7 research outputs found

    Tratamientos Psicol贸gicos Emp铆ricamente Apoyados Para Adultos: Una Revisi贸n Selectiva [Evidence-Based Psychological Treatments for Adults: A Selective Review]

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    Antecedentes: los tratamientos psicol贸gicos han mostrado su efi cacia, efectividad y efi ciencia para el abordaje de los trastornos mentales; no obstante, considerando el conocimiento cient铆fi co generado en los 煤ltimos a帽os, no se dispone de trabajos de actualizaci贸n en espa帽ol sobre cu谩les son los tratamientos psicol贸gicos con respaldo emp铆rico. El objetivo fue realizar una revisi贸n selectiva de los principales tratamientos psicol贸gicos emp铆ricamente apoyados para el abordaje de trastornos mentales en personas adultas. M茅todo: se recogen niveles de evidencia y grados de recomendaci贸n en funci贸n de los criterios propuestos por el Sistema Nacional de Salud de Espa帽a (en las Gu铆as de Pr谩ctica Cl铆nica) para diferentes trastornos psicol贸gicos. Resultados: los resultados sugieren que los tratamientos psicol贸gicos disponen de apoyo emp铆rico para el abordaje de un amplio elenco de trastornos psicol贸gicos. El grado de apoyo emp铆rico oscila de bajo a alto en funci贸n del trastorno psicol贸gico analizado. La revisi贸n sugiere que ciertos campos de intervenci贸n necesitan una mayor investigaci贸n. Conclusiones: a partir de esta revisi贸n selectiva, los profesionales de la psicolog铆a podr谩n disponer de informaci贸n rigurosa y actualizada que les permita tomar decisiones informadas a la hora de implementar aquellos procedimientos psicoterap茅uticos emp铆ricamente fundamentados en funci贸n de las caracter铆sticas de las personas que demandan ayuda. // Evidence-Based Psychological Treatments for Adults: A Selective Review. Background: Psychological treatments have shown their effi cacy, effectiveness, and effi ciency in dealing with mental disorders. However, considering the scientifi c knowledge generated in recent years, in the Spanish context, there are no updating studies about empirically supported psychological treatments. The main goal was to carry out a selective review of the main empirically supported psychological treatments for mental disorders in adults. Method: Levels of evidence and degrees of recommendation were collected based on the criteria proposed by the Spanish National Health System (Clinical Practice Guidelines) for different psychological disorders. Results: The results indicate that psychological treatments have empirical support for the approach to a wide range of psychological disorders. These levels of empirical evidence gathered range from low to high depending on the psychological disorder analysed. The review indicates the existence of certain fi elds of intervention that need further investigation. Conclusions: Based on this selective review, psychology professionals will be able to have rigorous, up-to-date information that allows them to make informed decisions when implementing empirically based psychotherapeutic procedures based on the characteristics of the people who require help

    Regulatory networks defining EMT during cancer initiation and progression

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    Epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) is essential for driving plasticity during development, but is an unintentional behaviour of cells during cancer progression. The EMT-associated reprogramming of cells not only suggests that fundamental changes may occur to several regulatory networks but also that an intimate interplay exists between them. Disturbance of a controlled epithelial balance is triggered by altering several layers of regulation, including the transcriptional and translational machinery, expression of non-coding RNAs, alternative splicing and protein stability

    Regulatory networks defining EMT during cancer initiation and progression

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    Composition and properties of bovine colostrum: a review

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