514 research outputs found

    The High Mass X-ray Binaries in star-forming galaxies

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    The high mass X-ray binaries (HMXBs) provide an exciting framework to investigate the evolution of massive stars and the processes behind binary evolution. HMXBs have shown to be good tracers of recent star formation in galaxies and might be important feedback sources at early stages of the Universe. Furthermore, HMXBs are likely the progenitors of gravitational wave sources (BH--BH or BH--NS binaries that may merge producing gravitational waves). In this work, we investigate the nature and properties of HMXB population in star-forming galaxies. We combine the results from the population synthesis model MOBSE (Giacobbo et al. 2018) together with galaxy catalogs from EAGLE simulation (Schaye et al. 2015). Therefore, this method describes the HMXBs within their host galaxies in a self-consistent way. We compute the X-ray luminosity function (XLF) of HMXBs in star-forming galaxies, showing that this methodology matches the main features of the observed XLF.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. To appear in Proc. IAUS 346: High-mass X-ray binaries: illuminating the passage from massive binaries to merging compact object

    Empleabilidad y transición al mercado de trabajo de graduados no tradicionales en el sur de Italia. La perspectiva de los protagonistas

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    La crisis económica y la organización de las universidades en un marco legal e institucional coherente con las directrices de Bolonia y de la UE han cambiado las condiciones de los jóvenes en Italia y en toda Europa. Esta comunicación ofrece resultados derivados de una investigación hecha en la región italiana de Campania (y su capital, Nápoles), centrada sobre los itinerarios y perspectivas de graduados universitarios no tradicionales, a partir del enfoque adoptado en el proyecto europeo Erasmus+ denominado EMPLOY, que pretende conocer y mejorar la empleabilidad de estudiantes y graduados con perfiles no tradicionales (primera generación, discapacitados, inmigrantes, adultos con bajo capital cultural y económico, mujeres con desigualdades)

    Después de Bolonia, ¿hay alternativas? Las propuestas de Ivan Illich sobre el aprendizaje

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    Proponemos una reevaluación histórica del educador Ivan Illich y de su idea de secularización de la escuela. Nos parece un buen enfoque para repensar las políticas y prácticas universitarias desde tres perspectivas: la relación de los sistemas universitarios con la idea del progreso económico y social; la relación que los sistemas universitarios tienen con la emancipación social; y finalmente el impuesto regresivo que genera el sistema universitario cuando se convierte en un monopolio de la educación. Finalmente, ofrecemos algunas reflexiones para profundizar la innovación progresista y el aprendizaje auténtico en contextos universitarios

    A laboratory-based X-ray phase contrast microscopy system for targeting in unstained soft-tissue samples

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    We propose an imaging system and methodology for mapping soft-tissue samples in three dimensions, with micron-scale and isotropic spatial resolution, with low-concentrations as well as in the absence of heavy metal staining. We used hard X-ray phase-contrast imaging for the X-ray ability to non-destructively probe the internal structure of opaque specimens and for enhanced contrast obtained by exploiting phase effects, even in cases with reduced or absent staining agents. To demonstrate its applicability to soft-tissue specimens, we built a compact system that is easily deployable in a laboratory setting. The imaging system is based on a conventional rotating anode X-ray tube and a state-of-the-art custom-made radiation detector. The system's performance is quantitatively assessed on a calibration standard. Its potential for soft-tissue microscopy is demonstrated on two biological specimens and benchmarked against gold-standard synchrotron data. We believe that the approach proposed here can be valuable as a bridging imaging modality for intravital correlative light electron microscopy and be applied across disciplines where the three-dimensional morphology of pristine-condition soft tissues is a key element of the investigation

    Value of treatment for brain disorders: time matters

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    Covering a range of mental and neurological disorders, the Value of Treatment study examined health gains and socio-economic impacts resulting from best health interventions in comparison with current care, or – in some cases – comparison with no treatment at all

    Test and optimization of a multi-modal phase-based x-ray microscope for soft tissue imaging

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    Tissue imaging is a pivotal component of both biomedical research and clinical practice. In order to identify tissue structures down to the cellular level, it requires the capability to image mm-size unstained tissue specimens with micron to sub-micron resolution. Tissue imaging is normally performed either using x-rays or visible light. While the latter is limited by light scattering in relatively thick tissues, the former often suffers from poor contrast in absorption-based systems. Phase-contrast x-ray microscopes exist but they often lack the required quantitativeness, entail acquisition times of the order of tens of hours for 3-D imaging and are limited to narrow fields of view. We propose a novel multi-modal phase-based x-ray microscope capable of imaging mm-thick tissue samples on a mm-size field of view using intensity-modulation masks. They act as optical elements allowing the quantitative retrieval of tissue properties such as transmission, refraction and scattering. Additionally, given that the system’s spatial resolution depends only on the mask aperture size, a multi-resolution approach is possible by selecting masks with aperture size matching the resolution requirements (micron and sub-micron) of specific samples. The design and optimization of the x-ray microscope is presented in this paper together with exemplar images of a thin foam sample resulting from the retrieval of the three contrast channels. The final paper will include details of the system parameter optimization (e.g., propagation distance, mask aperture and period), their effect on the retrieval algorithm and imaging performance as well as the first images of biological samples

    Microplastics and Antibiotic Resistance: The Magnitude of the Problem and the Emerging Role of Hospital Wastewater

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    : The role of microplastics (MPs) in the spread of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) is increasingly attracting global research attention due to their unique ecological and environmental effects. The ubiquitous use of plastics and their release into the environment by anthropic/industrial activities are the main sources for MP contamination, especially of water bodies. Because of their physical and chemical characteristics, MPs represent an ideal substrate for microbial colonization and formation of biofilm, where horizontal gene transfer is facilitated. In addition, the widespread and often injudicious use of antibiotics in various human activities leads to their release into the environment, mainly through wastewater. For these reasons, wastewater treatment plants, in particular hospital plants, are considered hotspots for the selection of ARGs and their diffusion in the environment. As a result, the interaction of MPs with drug-resistant bacteria and ARGs make them vectors for the transport and spread of ARGs and harmful microorganisms. Microplastic-associated antimicrobial resistance is an emerging threat to the environment and consequently for human health. More studies are required to better understand the interaction of these pollutants with the environment as well as to identify effective management systems to reduce the related risk