119 research outputs found

    Az aspirációs citológia szerepe a daganatdiagnosztikában.

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    Fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) of focal lesions is a quick, relatively simple and cost-effective diagnostic method. However, performing aspirations and interpreting smears require skill and experience. Before initiating an aspiration the doctor needs to be aware of the limits of cytology as it is vital to know what kind of diagnostic issues can be answered upon a smear and what kind of questions cannot. Traditionally FNAB was performed without radiologic guidance, and therefore almost only palpable lesions were aspirated. Since ultrasound (US) has become widely used in medicine, it is axiomatical that FNAB is ideally performed with US guidance not only for the protection of the patients but also for targeting the lesion more safely. Several cytologists find US guidance unnecessary as a routinely used examination, which may lead to unsatisfactory smears and false negative results. This means not only a loss for the patient, but leads to a negative judgement of this diagnostic method. Our interventional cytology diagnostic team developed a working method resulting in excellent statistical results. In the followings we would like to share our experience refined the past two decades to restore the reputation of this diagnostic method

    A prosztatarák patológiája = Pathology of prostate cancer

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    A prosztata szövettani mintáinak vizsgálata (tűbiopsziás min- ták és eltávolított prosztataszövet), patológiai lelete nagyban befolyásolja a prosztatarákban szenvedő páciens kezelési stratégiáját. A daganat jelenlétének igazolása mellett kiemelkedő jelentőségű a szövettani típus meghatározása, a tumor kiterjedtségének megítélése, valamint bizonyos esetekben az egyértelműen felismerhető extraprosztatikus terjedés meghatározása. Ez az áttekintés a legújabb WHO-klasszifikáció alapján össze- foglalja a meglévő szakirodalmat, valamint a prosztatakarcinóma osztályozását és prognosztizálását alátámasztó morfológiai és molekuláris adatokat. = The pathological findings of examination of histological samples of the prostate (needle biopsy samples and removed prostate tissue) greatly influence the treatment strategy of the patient suffering from prostate cancer. In addition to confirming the presence of the tumour, it is of great importance to determine the histological type, assess the extent of the tumour, and in some cases determine the clearly recognizable extraprostatic spread. This review discusses the current WHO classification, summarising the existing literature, as well as the emerging morphological and molecular data that underpins the classification and prognostication of prostatic carcinoma

    Eye-tracking tests in consumer perception of food

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    Summary Eye-tracking analyses provide an opportunity to record the eye movements of the participants, and then to evaluate the data obtained. The application of eye-tracking cameras is not yet typical in the food industry in Hungary, as opposed to the practice in Western Europe, where this technology is an important and commonly used tool of product development and marketing support. To the best of our knowledge, no eyetracking analyses related to beets have been published so far in the domestic and international literature. During the research, eye-tracking analyses were carried out in the Sensory Analysis Laboratory of the Faculty of Food Science of Szent István University, using a Tobii X2- 60 eye-tracker and the Tobii Studio (version 3.0.5, Tobii Technology AB, Sweden) data processing software. The results draw attention to the fact that the decisions of the consumers interviewed were only slightly influenced by their knowledge of the treatment of the beets analyzed. On the other hand, extra information regarding the antioxidant content changed their decision regarding the selection. Eye-tracking analysis results showed that consumer decision can be monitored much more accurately than using traditional market research methods. The reason for this is that eye movement is very hard to control consciously, and so objective information can be obtained about consumer decision mechanisms which is practically impossible to get using subjective questionnaire methods based on self-declaration or focus group testing

    Screening for Mutations of 21-Hydroxylase Gene in Hungarian Patients with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

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    Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is a group of autosomal recessive disorders, causing impaired secretion of cortisol and aldosterone from the adrenal cortex, with subsequent overproduction of adrenal androgens. The most common enzyme defect causing CAH is steroid 21-hydroxylase deficiency. To determine the mutational spectrum in the Hungarian CAH population, the CYP21 active gene was analyzed using PCR. A total of 297 Hungarian patients with 21-hydroxylase deficiency are registered in the 2nd Department of Pediatrics, Budapest, Hungary, and their clinical status was evaluated. Blood samples for CYP21 genotype determination could be obtained from 167 patients (representing 306 unrelated chromosomes and 56.2% of the total group of patients). Eight of the most common mutations were screened [In2 (intron 2 splice mutation), I172N, Del (Del: apparents large gene conversion), Q318X, R356W, 1761Tins, ClusterE6, V281L] using allele-specific amplification. The most frequent mutation in the Hungarian CAH population was found to be In2. Our results have shown a good genotype/phenotype correlation in case of most mutations; the In2 mutation is associated mostly with the severe form of the disease, whereas I172N was expressed in a wide spectrum of phenotypes

    ABCA1 polymorphism, a genetic risk factor of harm avoidance

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    Even though cholesterol homeostasis and self-harm behaviors have shown to be associated, gene polymorphisms of the cholesterol system have not been studied yet in the context of self-harm related personality traits. Here we present an association study between six ABCA1 polymorphisms and temperament scales measured by Cloninger's Temperament and Character Inventory on 253 young adults. An association between ABCA1 rs4149264 and harm avoidance has been observed. This association remained significant after Bonferroni correction. Haplotype analysis confirmed an independent association between rs4149264 and harm avoidance. ABCA1, a cholesterol homeostasis gene, is a candidate gene for harm related personality traits. © 2017 Hogrefe Publishing

    Association between smoking behaviour and genetic variants of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor

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    Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) promotes development and differentiation of dopaminergic neurons, thus it has an important role in dopamine-related neuropsychiatric disorders. Since the role of dopamine system in smoking is well established, we hypothesized that GDNF gene variants may affect smoking behaviour. Self-reported data on smoking behaviour (never smoked, quit, occasional, or regular smokers) and level of nicotine addiction (Hooked on Nicotine Checklist and Fagerstrom Nicotine Addiction Scale), anxiety, as well as buccal samples were obtained from 930 Hungarian young adults (18–35 years). Genetic analysis involved eight GDNF single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) (rs1981844, rs3812047, rs3096140, rs2973041, rs2910702, rs1549250, rs2973050 and rs11111). Allele-wise association analyses of the eight GDNF SNPs provided a significant association between smoking behaviour and rs3096140 (P = 0.0039). The minor allele (C) was more frequent in those groups who smoked in some form (quit, occasional or regular smokers) as compared to those who never smoked (P = 0.0046). This result remained significant after Bonferroni correction for multiple testing. In the ever smoking group, no significant differences were found in the level of nicotine addiction by the alleles of these polymorphisms. Also, no significant interaction of rs3096140 and smoking categories were observed on anxiety mean scores. Although previous data demonstrated an association between GDNF rs2910704 and severity of methamphetamine use to the best of our knowledge, this is the first study on the role of GDNF genetic variations in smoking behaviour. Our results suggest that GDNF rs3096140 might be involved in the genetic background of smoking, independent of anxiety characteristics. © 2016 Indian Academy of Science