11 research outputs found

    GAD-7 and PHQ-9 measurement of perinatal anxiety and depression in women with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy in Yaounde, Cameroon

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    Background: The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of perinatal anxiety and depression in women with hypertensive diseases during pregnancy in Yaounde.Methods: Authors carried out a cross-sectional descriptive study over nine months from October 2015 to May 2016, amongst pregnant women with hypertensive pregnancy disorders followed up in three tertiary care centers in Yaounde. Authors collected information from the medical files of selected patients by using a pre-tested and validated questionnaire in the perinatal period. We classified blood pressure values as per the JNC 7 recommendations. Anxiety and mental depression were evaluated for using the Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-item and the Patient Health Questionnaires-9 respectively. Data analysis was done using CSPro version 6.2 and SPSS version 20.0 software.Results: Authors included 202 patients during the study period. The mean age stood at 25.9± 6.4years (extremes 13-43years). Amongst these, 47.5% were single while 97.5% (197/202) had received at least primary education. Students represented 45.5% (92/202) of women while 102 (50.5%) of them had some form of employment in the public, private or informal sectors. Severe preeclampsia was the most prevalent hypertensive disorder in these women, with 69 (34.2%) developing eclampsia. We found that 79% (161/202) of these patients suffered from anxiety, 67.3% (136/202) were depressive while 61.3% (124/202) had both anxiety and depression.Conclusions: The prevalence of perinatal anxiety and depression in women with hypertensive pregnancy disorders is high. Associated factors must be looked out in order to prevent these situations

    Risk factors of poor outcome of pregnancy and delivery in adolescents: a case-control study at the Yaounde Gynaeco-Obstetric and Pediatric Hospital

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    Background: Adolescence is a period of life between 10 and 19 years, marked by a state of psychological imbalance and immaturity of organs. The occurrence of pregnancy at this age group can cause social, psychological or obstetric problems (prematurity, unsafe abortion, obstructed labor).  The objective of this study was to identify the risk factors of poor outcome of pregnancy and delivery in adolescents.Methods: It was a case-control study with a retrolective data collection from January 1st, 2004 to December 31st, 2013 in the Yaounde Gynaeco-Obstetric and Pediatric Hospital. We included adolescent girls of 11 to 19 years old who delivered in the study site. We compared 128 adolescents of the case group who encountered poor outcome with 128 ones of the control groups with favorable outcome.Results: At univariate analysis, the number of antenatal care consultations less than four OR: Odds Ratio (OR= 2.44 [1.41-4.22]; P=0.000), the antenatal care consultations done out of our study site (OR= 1.65(95%CI: 1.00-2.70); p=0.003) and the uterine fundal height less than 33 cm at the time of childbirth (OR=1.80(95%CI:1.08-2.98); p=0.015) were identified as risk factors of poor outcome. After linear logistic regression analysis, the number of antenatal care less than four (OR=1.92(1.0-3.56); p=0.037) remained as independent risk factor of poor outcome.Conclusions: The number of antenatal visits less than four is an important risk factor of poor outcome of pregnancy and childbirth in adolescents at the Yaoundé gynaeco-obstetric and pediatric hospital

    Assessment of labor and delivery in pregnant women on sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine regimen in Yaoundé gynaeco-obstetric and paediatric hospital: a comparative study of 313 cases

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    Background: Malaria is still a major public health problem in sub-Saharan Africa. The aim was to determine the prevalence of malaria infection at the onset of labor and the resulting complications.Methods: We carried out a five-month cross-sectional study at the Yaoundé Gyneco-Obstetric and Pediatric Hospital.  We used results from the rapid diagnostic test (RDT) to compare two groups of pregnant women admitted into the labor room. Women who tested positive were assigned to the exposed group versus negative to the non-exposed group. Independent factors associated with malaria infection were investigated by the logistic regression method.Results: Up to 79.6% (249/313) of women had received the sulfadoxin-pyrimethamine regimen with 32.9% (82/249) receiving at least 3 doses.  Malaria infection was detected in 32.2% (101/313) of women. Only 14.9% (15/101) of the exposed group had received 3 doses of SP versus 31.6% (67/212) of the non-exposed group. After univariate analysis, malaria infection at the onset of labor was associated to premature rupture of membranes (OR=1.39; CI=1.01-1.94), fever during labor (OR=73.37; CI=64.80-681.95), non-reassuring fetal status (OR=2.08; CI=1.36-3.20), low birth weight (OR=1.65; CI=1.23-4.13), prematurity (OR=2.79; CI=2.12-367), a poor Apgar score at the 1st minute and postpartum fever (OR=3.19; CI=2.56-4.00). Linear logistic regression indicated that the occurrence of fever during labor (aOR=63.09), and low Apgar score at the first minute (aOR=6.27) remained significant and malaria infection was significantly associated to the single marital status (aOR=2.56) and a history of malaria during the current pregnancy (aOR=2.56).Conclusions: Systematic RDTs is thus recommended at the last antenatal consultation to avoid identified complications

    Pregnancy identity card of women with fetal death in utero: case-control study in a reference hospital in metropolitan Cameroon

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    Background: Intrauterine fetal death is the death of the fetus in the uterus beyond 22 weeks of gestational age and/or weighing 500g. It is frequent in developing countries, showing that, efforts and progress still need to be made in the follow-up of high risk pregnancies. The general objective of our study was to identify the associated factors of intrauterine fetal death at the Yaounde gynaeco-obstetric and paediatric hospital. Methods: We conducted a case-control study at the Yaounde gynaeco-obstetric and pediatric hospital from January 1 April to 30April 2021. The cases were all women admitted in the service of obstetrics and gynaecology with fetal death from 22 completed weeks of gestation and above confirmed by ultrasound and willing to participate in the study and the controls were any women admitted in the service who gave birth to a live fetus and willing to participate with maternal age as the matching criteria. We recruited 42 cases for 84 controls making one case for two controls. The statistical analysis was done using SPSS software version 23.0 and excel 2016.Results: The associated factors for intrauterine fetal death found during our study were: being single (ORa=3,6; CI= 1.3-1.9), less than four antenatal consultations (ORa=3.6; CI=1.3-10.1) and being followed by a midwife (ORa=6.6; CI=1.0-41.7).Conclusions: The elements of the identity card of a pregnant woman with fetal death in utero are: being single, less than four antenatal consultations and being followed by a midwife

    Incidental Laparoscopic Discovery of an Intraperitoneal Plastic Catheter 16 Years after an Unsafe Abortion: A Case Report from the Gynecologic, Obstetric, and Pediatric Hospital of Yaoundé (Cameroon)

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    In many developing countries like Cameroon, unsafe abortion is a major public health problem. It can be responsible for severe complications including damage to the digestive and/or urinary tract, sepsis, and uterine perforation. Uterine perforation could be caused by most of the instruments that are used to evacuate the uterus. We report a case of apparent uterine perforation and subsequent migration of the plastic or rubber catheter into the peritoneal cavity during an abortion procedure performed in a setting that may have been unsafe. The discovery was made during a diagnostic laparoscopy indicated for secondary infertility of tubal origin 16 years after the abortion procedure. This is a rare clinical finding which is of therapeutic and diagnostic importance. To the best of our knowledge, a single similar case has been reported so far in the literature

    GAD-7 and PHQ-9 measurement of perinatal anxiety and depression in women with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy in Yaounde, Cameroon

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    Background: The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of perinatal anxiety and depression in women with hypertensive diseases during pregnancy in Yaounde.Methods: Authors carried out a cross-sectional descriptive study over nine months from October 2015 to May 2016, amongst pregnant women with hypertensive pregnancy disorders followed up in three tertiary care centers in Yaounde. Authors collected information from the medical files of selected patients by using a pre-tested and validated questionnaire in the perinatal period. We classified blood pressure values as per the JNC 7 recommendations. Anxiety and mental depression were evaluated for using the Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-item and the Patient Health Questionnaires-9 respectively. Data analysis was done using CSPro version 6.2 and SPSS version 20.0 software.Results: Authors included 202 patients during the study period. The mean age stood at 25.9± 6.4years (extremes 13-43years). Amongst these, 47.5% were single while 97.5% (197/202) had received at least primary education. Students represented 45.5% (92/202) of women while 102 (50.5%) of them had some form of employment in the public, private or informal sectors. Severe preeclampsia was the most prevalent hypertensive disorder in these women, with 69 (34.2%) developing eclampsia. We found that 79% (161/202) of these patients suffered from anxiety, 67.3% (136/202) were depressive while 61.3% (124/202) had both anxiety and depression.Conclusions: The prevalence of perinatal anxiety and depression in women with hypertensive pregnancy disorders is high. Associated factors must be looked out in order to prevent these situations

    Facteurs associés à l’éclampsie du post-partum dans deux hôpitaux de Yaoundé

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    Introduction: La physiopathologie de l’éclampsie qui survient après l’accouchement n’a pas encore été élucidée à l’état des connaissances actuelles. L’éclampsie du post partum (EPP) survient souvent en dehors de la formation sanitaire donc en dehors de toute surveillance médicale. Le but de cette étude était de rechercher les facteurs associés à l’EPP afin de fournir aux prestataires de soins des outils nécessaires pour une meilleure sensibilisation sur cette maladie.Matériels et méthode: Il s’agissait d’une étude cas-témoins qui s’est déroulée du 1er Janvier au 30 juin 2018à l’Hôpital Central, à l’Hôpital Gynéco-Obstétrique et Pédiatrique et au Centre Mère-Enfant de la Fondation Chantal Biya de Yaoundé. Nous avons inclus 94 cas, constitués de mères ayant présenté une EPP entre juin 2013 et Mai 2018 et 376 témoins constitués de mères n’ayant pas présenté d’éclampsie ou de prééclampsie dans les 42 jours après l’accouchement. Nous les avons comparés à l’aide des tests de Chi2 et Fischer par leurs caractéristiques sociodémographiques, cliniques et obstétricales. Le seuil de significativité statistique était de 0,05.Résultats: Les facteurs indépendants associés à l’EPP étaient : un nombre de consultations prénatales inférieur à 4 (aOR=5,52), un intervalle inter-génésique ≥10 ans (aOR=4,44), la primiparité (aOR=3,92), la saison pluvieuse (aOR=3,80), la grossesse gémellaire (aOR =1,97), l’hypertension artérielle gravidique (aOR= 1,84), l’hypertension artérielle maternelle chronique (a0R=1,28) et l’âge maternel inférieur à 20 ans (aOR=1,09).Conclusion: La prise en compte par les prestataires de soins des facteurs associés à l’EPP identifiés permettrait une meilleure surveillance des femmes à risque pendant la période puerpérale. Mots clés : Eclampsie, post-partum, facteurs associés, Yaoundé

    Pronostic des références obstétricales à l’Hôpital Gynéco-Obstétrique et Pédiatrique de Yaoundé (HGOPY)

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    Introduction: L’impact des références sur la survenue des complications obstétricales n’est pas encore connu. Notre but était d’identifier les complications associées aux références obstétricales à Yaoundé. Méthodes: Il s’agissait d’une étude transversale descriptive et analytique du 1er Février au 31 Juillet 2015 à l’Hôpital Gynéco-Obstétrique et Pédiatrique de Yaoundé, ayant comparé les femmes référées aux non référées et leurs nouveau-nés respectifs. L’échantillonnage était consécutif et exhaustif pour l’analyse des caractéristiques sociodémographiques, obstétricales et néonatales précoces. Les tests de Chi carré et exact de Fisher ont aidé à comparer les variables qualitatives. L’analyse par régression logistique a permis d’éliminer les facteurs confondants. P était significatif si p < 0,05. Résultats: Après analyse multi variée, les complications obstétricales statistiquement significatives chez les patientes référées étaient: la rupture prématurée des membranes (OR ajusté = 9,37, IC95%: 2,52-66,98, p = 0,002); la prématurité (OR ajusté = 4,14 (1,88-9,16; P < 0,001) et le décès après asphyxie néonatale sévère (OR ajusté = 6,48 (1,17-35,80); P = 0,032). Conclusion: La rupture prématurée des membranes, la prématurité et le décès après asphyxie néonatale sévère sont les complications associées aux références obstétricales à Yaoundé

    Sexual Risk Behaviour in a Student Population of the University of Yaoundé I, Cameroon

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    Background: In Cameroon, many young people engage in sexual risk behaviours (SRB) and experiences that can result in unintended health outcomes.Objective: To determine the frequency and type of SRB among adolescents and young adults in the University of Yaounde I (UYI).Patients and Method: We carried out a descriptive cross-sectional study over a 7 months period from December 10th to the 10th June 2019, in a population of students aged between 15-24 years old at the UYI. Socio-demographic and data on sexual behaviors were collected thanks to a pre-tested self-administered survey form through group interview. Statistical analysis was performed using STATA version 13.1.Results: We included 856 students in this study. The sex ratio male/female was 1.5/1. The 15-19 age group was the main represented (57.2%). Students were mainly single (87%) and lived with their families (74%). The prevalence of sexual risk behaviors was 38.0%. Sexual risk behaviors included: unprotected sex (41.2%; 134/325), multiple partners (25.2%; 82/325), early sexual intercourse (16.3%; 53/325), sex frequency ≥ 4/week (14.2%; 46/325), homosexual intercourse (5%; 16/325), anal sex (3%; 10/325) and oral sex (1.2%; 4/325).Conclusion: The prevalence of SRB is high in our setting. There is a need to increase students' awareness of healthy sexual habits in order to ensure safe sex and to prevent Human Immunodeficiency Virus and others sexual transmitted Infections. Key words: sexual risk behaviors, adolescents, students, University, Yaoundé English Title: Comportements sexuels à risque dans une population d’étudiants de l’Université de Yaoundé I Contexte : Au Cameroun, de nombreux jeunes adoptent des comportements sexuels pouvant être délétères pour leur santéObjectif : Nous avons pour objectif de déterminer la fréquence et les types de comportements sexuels des étudiants de l’Université de Yaoundé I.Méthode : Nous avons mené une étude transversale descriptive durant 7 mois, du 10 Décembre au 10 juin 2019 portant sur les étudiants de la Faculté des sciences de l’Université de Yaoundé I. Nous avons étudié les caractéristiques socio-démographiques et les habitudes sexuelles des étudiants des deux sexes âgés de 15 à 24 ans. Les données ont été analysées à l’aide des logiciels STATA version 13.1 et Epi-info versionésultats : Nous avons inclus 856 étudiants. Le sexe ratio homme femme était de 2/3. La tranche d’âge de 15 – 19 ans était majoritaire (57,2%). Les étudiants étaient souvent célibataires (87%) et vivaient en famille (74%). La prévalence des comportements sexuels à risque était de 38,0%. Les comportements sexuels à risque étaient : les rapports sexuels (RS) non protégés (41,2% ; 134/325), le multipartenariat (25,2% ; 82/325), les RS précoces (16,3% ; 53/325), une fréquence de RS ≥4/semaine (14,2% ; 46/325), les RS homosexuels (5,0% ; 16/325), les RS anaux (3% ; 10/325) et la fellation (1,2% ; 4/325).Conclusion : La prévalence des comportements sexuels à risque était élevée. La sensibilisation des étudiants sur les habitudes sexuelles saines est nécessaire pour une sexualité à moindre risque de transmission des infections sexuellement transmissibles et du VIH. Mots clés : comportements sexuels à risque, adolescents, étudiants, université, Yaound