14,733 research outputs found

    Essential self-adjointness in one-loop quantum cosmology

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    The quantization of closed cosmologies makes it necessary to study squared Dirac operators on closed intervals and the corresponding quantum amplitudes. This paper proves self-adjointness of these second-order elliptic operators.Comment: 14 pages, plain Tex. An Erratum has been added to the end, which corrects section

    Spin-Raising Operators and Spin-3/2 Potentials in Quantum Cosmology

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    Local boundary conditions involving field strengths and the normal to the boundary, originally studied in anti-de Sitter space-time, have been recently considered in one-loop quantum cosmology. This paper derives the conditions under which spin-raising operators preserve these local boundary conditions on a 3-sphere for fields of spin 0,1/2,1,3/2 and 2. Moreover, the two-component spinor analysis of the four potentials of the totally symmetric and independent field strengths for spin 3/2 is applied to the case of a 3-sphere boundary. It is shown that such boundary conditions can only be imposed in a flat Euclidean background, for which the gauge freedom in the choice of the potentials remains.Comment: 13 pages, plain-tex, recently appearing in Classical and Quantum Gravity, volume 11, April 1994, pages 897-903. Apologies for the delay in circulating the file, due to technical problems now fixe

    Kinetics of a Model Weakly Ionized Plasma in the Presence of Multiple Equilibria

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    We study, globaly in time, the velocity distribution f(v,t)f(v,t) of a spatially homogeneous system that models a system of electrons in a weakly ionized plasma, subjected to a constant external electric field EE. The density ff satisfies a Boltzmann type kinetic equation containing a full nonlinear electron-electron collision term as well as linear terms representing collisions with reservoir particles having a specified Maxwellian distribution. We show that when the constant in front of the nonlinear collision kernel, thought of as a scaling parameter, is sufficiently strong, then the L1L^1 distance between ff and a certain time dependent Maxwellian stays small uniformly in tt. Moreover, the mean and variance of this time dependent Maxwellian satisfy a coupled set of nonlinear ODE's that constitute the ``hydrodynamical'' equations for this kinetic system. This remain true even when these ODE's have non-unique equilibria, thus proving the existence of multiple stabe stationary solutions for the full kinetic model. Our approach relies on scale independent estimates for the kinetic equation, and entropy production estimates. The novel aspects of this approach may be useful in other problems concerning the relation between the kinetic and hydrodynamic scales globably in time.Comment: 30 pages, in TeX, to appear in Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis: author's email addresses: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

    Propagation of Chaos for a Thermostated Kinetic Model

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    We consider a system of N point particles moving on a d-dimensional torus. Each particle is subject to a uniform field E and random speed conserving collisions. This model is a variant of the Drude-Lorentz model of electrical conduction. In order to avoid heating by the external field, the particles also interact with a Gaussian thermostat which keeps the total kinetic energy of the system constant. The thermostat induces a mean-field type of interaction between the particles. Here we prove that, starting from a product measure, in the large N limit, the one particle velocity distribution satisfies a self consistent Vlasov-Boltzmann equation.. This is a consequence of "propagation of chaos", which we also prove for this model.Comment: This version adds affiliation and grant information; otherwise it is unchange

    The first deep X-ray and optical observations of the closest isolated radio pulsar

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    With a distance of 170 pc, PSR J2144-3933 is the closest isolated radio pulsar currently known. It is also the slowest and least energetic radio pulsar; indeed, its radio emission is difficult to account for with standard pulsar models, since its position in the P-Pdot diagram is far beyond typical "death lines". Here we present the first deep X-ray and optical observations of PSR J2144-3933, performed in 2009 with XMM-Newton and the VLT, from which we can set one of the most robust upper limits on the surface temperature of a neutron star. We have also explored the possibility of measuring the neutron star mass from the gravitational lensing effect on a background optical source.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; to appear in the Proceedings of the Pulsar Conference 2010, Chia, Sardinia (Italy), 10-15 October 201

    On the Zero-Point Energy of a Conducting Spherical Shell

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    The zero-point energy of a conducting spherical shell is evaluated by imposing boundary conditions on the potential, and on the ghost fields. The scheme requires that temporal and tangential components of perturbations of the potential should vanish at the boundary, jointly with the gauge-averaging functional, first chosen of the Lorenz type. Gauge invariance of such boundary conditions is then obtained provided that the ghost fields vanish at the boundary. Normal and longitudinal modes of the potential obey an entangled system of eigenvalue equations, whose solution is a linear combination of Bessel functions under the above assumptions, and with the help of the Feynman choice for a dimensionless gauge parameter. Interestingly, ghost modes cancel exactly the contribution to the Casimir energy resulting from transverse and temporal modes of the potential, jointly with the decoupled normal mode of the potential. Moreover, normal and longitudinal components of the potential for the interior and the exterior problem give a result in complete agreement with the one first found by Boyer, who studied instead boundary conditions involving TE and TM modes of the electromagnetic field. The coupled eigenvalue equations for perturbative modes of the potential are also analyzed in the axial gauge, and for arbitrary values of the gauge parameter. The set of modes which contribute to the Casimir energy is then drastically changed, and comparison with the case of a flat boundary sheds some light on the key features of the Casimir energy in non-covariant gauges.Comment: 29 pages, Revtex, revised version. In this last version, a new section has been added, devoted to the zero-point energy of a conducting spherical shell in the axial gauge. A second appendix has also been include

    A New Family of Gauges in Linearized General Relativity

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    For vacuum Maxwell theory in four dimensions, a supplementary condition exists (due to Eastwood and Singer) which is invariant under conformal rescalings of the metric, in agreement with the conformal symmetry of the Maxwell equations. Thus, starting from the de Donder gauge, which is not conformally invariant but is the gravitational counterpart of the Lorenz gauge, one can consider, led by formal analogy, a new family of gauges in general relativity, which involve fifth-order covariant derivatives of metric perturbations. The admissibility of such gauges in the classical theory is first proven in the cases of linearized theory about flat Euclidean space or flat Minkowski space-time. In the former, the general solution of the equation for the fulfillment of the gauge condition after infinitesimal diffeomorphisms involves a 3-harmonic 1-form and an inverse Fourier transform. In the latter, one needs instead the kernel of powers of the wave operator, and a contour integral. The analysis is also used to put restrictions on the dimensionless parameter occurring in the DeWitt supermetric, while the proof of admissibility is generalized to a suitable class of curved Riemannian backgrounds. Eventually, a non-local construction is obtained of the tensor field which makes it possible to achieve conformal invariance of the above gauges.Comment: 28 pages, plain Tex. In the revised version, sections 4 and 5 are completely ne
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