434 research outputs found

    P5_8 None Like It Hot

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    In season 4, episode 8 of the science ction series Futurama, `Crimes of the Hot', global warming is reduced in the year 3003 by using the thrust of 1 billion robots to move the Earth further from the Sun [1]. We calculate the distance of the new orbit of Earth, 1.515x10^11m, the temperature change for Earth, 1.708 K, and the amount of energy needed to be generated per robot, 6.480x10^22J

    P5_7 Fire Cannot Kill a Dragon

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    In Game of Thrones there is a legend that states that there used to be two moons in the sky, one of which was a dragon egg. This then hatched when it got too close to the sun, leaving only one moon in the sky. We have calculated the intensity of fire in the show as we are assuming that fire on Earth is not an accurate representation. This intensity was found to be 195 kW m^−2 . Using this as the intensity that is required to hatch a dragon egg, it was found the dragon egg moon would have to have an orbital radius of 137 x 10^6 km around Earth to experience the same intensity from the Sun. In order for the dragon egg to appear the same size as the moon at this distance it requires a radius of 5.81 x 10^5 km

    P5_1 Squashing Slitheen

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    To disguise themselves on Earth, Raxacoricofallapatorians hid in suits of human skin using a compression field worn around their necks. Over time, developments in their technology allowed them to fit into average sized humans, as opposed to obese humans used previously. We calculated the pressure exerted on the inside of the skin as 75,000 Pa for an average human and 64,300 Pa for an obese human, both significantly beneath the ultimate tensile strength of human skin. We calculated the force from the compression fields to be 272,000 N and 233,000 N for average and obese humans respectively

    P5_2 Praimfaya: The Second Nuclear Apocalypse

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     In Season 4 of The 100, all of Earth's unattended nuclear reactors melt within 6 months of each other, rendering the Earth uninhabitable for the second time in the shows history. We produce a model for the rate of decay in Caesium-137 fallout radiation levels. We discover that the total radiation, when averaged over the surface of the Earth, is 4.63 Sv yr-1km-2. We also calculate that it would take 156 years until the Earth's surface reached a safe level of radiation

    P5_3 Prince Pondicherry and the Chocolate Palace

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    Prince Pondicherry of India, from the book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory [1], ordered a huge palace to be created for him made entirely out of chocolate, but soon after it was completed the entire palace melted around him due to the heat of the sun. We calculated that during May when the sun over India is hottest, the palace would have reached its melting point by 12:00, a little more than 6 hours after sunrise, but it would take approximately two days to melt entirely

    P5_5 Hidden in Plain Sight

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    In the opening episode of Star Trek Discovery; A Vulcan Hello, the USS Shenzhou detected an unknown object. Upon further investigation it was unable to be identified due to a scattering field. In this paper we calculate the angular resolution of the ships optical systems without electronic assistance and therefore the diameter of aperture that would give this resolution. We found the diameter of the aperture to be 2.10 mm therefore without electronic assistance the ship should still have been able to clearly observe the object


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    En este trabajo se aborda el tema de la música clásica-instrumental, su tratamiento en la Educación Primaria, en el que se realiza un análisis crítico desde la labor de los instructores de arte en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de los Talleres de Apreciación-Creación de Música; se exponen las características y potencialidades de este tipo de música, las razones de su presencia como contenido del programa, su importancia en la formación de valores y especialmente en el  desarrollo de la sensibilidad, como arista esencial de la formación humanista. Se aportan informaciones valiosas al redefinir los conceptos de música clásica, y música clásica instrumental, que son significativas para entender alcance y dimensión de estas clasificaciones. Se utilizaron métodos de investigación como, la observación, entrevista, análisis documental, y el análisis del producto de la actividad de los alumnos de sexto grado. Deja proyectado el camino para futuras investigaciones, que permitirán continuar el avance de su fundamentación teórica, la proposición de acciones, actividades, estrategias que contribuirán a la solución de los problemas revelados