55 research outputs found

    An HFACS Analysis of German F-104 Starfighter Accidents

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    From 1961 onwards, Germany acquired 916 Lockheed F-104 Starfighters, of which 292 aircraft crashed and 116 pilots lost their lives. The purpose of this research project was to find out why these aircraft crashed and whether the Starfighters crashed for reasons different from those for other military aircraft in Germany. Seventy-one German F-104 accidents between 1978 and 1986 were analyzed by reviewing the original accident files. A Human Factors Analysis and Classification System (HFACS) Level-1 analysis was used as methodology. It was found that more than 50% of the reviewed German F-104 accidents occurred due to technology and/or physical environment. More than half of the sample’s accidents were engine related. It was concluded that the F-104 was indeed more accident-prone than other co-era types. Moreover, the J-79 engine was found to be a weak link in the F-104’s safety record, and the Starfighter’s unforgiving handling characteristics induced an elevated level of skill-based errors

    Not-So-Risky Business? Assessing the Risk of Integrating Large RPVs into the Current Air Traffic System

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    In spite of considerable efforts to commercialize large remotely piloted vehicles (RPV), an integration of these RPVs into the existing Air Transportation System (ATS) and Airspace Structure is pending. The purpose of this paper was to assess the risks of an exemplary integration of a Heron 1 type RPV into the existing European air space structure within the current regulatory framework and without the availability of sense and avoid technology. Six incident occurrence scenarios were investigated, based on a modified Fault Tree Analysis and Eurocontrol’s risk matrix. It was found that without the implementation of technological or procedural changes, an integration of a Heron 1 RPV presents a low to medium risk to air traffic. Recommended risk mitigation measures include equipping the RPV-operator with a recognized air picture, equipping the RPV with TCAS, installing a conventional telephone land line between the RPV-operator and air traffic control, and commencing the integration of large RPVs into air traffic at night. Further, simulation and flight based research is necessary to demonstrate whether these control measures would reduce the risk to an overall low level


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    Abstract. A revision of the Asian genus Triadica is presented, with three species accepted, T. cochinchinensis, T. sebifera, and T. rotundifolia. For the latter species a new combination is proposed. One new synonym is included, as well as a key to and complete synonymy of all taxa, and a note on the validity of the name Croton macrocarpus

    A New Combination in Stillingia (Euphorbiaceae) for Bolivia and Argentina

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    Volume: 20Start Page: 147End Page: 14

    Novelties in Croton (Euphorbiaceae) from Southeast Asia

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    Volume: 12Start Page: 42End Page: 4

    The tribe Hippomaneae (Euphorbiaceae) in Brazil

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    The tribe Hippomaneae (Euphorbiaceae) in Brazil. The tribe Hippomaneae is discussed with respect to its taxonomic history, its placement within the Euphorbiaceae, its diagnostic characters (particularly the floral buds), current data on phylogeny and subdivision, and its general pattern of diversity. The tribe is represented in Brazil with 13 genera and ca. 120 species. A key to the Brazilian genera is provided. All Brazilian genera are discussed, citing relevant characters, recent taxonomic literature, and the current state of knowledge, sometimes pointing to unresolved problems. For five of the genera, published revisions exist; six genera have unpublished but completed revisions or are currently under revision. Actinostemon and Gymnanthes are currently the most difficult genera, mostly based on the absence of available up-to-date taxonomic references. For Mabea and Senefeldera, two genera with completed but currently unpublished revisions, additional data are given on aspects of their taxonomy, ecology and biogeography
