72 research outputs found

    Outcomes from elective colorectal cancer surgery during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

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    This study aimed to describe the change in surgical practice and the impact of SARS-CoV-2 on mortality after surgical resection of colorectal cancer during the initial phases of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

    A taxonomy of hotel revenue management implementation strategies

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    Academic literature has not yet been able to address the many important considerations involved in Revenue management (RM) implementation decisions. Using a qualitative and inductive approach, this paper aims to fill this gap in RM research by examining a range of strategies, such as in-house, centralized, corporate outsourcing, third-party outsourcing, and the use of a mixed method. Content analysis of 188 hotel managers\u27 responses to an open-ended question embedded within a large-scale web-based survey led to their discrete categorization. From this, a taxonomy of RM strategies was created with the goal of identifying and examining various implementation strategies of RM systems and their benefits and drawbacks for the hotel industry. This paper suggests that the implementation choice of RM is a relationship between external factors (e.g., costs associated with implementation choice, uncertainty about markets), internal factors (e.g., resources, organizational capability), and psychosocial factors (e.g., attitudes toward outsourcing, perceived risks)

    Functional properties of Ditaxis heterantha proteins

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    "Ditaxis heterantha is a plant of the Euphorbiaceae family that grows in semiarid regions of Mexico. It produces yellow pigmented seeds that are used for coloring of foods. The seeds contain about 20% of proteins. Proteins of D. heterantha were extracted and fractionated on the basis of solubility. Three main protein fractions were obtained: glutelins, 488 ± 0.5; albumins, 229 ± 2; and total globulins, 160 ± 1 g/kg. The amino acid profile was evaluated for each fraction and protein isolated, where the protein isolate contains essential amino acids such as Val, Phe, Tyr, and Leu. A calorimetric study showed that globulins and glutelins have a high denaturing temperature between 100 and 106°C, while albumins showed a denaturing temperature at 76°C. The protein isolate and its fractions exhibited functional properties: the isolated protein demonstrated good oil‐holding capacity of 40.7 g/kg. Foam capacity (FC) and foam stability (FS) were observed principally in glutelins and globulins where FC maximum was 330% and the FS was 28 min. The emulsifying capacity was observed in the same fractions of glutelins and globulins, followed by albumins. However, the glutelin fraction in particular was the only fraction that exhibited emulsifying stability at pH 5, 6, and 7. Gelling capacity was observed in albumins and globulins. This study indicated that protein isolated from D. heterantha could be used in food formulations due to its essential amino acid profile. Glutelin could be used as an emulsifying additive. Additionally, glutelin and globulin were stable at temperatures above 100°C; this is an important factor in food industry, principally in heat processes.

    Anales de EdafologĂ­a y AgrobiologĂ­a Tomo 47 NĂșmero 1-2

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    PrĂłlogo. Por la ComisiĂłn Coordinadora.-- PresentaciĂłn. Por C. Roquero.-- IntroducciĂłn. Por M. Delgado.-- Introduction. Translated by J. K. Caunt & D. A. Jenkins.-- Relaciones suelo-vegetaciĂłn en medios halomorfos de LĂ©rida. Soil/vegetation relationship in saline marshlands, (Lerida). Por J. Bech, J. R. Torrento y J. Garrido.-- Aportaciones bioqufmicas a la caract erizaciĂłn del Humus Tangel de Kubiena sobre rocas de silicatos. Biochemical contribution to the characterization of the Kubiena Tangel Humus over silicate rocks. Por F. Velasco de Pedro.-- Estudio morfolĂłgico de un perfil de Rendsina de Tangel del Pinsapar de Grazalema (CĂĄdiz ). Morphological study of Tangel - Rendzina profile of Spanish - fir forest area (A bies pin- sapo) in Grazalema, Province of Cadiz. Por L. E. Corral, C. Espino, J. MĂ©rida y G. Paneque.-- Histosoles de las sierras planas de Asturias. Histosoles from the sierras planas, Asturias. Por F. Guerrero y A. Polo.-- Aporte de la fracciĂłn arena gruesa al conocimiento de la gĂ©nesis del suelo. Contribution of the coarse sand fraction to soil genesis. Por C. Dorronsoro.-- lndices de alteraciĂłn mineral en las fracciones arena gruesa de suelos. Mineral weathering indices of coarse sand fractions of soils. Por C. Dorronsoro, J. del Arco Ortiz de Zarate y P. Alonso Rojo.-- Xerochrepts de las Sierras de Orce y MarĂ­a (Granada y Almer!a). Xerochrepts from the Orce and Maria Sierras, (Granada and Almeria). Por L. J. AlĂ­as y J. MartĂ­nez SĂĄnchez.-- GĂ©nesis y morfologĂ­a de las acumulaciones calizas. Genesis and morphology of calcretes. Por V. GĂłmez-Miguel.-- MicromorfologĂ­a de Jos horizontes cĂĄlcicos y petrocĂĄlcicos. Micromorphology of calcic and petrocalcic horizons. Por C. Baños y M. Ayerbe.-- MicromorfologĂ­a de suelos con yeso. Micromorphology of gypsiferous soils. Por J. Porta y J. Herrero.-- Estudio de Jos gypsiorthids de Navarra. Study of gypsiorthids in Navarra. Por F. J. Arricibita Videgain, J. Iñiguez Herrero y R. MÂȘ. Val Legaz.-- MicromorfologĂ­a de algunos suelos con acumulaciones de yeso en la regiĂłn central española (Toledo, Ciudad Real). Micromorphology of soils with gypsum enrichment in the central region of Spain (Toledo, Ciudad Reai).PorJ. Benayas, A. Guerra, J. BatllĂ© y J. Gumuzzio. La hidromorfĂ­a y sus rasgos micromorfolĂłgicos. Hydromorphy and its micromorphological features. Por C. Dorronsoro, P. Alonso Rojo y T . RodrĂ­guez Rebollo. MicromorfologĂ­a de Cambisoles crĂłmicos y vĂ©rticos. Micromorphology of chromic and vertic Cambisols. Por J. Aguilar y E. Ortega.-- MicromorfologĂ­a de Cambisoles EĂștricos y DĂ­stricos. Micromorphology of Eutric and Dystric Cambisols.PorJ. Aguilar, E. Ortega y G. Delgado.-- El proceso de iluviaciĂłn de arcilla. Clay iJluviation process. Por C. Dorronsoro y J. Aguilar.-- MicromorfologĂ­a de una cronosecuencia de suelos en la regiĂłn de Calvarrasa (Salamanca). Micromorphology of a soil chronosequence in the area of Calvarrasa (Salamanca). Por C. Dorronsoro, J. del Arco Ortiz de ZĂĄrate y P. Alonso Rojo.-- Variabilidad de Jos diferentes tipos de suelos rojos en España. Variability of the different types of red soils in Spain. Por L. AlcalĂĄ del Olmo B. y F. Monturiol RodrĂ­guez.-- EvaluaciĂłn de la distribuciĂłn de manganeso en algunos suelos mediterrĂĄneos. Evaluation of manganese distribution in mediterranean soils. Por R. JimĂ©nez Ballesta, A. Guerra, J. Gallardo y J. J. Ibåñez.-- Micromorfologfa de Jos suelos ferralĂ­ticos en las Islas Canarias. Micromorphology of ferrallitic soils in the Canary Islands. Por A. RodrĂ­guez-RodrĂ­guez, C. C. JimĂ©nez Mendoza y M. L. Tejedor Salguero.-- MicromorfologĂ­a y gĂ©nesis de Podsoles y suelos podsolicos. Micromorphology and genesis of Podsols and podsolic soils. Por F. MacĂ­as VĂĄzquez, C. GarcĂ­a Paz, B. M. Silva Hermo, E. GarcĂ­a-Rodeja Gayoso y M. T . Taboada RodrĂ­guez.-- MicromorfometrĂ­a de suelos. Principios y tĂ©cnicas. Soil micromorphometry. Principies and tecniques.Por C. Dorronsoro.-- MicromorfometrĂ­a de suelos. Aplicaciones. Soil micromorphometry. Applications. Por C. Dorronsoro.-- MicromorfometrĂ­a de paleosuelos afectados por presiĂłn y temperatura de coladas basĂĄlticas "Almagres" en las Islas Canarias. Micromorphometry of paleosols affected by pressure and temperature of basaltic flows ("Almagres") in the Canary Islands. Por H. Carbajal, J. Benayas y MÂȘ J. HerreraPeer reviewe
