22 research outputs found

    A méltányosság – egy kísérlet a fogalom tisztázására (The fairness: an attempt to clarify the term)

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    A méltányosság egyaránt szerepet játszik a társadalmi, szervezeti és szervezetközi kapcsolatokban. A szakirodalom szerint a mindkét fél által méltányosnak tekintett kapcsolatok növelik a részt vevő szervezetek aggregált eredményességét, hosszú távon a kölcsönös és közös versenyelőny kialakítását szolgálják. De mit jelent a méltányosság? A szerző ismerteti a méltányosság és a hozzá szorosan kötődő fogalmak általános meghatározását, majd megvizsgálja Arisztotelész nézeteit az igazságosságról és a méltányosságról. Érint néhány filozófiai koncepciót, melyek a társadalmi igazságosságot egymástól eltérő módon interpretálják, majd részletezi a közgazdaságtan, a kísérleti közgazdaságtan, valamint a szervezeti pszichológia legjelentősebb igazságossági és méltányossági koncepcióit. A tanulmány átfogó képet nyújt a méltányosság definícióiról az áttekintett szakirodalom és a további vállalatközi méltányosságkutatáshoz kötődő relevancia alapján. _______ Fairness plays a role in social,organizational and interorganizational relations. Relationships which are considered to be fair by both parties increase the aggregate effectiveness of the participating organizations and develop mutual and reciprocal competitive advantage in the long-run. But what does fairness mean? The author describes the general definition of fairness and its closely related notions, which is followed by a review of Aristotle’s understanding of justice and equity. Some of the philosophical concepts with different social justice interpretation are examined. The author details the most important concepts of justice, equity and fairness of economics, experimental economics, and organizational psychology. The study provides a comprehensive picture of fairness and equity definitions based on the literature overview and the relevance of further research related to inter-company fairness

    Testing the importance of 4th Industrial Revolution characteristics in the Hungarian environment : comparison of SMEs' and business students' perception

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    The 4th Industrial Revolution, or IR 4.0 for short, is being embraced by academics and practitioners alike. However, business readiness to meet the changes of the 21st century shows us a very diverse landscape. The most responsive players are progressive companies who must deliver a new way of thinking, creating, and operating to stay competitive. In our research we chose to analyse the perception of these developments from the point of view of Hungarian small and medium-sized companies, and students, who are likely to generate the next new waves of innovation, technology orientation, and value creation. We approached Hungarian SMEs who are involved in and impacted by IR 4.0 challenges to analyse their understanding and ranking of the literature-driven characteristics of the 4th Industrial Revolution. In our study, we want to understand how Hungarian business students – soon to be employees and future entrepreneurs – perceive the pressure of IR 4.0 developments. Our aim was to identify links, dependencies, and gaps between Hungarian SMEs and business students who together will conjointly create new industrial opportunities


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    Purpose The purpose of the paper is to present the phenomenon of transnational entrepreneurship on the example of Poland. This phenomenon is presented against the background of general data on migration. Methodology/approach This exploratory paper offers a general review of the phenomenon of transnational entrepreneurship in the Polish context. Available statistical data (e.g.) GEM, as well as examples of existing studies are used to present the growing importance of transnational activities of immigrant entrepreneurs. Polish immigrants living in the US and several European countries, and immigrants from selected European and Asian countries who have moved to Poland Findings and implicationsThe authors point out the symptoms of growing practical and theoretical importance of transnational immigrant entrereneurship and outline directions for further studies. Originality/value of the paperThe paper focus on the phnomenon of growing importance which is currentlu understudied in the realm of Central and Eastern Europe. Research on migration in Poland does have a long tradition, but the popularity of research on immigrant entrepreneurship (including transnational activities) goes back no more than a few years

    Cross-cultural fairness and equity research in inter-organizational relationships and applied statistical methods for its qualitative measurement

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    Research on Fairness and Equity linked closely to Justice has academic roots in multiple disciplines such as social psychology or philosophy. In the past few years an emphasized focus was placed on fairness among entities participating in business transactions with the objective of identifying the impact of human and business ethical attitude on business interactions. Measuring fairness by itself has its challenges due to its subjective nature. It is assumed that a business relationship, which is considered fair, is more balanced and stable. As a part of broader research on this topic, it is essential to understand what methods and techniques were used previously to evaluate fairness and equity when comparing findings in a cross-cultural setting. My objective in this paper is to summarize and evaluate the statistical methods used by the international research community to analyze and interpret fairness and equity in Inter-organizational Relationships

    The role of fairness in modelling business relationships

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    Many researches focus on identifying and understanding the key drivers and dynamics of the company-client relationships. In this study we will present relationship models from the literature built on fairness as a relationship quality dimension when describing company contacts with partners. We will look at the fairness definitions used by each mode, besides evaluating what other relationship quality constructs are used. The objective of the paper is to review the literature on fairness in the business relationship modeling context in order to identify how fairness was determined and measured in previous studies. This will allow us to develop an in-depth understanding of previous empirical studies that can be utilized in our future research as we plan to examine fairness in business to business context in Central Europe

    Uncertainty and Risk Management: Post-Crises Changes in Attitudes of Hungarian SMEs

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    Our research objective is to identify what specific internal strategic, organizational and operational management changes took place as a result of the extreme external challenges of the 2008-2010 crises. The base research framework was developed by Syrett and Devine (2012) whose methodology was used in the Hungarian business environment to understand the local features of the business approaches to uncertainty management before and after the crises years. We found that Hungary companies put more focus on managing a short term challenges rather than prioritizing the mid- and long term views. Emphasizing strategic and people aspects of business management in the post-crises times still have significant improvement opportunities. Hungarian companies were less flexible in reducing staff during and after the crisis times. Besides, firms consider the political factors critical to their success of managing uncertainty