia nacional. Se encontraron diferencias significativas con ambos grupos, lo que sugiere la existencia de un conjunto de caracter铆sticas psicol贸gicas en los delincuentes sexuales que les ser铆an propias y les distinguir铆an tanto del resto de la poblaci贸n como del resto de los delincuentes comunes.<br>It is relevant to deepen our understanding of the motivations of criminal behaviour and to try to understand such personalities. The objective of this study was to determine if there were underlying psychological characteristics common to sexual offenders. For this purpose, the Rorschach Inkblot test was used and, as comparative parameters, individuals with histories of theft and Chilean national Rorschach statistics. Significant differences were found in both groups, which suggest the existence of underlying common psychological traits in sexual offenders. These traits make them stand out from the general population and from other common delinquents

    Caracterizaci贸n del emparejamiento en familias de acogida

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    Foster care is a temporary family-based placement for children whose parents cannot take care of them. A good matching between the foster family and the child might improve the outcomes of this placement. This qualitative study explored the professional decision of matching a child with a non-kinship foster family in the child protection system. We conducted 17 semi-structured interviews with professionals working in foster care agencies in five regions of Chile. Applying the hierarchical content analysis, we identified five central constructs related to the case, the caregiver, the child, the organization, and the decision makers. We discussed the preponderance of criteria used by professionals in the process of matching, the relevant content found, and the implications of the findings for research, policy and practice, with a special focus on the implications for the Chilean child protection system

    Characterization of matching in foster families

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    Las familias de acogida son una alternativa de cuidado para ni帽as y ni帽os que han sido vulnerados en sus derechos y requieren ser protegidos por el estado. El proceso de colocaci贸n en una familia de acogida espec铆fica, denominado matching en ingl茅s y conocido como emparejamiento en pa铆ses de habla hispana como Chile o Espa帽a, permitir铆a mejorar las oportunidades de ese ni帽o o ni帽a para aprovechar las potencialidades de esta medida de protecci贸n. Esta investigaci贸n cualitativa explor贸 las caracter铆sticas del emparejamiento con familias de acogida externas en Chile, a trav茅s de 17 entrevistas semiestructuradas a profesionales de los programas de Familias de Acogida (FAE) en 5 regiones del pa铆s. Se utiliz贸 el an谩lisis de contenido jer谩rquico ponderado (P茅rez-Luco, 2005) que permiti贸 la identificaci贸n de 5 n煤cleos centrales de contenido relativos al caso, al cuidador, al ni帽o o ni帽a, a la organizaci贸n y al profesional que toma la decisi贸n. Se discute respecto de la preponderancia de los criterios utilizados por las y los profesionales en el emparejamiento, de los contenidos relevantes y las implicancias de esta investigaci贸n para el sistema proteccional chileno.Foster care is a temporary family-based placement for children whose parents cannot take care of them. A good matching between the foster family and the child might improve the outcomes of this placement. This qualitative study explored the professional decision of matching a child with a non-kinship foster family in the child protection system. We conducted 17 semi structured interviews with professionals working in foster care agencies in 5 regions of Chile. Applying the hierarchical content analysis (P茅rez-Luco, 2005), we identified 5 central constructs related to the case, the caregiver, the child, the organization, and the decision makers. We discussed the preponderance of criteria used by professionals in the process of matching, the relevant content found, and the implications of the findings for research, policy and practice, with a special focus on the implications for the Chilean child protection system.聽 聽