215 research outputs found

    Frequency-Dependent Responses in 3rd Generation Gravitational-Wave Detectors

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    Interferometric gravitational wave detectors are dynamic instruments. Changing gravitational-wave strains influence the trajectories of null geodesics and therefore modify the interferometric response. These effects will be important when the associated frequencies are comparable to the round-trip light travel time down the detector arms. The arms of advanced detectors currently in operation are short enough that the strain can be approximated as static, but planned 3rd^\mathrm{rd} generation detectors, with arms an order of magnitude longer, will need to account for these effects. We investigate the impact of neglecting the frequency-dependent detector response for compact binary coalescences and show that it can introduce large systematic biases in localization, larger than the statistical uncertainty for 1.4-1.4M⊙M_\odot neutron star coalescences at z≲1.7z\lesssim1.7. Analysis of 3rd3^\mathrm{rd} generation detectors therefore must account for these effects.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Impact of the tidal p-g instability on the gravitational wave signal from coalescing binary neutron stars

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    Recent studies suggest that coalescing neutron stars are subject to a fluid instability involving the nonlinear coupling of the tide to pp-modes and gg-modes. Its influence on the inspiral dynamics and thus the gravitational wave signal is, however, uncertain because we do not know precisely how the instability saturates. Here we construct a simple, physically motivated model of the saturation that allows us to explore the instability's impact as a function of the model parameters. We find that for plausible assumptions about the saturation, current gravitational wave detectors might miss >70%> 70\% of events if only point particle waveforms are used. Parameters such as the chirp mass, component masses, and luminosity distance might also be significantly biased. On the other hand, we find that relatively simple modifications to the point particle waveform can alleviate these problems and enhance the science that emerges from the detection of binary neutron stars.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, 1 tabl

    Tidal Dissipation in WASP-12

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    WASP-12 is a hot Jupiter system with an orbital period of P=1.1 dayP= 1.1\textrm{ day}, making it one of the shortest-period giant planets known. Recent transit timing observations by Maciejewski et al. (2016) and Patra et al. (2017) find a decreasing period with P/∣P˙∣=3.2 MyrP/|\dot{P}| = 3.2\textrm{ Myr}. This has been interpreted as evidence of either orbital decay due to tidal dissipation or a long term oscillation of the apparent period due to apsidal precession. Here we consider the possibility that it is orbital decay. We show that the parameters of the host star are consistent with either a M∗≃1.3M⊙M_\ast \simeq 1.3 M_\odot main sequence star or a M∗≃1.2M⊙M_\ast \simeq 1.2 M_\odot subgiant. We find that if the star is on the main sequence, the tidal dissipation is too inefficient to explain the observed P˙\dot{P}. However, if it is a subgiant, the tidal dissipation is significantly enhanced due to nonlinear wave breaking of the dynamical tide near the star's center. The subgiant models have a tidal quality factor Q∗′≃2×105Q_\ast'\simeq 2\times10^5 and an orbital decay rate that agrees well with the observed P˙\dot{P}. It would also explain why the planet survived for ≃3 Gyr\simeq 3\textrm{ Gyr} while the star was on the main sequence and yet is now inspiraling on a 3 Myr timescale. Although this suggests that we are witnessing the last ∼0.1%\sim 0.1\% of the planet's life, the probability of such a detection is a few percent given the observed sample of ≃30\simeq 30 hot Jupiters in P1.2M⊙P1.2 M_\odot hosts.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, accepted to ApJ Letter

    An information-theoretic approach to the gravitational-wave burst detection problem

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    The observational era of gravitational-wave astronomy began in the Fall of 2015 with the detection of GW150914. One potential type of detectable gravitational wave is short-duration gravitational-wave bursts, whose waveforms can be difficult to predict. We present the framework for a new detection algorithm for such burst events -- \textit{oLIB} -- that can be used in low-latency to identify gravitational-wave transients independently of other search algorithms. This algorithm consists of 1) an excess-power event generator based on the Q-transform -- \textit{Omicron} --, 2) coincidence of these events across a detector network, and 3) an analysis of the coincident events using a Markov chain Monte Carlo Bayesian evidence calculator -- \textit{LALInferenceBurst}. These steps compress the full data streams into a set of Bayes factors for each event; through this process, we use elements from information theory to minimize the amount of information regarding the signal-versus-noise hypothesis that is lost. We optimally extract this information using a likelihood-ratio test to estimate a detection significance for each event. Using representative archival LIGO data, we show that the algorithm can detect gravitational-wave burst events of astrophysical strength in realistic instrumental noise across different burst waveform morphologies. We also demonstrate that the combination of Bayes factors by means of a likelihood-ratio test can improve the detection efficiency of a gravitational-wave burst search. Finally, we show that oLIB's performance is robust against the choice of gravitational-wave populations used to model the likelihood-ratio test likelihoods
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