11 research outputs found


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    In the North-Central Mexico, the main production area of beans in the country, a study was conducted during 2008-2009, whose objectives were to characterize the producers, determine the extent of adoption and to assess the impact of using the bean variety “Pinto Saltilloâ€, generated by INIFAP. The methodological approach was based on a formal interview to a sample of farmers, who were randomly selected from a population of 45,000 registered producers in the pattern of SAGARPA. The sample size was 496 elements. The questionnaire included closed and open questions by analyzing each of the responses through Frequency Analysis. Official sources were consulted for information as well as cooperatives, integrating and marketing of beans. The economic impact analysis of the use of Pinto Saltillo was made considering the increase in performance and / or sale price, and the number of hectares planted. The results indicated that 65.9% of farmers used the variety Pinto Saltillo and that there are different degrees of adoption by state: while in Durango and Chihuahua has been widespread use with rates of 93.3% and 82.8% respectively, Zacatecas recorded use of only 13.3%. The economic benefit generated by this variety released by INIFAP in northern central Mexico with 2008 prices, is approximately 934'000, 000 pesos. The adoption of Pinto Saltillo was a success in production and trade that benefits producers, traders, industrialists and consumers of beans.INIFAP, integrating and marketing organization of beans, bean grown under water scarcity conditions, consumers., Agribusiness,


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    The general objective of this work was to analyze the state of technology, inocuity and commercialization of cantaloupe melon of private farmers in Mapimí, Dgo. County, Mexico, to identify opportunities and constraints to export melon of Mapimí to the United States market. To gather information on technology, safety and marketing, was designed and implemented a survey of major producers in the Mapimí County, which by their production volumes have greater export potential. In general it was found that private farmers of Mapimí have a good technological level emphasizing the use of hybrid seeds, plastic mulch, drip tape and pollinating bees. In the case of inocuity producers have an idea of the subject of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), but they need more training. In the commercialization it is perceived a need of meetings with potential buyers of the United States to see possible contracts of sale


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    An econometric model representing the United States, Mexico and Caribbean nations melon sectors was estimated to analyze the primary economic forces influencing Mexico's competitiveness in the U.S. winter melon market, a period when about two-thirds of U.S. consumption is imported. Results show peso-devaluation to be important in the short-run and yield-enhancing technology to be important in the short- and long-run. Increased rates of growth in Mexican yields were about six times more effective at increasing market share than NAFTA provisions which phase-out U.S. tariffs. An accelerated rate of growth in Mexican per capita income was found to reduce melon exports about 75% while higher wages would reduce exports about 20% in the long-run


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    This work of investigation comprises of a project ampler than it must by objective identify and take advantage of the real possibilities to combine the resources by remittances, own income of producers and the governmental contributions to generate more organization and major investment in the municipality of Hidalgo Durango . One includes how antecedent some characteristics of the government programs and a range of experiences of contributions of public work immigrants with philanthropic aims. The sample size that threw the scientific methodology to us was of 200 questionnaires; and in this one work of it presents/displays the analysis of the 100 first; same that was applied of random way in the 16 communities that conform the municipality indicated above. In the obtained results it was identified that the governmental programs are those that generate more entrance, followed by the cattle ranch and last the remittances with only about 160 dollars in average of monthly shipments. How additional result is necessary to mention that obtaining an average when adding the three mentioned income previously; each family counts on a little more than 3 minimum wages; approximately $150.00 per day that is spent in their majority in consumption and education. The organizational aspect of the producers and the immigrants is not a constant, because in the case of first only 33% they are within some organization for the production and in the seconds it was only possible to be documented to a formal club of immigrants and one unreliable person; the formal one on the verge of detonating projects and the unreliable person realizing monetary, technical contributions and of approach with the public university

    Planeacion de la Investigacion del INIFAP en la Comarca Lagunera en base a la situacion de Mercado de los Principales Productos Agricolas de la Region

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    Agricultural research in INIFAP (National Institute for Agricultural, Livestock and Forestry Research of Mexico) has been traditionally oriented to increase yields. Under this approach research objectives have been directed to obtain more kilograms of grains per hectare, more milk liters per cow, more meat per animal, etc. As national and international agricultural context has been changed, new approaches have been included and topics like environment and market trends are now incorporated to INIFAP's research activity. The market approach has been taken into account in an implicit way in some research projects of INIFAP. However, it is necessary to pay more attention to this topic because as it is known, consumers orient type and characteristics of goods to be produced. In this paper current situation and market trends of four important agricultural products in the Comarca Lagunera region are presented: cantaloupe, cotton, pecans and forages. In each case, after market trends and situation analysis, research approaches and topics are recommended to be followed by researchers of INIFAP Laguna. A common point in each case is that agricultural production should be profitable, increase farmer's income and standard of life, and at the same time be environmentally friendly. KeyWords: cantaloupe, cotton, pecans, forages, per unit yields, market trends

    Planeacion de la Investigacion del INIFAP en la Comarca Lagunera en base a la situacion de Mercado de los Principales Productos Agricolas de la Region

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    Agricultural research in INIFAP (National Institute for Agricultural, Livestock and Forestry Research of Mexico) has been traditionally oriented to increase yields. Under this approach research objectives have been directed to obtain more kilograms of grains per hectare, more milk liters per cow, more meat per animal, etc. As national and international agricultural context has been changed, new approaches have been included and topics like environment and market trends are now incorporated to INIFAP's research activity. The market approach has been taken into account in an implicit way in some research projects of INIFAP. However, it is necessary to pay more attention to this topic because as it is known, consumers orient type and characteristics of goods to be produced. In this paper current situation and market trends of four important agricultural products in the Comarca Lagunera region are presented: cantaloupe, cotton, pecans and forages. In each case, after market trends and situation analysis, research approaches and topics are recommended to be followed by researchers of INIFAP Laguna. A common point in each case is that agricultural production should be profitable, increase farmer's income and standard of life, and at the same time be environmentally friendly. KeyWords: cantaloupe, cotton, pecans, forages, per unit yields, market trends.Cantaloupe, cotton, pecans, forages, per unit yields, market trends., Agribusiness,

    Analisis del sistema Mexicano de investigacion agropecuaria

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    En la década del 90, el sector agropecuario mexicano generó alrededor del 5% del PBI y el 2.5% de las exportaciones. A pesar de su reducida contribución al PBI, el sector agropecuario tiene una gran importancia económica y social como generador de empleos (un 25% del empleo total), por su influencia sobre el costo de vida, la prevalencia de la pobreza rural (más del 75% de la población pobre y más del 50% de los que viven en pobreza extrema habitan en zonas rurales) y porque las exportaciones agropecuarias constituyen una fuente de ingreso importante para varias regiones, especialmente las zonas irrigadas del norte y centro del país. Desde la década del 70, algunos productores agropecuarios mexicanos, especialmente los que se integraron a cadenas exportadoras, pudieron incorporar tecnologías de punta que han sido la base de su competitividad. Pero, en general, estas tecnologías no fueron desarrolladas por las instituciones públicas de investigación sino que fueron importadas o desarrolladas por empresas privadas mexicanas. Las instituciones públicas de investigación fueron creadas para proporcionar apoyo técnico a las políticas de desarrollo agropecuario. Por esta razón, las autoridades de estas instituciones mantenían contactos fluidos con las dependencias gubernamentales de las que dependían, pero sus interacciones con agricultores y empresas ligadas al sector eran débiles. En general, esta estructura jerárquica se reproducía dentro de las instituciones y en sus relaciones con los agricultores. A partir de la década del 90, México ha hecho un esfuerzo importante para reformar su sistema público de investigación. Los cambios incluyeron nuevos incentivos para los investigadores establecidos por las principales instituciones financiadoras. Sin embargo, las reformas dentro de las propias instituciones han avanzado a paso lento, especialmente los incentivos para incrementar las interacciones con otros agentes dentro del sistema de innovación agropecuario aún no se han adecuado a las necesidades de un sector integrado a la economía mundial

    Analisis del sistema Mexicano de investigacion agropecuaria

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    En la d�cada del 90, el sector agropecuario mexicano gener� alrededor del 5% del PBI y el 2.5% de las exportaciones. A pesar de su reducida contribuci�n al PBI, el sector agropecuario tiene una gran importancia econ�mica y social como generador de empleos (un 25% del empleo total), por su influencia sobre el costo de vida, la prevalencia de la pobreza rural (m�s del 75% de la poblaci�n pobre y m�s del 50% de los que viven en pobreza extrema habitan en zonas rurales) y porque las exportaciones agropecuarias constituyen una fuente de ingreso importante para varias regiones, especialmente las zonas irrigadas del norte y centro del pa�s. Desde la d�cada del 70, algunos productores agropecuarios mexicanos, especialmente los que se integraron a cadenas exportadoras, pudieron incorporar tecnolog�as de punta que han sido la base de su competitividad. Pero, en general, estas tecnolog�as no fueron desarrolladas por las instituciones p�blicas de investigaci�n sino que fueron importadas o desarrolladas por empresas privadas mexicanas. Las instituciones p�blicas de investigaci�n fueron creadas para proporcionar apoyo t�cnico a las pol�ticas de desarrollo agropecuario. Por esta raz�n, las autoridades de estas instituciones manten�an contactos fluidos con las dependencias gubernamentales de las que depend�an, pero sus interacciones con agricultores y empresas ligadas al sector eran d�biles. En general, esta estructura jer�rquica se reproduc�a dentro de las instituciones y en sus relaciones con los agricultores. A partir de la d�cada del 90, M�xico ha hecho un esfuerzo importante para reformar su sistema p�blico de investigaci�n. Los cambios incluyeron nuevos incentivos para los investigadores establecidos por las principales instituciones financiadoras. Sin embargo, las reformas dentro de las propias instituciones han avanzado a paso lento, especialmente los incentivos para incrementar las interacciones con otros agentes dentro del sistema de innovaci�n agropecuario a�n no se han adecuado a las necesidades de un sector integrado a la econom�a mundial.Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,


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    Extensive ejidal cattle in northern México has developed due adequate water soil and climate conditions; nevertheless, in the past few years a natural resources harm has been observed as well as a trend of emigration of the population. The methodology utilized in this paper was supported in a pool to ejidal cattle producers of the San Luis del Cordero County in the state of Durango, by means of stratified random sampling based on the number of cows. Results have shown that producers owning less than 20 cows depend mostly on remittances from emigrants. This group of producers also are less organized and with less technology for the agricultural and cattle activities. This study presents a characterization of the ejidal cattle production system identifying the main factors that limits this activity. It is concluded that the ejidal cattle located in the middle part of the Occidental Sierra Madre survive due the remittances of emigrants and that the economical growth of this people is more limited by natural causes rather than economical since the people is getting older and the forage availability is diminishing


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    In the North-Central Mexico, the main production area of beans in the country, a study was conducted during 2008-2009, whose objectives were to characterize the producers, determine the extent of adoption and to assess the impact of using the bean variety “Pinto Saltillo”, generated by INIFAP. The methodological approach was based on a formal interview to a sample of farmers, who were randomly selected from a population of 45,000 registered producers in the pattern of SAGARPA. The sample size was 496 elements. The questionnaire included closed and open questions by analyzing each of the responses through Frequency Analysis. Official sources were consulted for information as well as cooperatives, integrating and marketing of beans. The economic impact analysis of the use of Pinto Saltillo was made considering the increase in performance and / or sale price, and the number of hectares planted. The results indicated that 65.9% of farmers used the variety Pinto Saltillo and that there are different degrees of adoption by state: while in Durango and Chihuahua has been widespread use with rates of 93.3% and 82.8% respectively, Zacatecas recorded use of only 13.3%. The economic benefit generated by this variety released by INIFAP in northern central Mexico with 2008 prices, is approximately 934'000, 000 pesos. The adoption of Pinto Saltillo was a success in production and trade that benefits producers, traders, industrialists and consumers of beans