16 research outputs found

    Na casa e... na rua: cartografias das mulheres na cidade (Campina Grande, 1930-1945) At home and... on the streets: cartography of women around the city (Campina Grande, 1930-1945)

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    Neste artigo fazemos uma incursão específica no mundo das mulheres. O locus do estudo é a cidade de Campina Grande, Paraíba, nos anos de 1930 a 1945, tendo como objeto os significados e implicações que algumas atividades das mulheres do meio popular tinham para a cidade e o modo como utilizavam seus espaços e territórios. Também buscamos reconstituir aspectos cotidianos da trajetória de algumas mulheres pelas ruas e subúrbios da cidade, focalizando características singulares de mulheres anônimas que apareceram na cena urbana, fazendo da cidade um lugar de múltiplas práticas, relações e conflitos.<br>This article brings a specific gaze into women's world. The locus of our study is the city of Campina Grande (Paraíba) from 1930 to 1945, emphasising the meanings and implications of some activities carried out by working class women through the city, and the ways they used its spaces and territories. We also seek to rebuild everyday aspects of their trajectories through streets and suburbs, focusing singular characteristics of anonymous women who appeared at the urban scene turning it into a place of multiple practices, relations and conflicts

    In house reverse membrane hybridisation assay versus GenoType MTBDRplus and their performance to detect mutations in the genes rpoB, katG and inhA

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    Drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) threatens global TB control and is a major public health concern in several countries. We therefore developed a multiplex assay (LINE-TB/MDR) that is able to identify the most frequent mutations related to rifampicin (RMP) and isoniazid (INH) resistance. The assay is based on multiplex polymerase chain reaction, membrane hybridisation and colorimetric detection targeting of rpoB and katG genes, as well as the inhA promoter, which are all known to carry specific mutations associated with multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB). The assay was validated on a reference panel of 108 M. tuberculosis isolates that were characterised by the proportion method and by DNA sequencing of the targets. When comparing the performance of LINE-TB/MDR with DNA sequencing, the sensitivity, specificity and agreement were 100%, 100% and 100%, respectively, for RMP and 77.6%, 90.6% and 88.9%, respectively, for INH. Using drug sensibility testing as a reference standard, the performance of LINE-TB/MDR regarding sensitivity, specificity and agreement was 100%, 100% and 100% (95%), respectively, for RMP and 77%, 100% and 88.7% (82.2-95.1), respectively, for INH. LINE-TB/MDR was compared with GenoType MTBDRplus for 65 isolates, resulting in an agreement of 93.6% (86.7-97.5) for RIF and 87.4% (84.3-96.2) for INH. LINE-TB/MDR warrants further clinical validation and may be an affordable alternative for MDR-TB diagnosis

    Amor e gênero em quadrinhas Love and gender in popular verses

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    O texto analisa a obra Quadrinhas populares, de Áurea Queiroz, a partir da categoria gênero. Identifica nas quadrinhas uma fonte de significação do feminino, do masculino e de suas relações. Do mesmo modo, evidencia que no conjunto de quadrinhas analisado predominam aquelas que dizem respeito aos significados do amor, do namoro e do casamento em suas interfaces com o feminino e o masculino. Os sentidos atribuídos aos verbos namorar, amar e casar ora confirmam concepções que se tornam normativas durante a primeira metade do século XX, ora as rebatem, apontando para o universo plural das relações de gênero no período.<br>The text analyses the work Quadrinhas populares [Popular verses], by Áurea Queiroz, from the perspective of gender. It identifies in the scenes a source of meaning of the feminine, the masculine and the relations between them. In the same way, it provides evidence that in the set of scenes analyzed those that deal with the meanings of love, courtship and marriage in their interfaces with the feminine and the masculine predominate. The meanings attributed to the verbs to court, to love and to marry, now confirm conceptions that became the norm during the first half of the 20th century, now rebut them, pointing to the multifarious nature of gender relationships in the period