24 research outputs found

    Biological Evidences and Sexual Assault in Forensic Medicine

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    Trabalho apresentado sob a forma de poster no evento: IV Mediterranean Academy of Forensic Sciences Meeting, em Belek, Antalya, TurkyeIntroduction Sexual assault crimes are ubiquitous; usually unwitnessed, so victim’s statements may be the only direct evidence that it has occurred. Medical examination and biological samples collection are of inequivocal importance. Presence of spermatozoa in smears, elevated acid phosphatase and the presence of Y-STR profiler in the victim’s evidence’s, could be crucial to corroborate victim’s testimony. The Y chromosome is far the most important scientific evidence, not only due to it’s gender specificity and easy amplification in a male/female mixtures, but also because it can easily contribute for the number of unrelated male contributor’s estimation in an biological evidence. The aim of this study is to ascertain a few characteristics concerning sexual harassment and a Y-haplotype profile obtention, which may help to prove or disprove a link between individuals and objects or places. Methodology Biological samples from 782 sexual assault cases were studied. Glass slide vaginal and anal smears were stained with Papanicolau’s and Harris Hematoxilin Solution. For the phosphatase test, a commercially available test paper strip was used (Phosphatesmo KM). DNA was extracted by phenol chloroform method and PCR amplification was performed with Powerplex® Y (Promega) or AmpF1STR Y-Filer (Applied Biosystems). Fragment analysis was done by capillary electrophoresis in an ABI 3130xl. Laboratory results were compared with other data such as, victim age, alleged assailant number, time between the act and collection of biological samples. Significant variables were entered in a logistic regression model using SPSS 17.0 for data analysis. Results and conclusion Descriptive analysis reveals that victim’s age varies between 1 to 90 years old, but almost 20% were under 12 years old. Almost 87% of cases had one perpetrator. Only 10% of the victim’s declared that they had consent sexual intercourse, in the previous 48 hours and 32% take a bath before the exam. Another variable studied was the mean time of 15 hours between the act and biological sample collection. Logistic regression demonstrates that the last two variables are of considerable importance in Y-profile obtention. Concerning acid phosphatase results a male genetic identification was obtained in 12,5 % of the negative cases. In conclusion, Y-STRs study, due to their sensitivity and specificity, should be used in every sexual assault cases, contributing to the final identification of perpetrator’s, and corroborating the victim’s story.info:eu-repo/semantics/draf

    Forensic Genetics as a Tool for Peace and Justice: An Overview on DNA Quantification

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    In Forensic Genetics, DNA analysis is performed to obtain a Short Tandem Repeat (STR) profile from an evidence sample, which is then compared with the victim and suspect(s) reference sample STR profile, to determine their contribution to that evidence sample. However, forensic biological samples can be present in low quantities and be exposed to different environmental insults leading to DNA degradation and contamination by inhibitor compounds. Thus, it is desirable for a forensic scientist to have useful information about the forensic sample quantity and quality prior to STR amplification. New methods in Forensic DNA analysis for detecting, preserving, and quantifying DNA, as well as its recovery from different biological materials are continually being developed. Real-Time PCR (RT-PCR) assays for DNA quantification, like the recent Quantifiler® Duo DNA quantification kit (Applied Biosystems) proved to be very useful in forensic samples. Since many samples, mainly those resulting from sexual assault cases are often composed by unbalanced male/female DNA mixtures, the knew RT-PCR quantification assay, developed to quantify relative male/ female DNA ratio contributes not only to total DNA determination but also to ascertain the presence and quantity of enough male DNA in the sample. These results are important to guide the optimal STR analysis selection, such as autosomal STR, Y-STR, or mini-STR, increasing downstream analysis success rates. In this work we present real forensic casework where the DNA amount and quality were important to guide the selection of the appropriate STR amplification kit in order to increase the success of profiling in the first attempt, reducing the number of samples that need to be reprocessed and thereby decreasing the turn around time in a forensic laboratory.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    vWA STR Locus - Structure and variability

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    Poster apresentado no 20th ISFG Congress, Arcachon (France), 2003The biological individualization of samples is studied through DNA STR loci analysis and is the principal goal of Forensic Genetics. STR loci study was initiated in the 90s on the majority of Forensic Laboratories. vWA is one of the most studied STR loci all over the world. It is included in any STR set proposed by Forensic Groups as the 13 core loci of the CODIS System used in routine cases by most Forensic Genetic Laboratories. When performing paternity investigation and identification cases with STR loci, once in a while we came through rare or new alleles. Sequencing is essential to confirm the structure of these alleles. Also in mutation cases, especially in primer binding mutation cases, allele sequence should be performed. The high primer binding mutation observed in this locus and the interest in structure analysis of rare alleles observed in certain population groups were the main reasons for performing vWA sequence. More than one hundred vWA samples have been sequenced with DNA Sequencing Kit Big Dye Terminator Cycle Sequencing with forward and reverse primers (Kimpton et al, 1992 GenBank M25858). Sequencing was performed in an ABIPRISM 377 DNA Sequencer and analyzed by Sequencing Analysis. In this study we will present the structural analysis of vWA alleles from allele 11 to allele 22 studied in two main populations – a Portuguese population and an African population mainly from Cabo Verde Islands and AngolaN/

    Population Genetic Data for F13A01, FES/FPS, F13B and LPL in the South Portuguese Population

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    Poster apresentado no 24th World Congress of the International Society for Forensic Genetics, Viena (Austria), 2011DNA parentage testing is currently performed using several highly polymorphic short tandem repeats (STRs). In our routine casework, we apply two validated STRs kits, in order to have results in the 13 codis loci plus D2S1338, D19S433, PENTA E, PENTA D, and Amelogenin. In complex and deficient paternity cases it is often necessary to increment the number of studied STRs. For this reason, we introduced in our laboratory GenePrint® FFFL Multiplex kit, which can provide results in F13A1, FES/FPS, F13B, and LPL using the GenePrint® FFFL System (Promega, USA) kit. In this study, we analyzed 150 unrelated and healthy individuals from the south Portugal population. Allele frequencies and statistical parameters were estimated with Arlequin Paternity Statistics were calculated using software package PowerStats v12. The forensic efficiency values suggested that loci F13A01, FES/FPS, F13B, and LPL are discriminative and very useful to solve complex forensic casework, and should be added to the set of STRs loci routinely used in Forensic laboratories. In conclusion, an additional 4 loci dataset was established for the south Portuguese population, which can be used for both forensic casework and complex kinship testinginfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Superfecundação heteropaterna na investigação de paternidade

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    Poster apresentado no 7º Congresso Nacional de Medicina Legal, 7-8 de Novembro de 2008, Tomar, PortugalN/

    Insertion/Delection Polymorphism and forensic aplications: A preliminary study

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    Poster apresentado na reunião científica "DNA in Forensics" em Innsbruck, Austria (2012)The human genetic identification is usually based on the study of STR markers, robust and reliable for samples containing relatively small quantities of DNA. Recent advances in forensic genetics have focused on the development of genotyping assays using shorter amplicons, in order to improve the successful amplification of degraded samples. Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNP) and Insertion/Deletion polymorphisms (INDEL), length polymorphisms created by insertions or deletions of one or more nucleotides in the genome, have considerable potential in this kind of forensic samples, usually present in identification casework, since they can combine desirable characteristics of both, STR and SNP. In this study, a set of 30 biallelic Deletion/Insertion polymorphisms (DIP or INDEL) distributed over 19 autosomes plus Amelogenin in a single multiplex PCR reaction was applied to 100 healthy and unrelated caucasian individuals. Statistical analysis revealed that the 30 biallelic markers can provide satisfactory levels of informativeness for forensic demands.N/

    Identificação genética a partir de lâminas

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    Poster apresentado no 6º Congresso Nacional de Medicina Legal. Guimarães, Portugal, 9-10 de Novembro de 2007N/

    Vestígios Biológicos na Pele da Vítima

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    Póster apresentado no 5º Congresso Nacional de Medicina Legal, 10-11 novembro 2006, Ericeira, PortugalO estudo de DNA, em crimes de agressão/abuso sexual, constitui uma ferramenta de extrema importância para identificar o agressor. Os critérios utilizados na colheita dos vestígios biológicos, a partir do corpo da vítima, podem influenciar a obtenção de resultados laboratoriais que permitam o esclarecimento dos factos ocorridos. Os erros involuntariamente cometidos podem conduzir a uma perda irremediável das evidências. Durante o exame clínico efectuado às vítimas, são habitualmente colhidas amostras de diferente natureza, tais como: esxudado vaginal, anal e bucal (em zaragatoa ou lâmina); papel e pensos higiénicos; peças de roupa.Pretende-se, com este trabalho, realçar a utilidade da recolha de vestígios biológicos a partir da superfície da pele das vítimas de abuso sexual para a resolução deste tipo de casos, uma vez que podem constituir um importante meio de prova.A presença de sémen e/ou espermatozóides em amostras forenses tem sido considerada a evidência necessária para provar a existência de contacto sexual. Relativamente ao Caso 1, a observação microscópica das lâminas de esfregaço de “lavado” da mama não revelou presença de espermatozóides. No entanto, o estudo de Y-STRs a partir da zaragatoa de “lavado” da mama permitiu a detecção de um perfil genético, o que constitui um indício de contacto físico entre a vítima e o agressor. É de salientar ainda o facto de, neste caso, a referida zaragatoa ter sido a única amostra que apresentou vestígios biológicos masculinos, o que demonstra a importância da colheita de vestígios biológicos a partir da superfície da pele das vítimas de abuso sexual para a resolução deste tipo de casos, podendo constituir um importante meio de prova.N/

    Necessidade de exumação em investigação de paternidade

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    Poster apresentado no 8º Congresso Nacional de Medicina Legal, 6 - 7 de Novembro de 2009, Elvas, PortugalN/

    Unhas:uma alternativa para Identificação Humana

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    Poster apresentado no 3º congresso Nacional de Medicina Legal, 2004, Porto, PortugalNa identificação genética de restos cadavéricos humanos é fundamental a selecção do material biológico a submeter à análise genética, revestindo se de importância relevante a escolha das amostras mais adequadas ao estado dos restos cadavéricos A capacidade de estudar o ADN pela técnica de PCR (polimerase chain reaction) permite analisar quantidades de ADN reduzidas, isoladas a partir de dentes e de fragmentos ósseos, bem como a partir de unhas, contudo, o problema que surge quando se trabalha com ADN destas amostras è a degradação da cadeia de ADN que ocorre após a morte, a própria contaminação por ADN microbiano e/ou a presença de inibidores da PCR, Verificou se que dos 4306 indivíduos estudados em polimorfismos de ADN, pertencentes a exames forenses no âmbito do foro cível, 67 eram indivíduos cadáveres, que necessitaram de esclarecimento da sua identidade ou que eram intervenientes em exames de investigação biológica de filiação e para tal houve necessidade de recorrer a exumação. Em 73 destes indivíduos não foi possível trabalhar com amostras de sangue porque o estado do cadáver não o permitia Em alternativa, o estudo do perfil genético recaiu sobre outro material biológico disponível Os perfis genéticos de 5 indivíduos foram estudados a partir de unhas, comparados com dentes e/ou ossos do próprio e identificados por análise comparativa com os perfis dos supostos familiares.A identificação, pelas unhas, foi possível em 4 das 5 vítimas estudadas O facto de não ter sido possível obter um perfil genético num dos casos, pode dever se, provavelmente, à permanência do cadáver em água salgada (caso 2 Nos dentes, foram obtidos resultados porque a dentina e o esmalte protegem a polpa, constituída por grande densidade celular e deste modo, a recuperação do ADN é maior As unhas oferecem uma oportunidade para identificar cadáveres, por análise genética comparativa com supostos familiares, contudo há que ter em atenção que a taxa de sucesso dos resultados depende do tipo de material biológico, do estado de cadáver, do local em que o mesmo foi encontrado, do intervalo post mortem 4 Por outro lado, verificou se que, em alguns casos, os fragmentos amplificados de maiores dimensões são mais difíceis de detectar do que os de menores dimensões (caso 3 podendo este facto ser devido à molécula de ADN estar parcialmente fragmentada A metodologia de extracção de ADN das unhas torna se vantajosa relativamente à usada para os dentes e ossos Antes de se proceder à digestão proteolitica, os ossos são laminados com auxilio de serra eléctrica, em finíssimas lascas, e posteriormente reduzidos a pó por acção de azoto líquido, num criotriturador 6750 freezer mill No caso dos dentes, o procedimento é semelhante não havendo contudo necessidade de utilizar a serra Relativamente às unhas o procedimento inicia se com a digestão proteolitica, logo após a desinfecção inicial Deste modo, o protocolo de extracção de ADN das unhas torna se mais rápido e menos dispendioso Além disso a manipulação do azoto líquido acarreta riscos para o técnico uma vez que se trata de um gás inodoro e liquefeito a uma temperatura de 210 ºC, provocando acidentalmente queimaduras graves, e intoxicação sem que possam ser perceptíveis. As unhas são um meio alternativo para a identificação genética, contudo o perito médico legal deverá ter em consideração que para além das unhas deve colher outro tipo de amostra biológicaN/