174 research outputs found

    A class of spatial econometric methods in the empirical analysis of clusters of firms in the space

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    In this paper we aim at identifying stylized facts in order to suggest adequate models of spatial co–agglomeration of industries. We describe a class of spatial statistical methods to be used in the empirical analysis of spatial clusters. Compared to previous contributions using point pattern methods, the main innovation of the present paper is to consider clustering for bivariate (rather than univariate) distributions, which allows uncovering co–agglomeration and repulsion phenomena between the different industrial sectors. Furthermore we present the results of an empirical application of such methods to a set of European Patent Office (EPO) data and we produce a series of empirical evidences referred to the the pair–wise intra–sectoral spatial distribution of patents in Italy in the nineties. In this analysis we are able to identify some distinctive joint patterns of location between patents of different sectors and to propose some possible economic interpretations

    Weighting Ripley’s K-function to account for the firm dimension in the analysis of spatial concentration

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    The spatial concentration of firms has long been a central issue in economics both under the theoretical and the applied point of view due mainly to the important policy implications. A popular approach to its measurement, which does not suffer from the problem of the arbitrariness of the regional boundaries, makes use of micro data and looks at the firms as if they were dimensionless points distributed in the economic space. However in practical circumstances the points (firms) observed in the economic space are far from being dimensionless and are conversely characterized by different dimension in terms of the number of employees, the product, the capital and so on. In the literature, the works that originally introduce such an approach (e.g. Arbia and Espa, 1996; Marcon and Puech, 2003) disregard the aspect of the different firm dimension and ignore the fact that a high degree of spatial concentration may result from both the case of many small points clustering in definite portions of space and from only few large points clustering together (e.g. few large firms). We refer to this phenomena as to clustering of firms and clustering of economic activities. The present paper aims at tackling this problem by adapting the popular Kfunction (Ripley, 1977) to account for the point dimension using the framework of marked point process theory (Penttinen, 2006)Agglomeration, Marked point processes, Spatial clusters, Spatial econometrics

    Measuring industrial agglomeration with inhomogeneous K-function: the case of ICT firms in Milan (Italy)

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    Why do industrial clusters occur in space? Is it because industries need to stay close together to interact or, conversely, because they concentrate in certain portions of space to exploit favourable conditions like public incentives, proximity to communication networks, to big population concentrations or to reduce transport costs? This is a fundamental question and the attempt to answer to it using empirical data is a challenging statistical task. In economic geography scientists refer to this dichotomy using the two categories of spatial interaction and spatial reaction to common factors. In economics we can refer to a distinction between exogenous causes and endogenous effects. In spatial econometrics and statistics we use the terms of spatial dependence and spatial heterogeneity. A series of recent papers introduced explorative methods to analyses the spatial patterns of firms using micro data and characterizing each firm by its spatial coordinates. In such a setting a spatial distribution of firms is seen as a point pattern and an industrial cluster as the phenomenon of extra-concentration of one industry with respect to the concentration of a benchmarking spatial distribution. Often the benchmarking distribution is that of the whole economy on the ground that exogenous factors affect in the same way all branches. Using such an approach a positive (or negative) spatial dependence between firms is detected when the pattern of a specific sector is more aggregated (or more dispersed) than the one of the whole economy. In this paper we suggest a parametric approach to the analysis of spatial heterogeneity, based on the socalled inhomogeneous K-function (Baddeley et al., 2000). We present an empirical application of the method to the spatial distribution of high-tech industries in Milan (Italy) in 2001. We consider the economic space to be non homogenous, we estimate the pattern of inhomogeneity and we use it to separate spatial heterogeneity from spatial dependence.

    A class of spatial econometric methods in the empirical analysis of clusters of firms in the space

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    In this paper we aim at identifying stylized facts in order to suggest adequate models of spatial co–agglomeration of industries. We describe a class of spatial statistical methods to be used in the empirical analysis of spatial clusters. Compared to previous contributions using point pattern methods, the main innovation of the present paper is to consider clustering for bivariate (rather than univariate) distributions, which allows uncovering co–agglomeration and repulsion phenomena between the different industrial sectors. Furthermore we present the results of an empirical application of such methods to a set of European Patent Office (EPO) data and we produce a series of empirical evidences referred to the the pair–wise intra–sectoral spatial distribution of patents in Italy in the nineties. In this analysis we are able to identify some distinctive joint patterns of location between patents of different sectors and to propose some possible economic interpretations.Agglomeration, Bivariate K–functions, co–agglomeration, Non parametric concentration measures, Spatial clusters, Spatial econometrics

    A Monte Carlo EM Algorithm for the Estimation of a Logistic Auto-logistic Model with Missing Data

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    This paper proposes an algorithm for the estimation of the parameters of a Logistic Auto-logistic Model when some values of the target variable are missing at random but the auxiliary information is known for the same areas. First, we derive a Monte Carlo EM algorithm in the setup of maximum pseudo-likelihood estimation; given the analytical intractability of the conditional expectation of the complete pseudo-likelihood function, we implement the E-step by means of Monte Carlo simulation. Second, we give an example using a simulated dataset. Finally, a comparison with the standard non-missing data case shows that the algorithm gives consistent results.Spatial Missing Data, Monte Carlo EM Algorithm, Logistic Auto-logistic Model, Pseudo-Likelihood.

    Spatial models for flood risk assessment

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    The problem of computing risk measures associated to flood events is extremely important not only from the point of view of civil protection systems but also because of the necessity for the municipalities of insuring against the damages. In this work we propose, in the framework of an integrated strategy, an operating solution which merges in a conditional approach the information usually available in this setup. First we use a Logistic Auto-Logistic (LAM) model for the estimation of the univariate conditional probabilities of flood events. This approach has two fundamental advantages: it allows to incorporate auxiliary information and does not require the target variables to be independent. Then we simulate the joint distribution of floodings by means of the Gibbs Sampler. Finally we propose an algorithm to increase ex post the spatial autocorrelation of the simulated events. The methodology is shown to be effective by means of an application to the estimation of the flood probability of Italian hydrographic regions

    Clusters of firms in space and time

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    The use of the K-functions (Ripley, 1977) has become recently popular in the analysis of the spatial pattern of firms. It was first introduced in the economic literature by Arbia and Espa (1996) and then popularized by Marcon and Puech (2003), Quah and Simpson (2003), Duranton and Overman (2005) and Arbia et al. (2008). In particular in Arbia et al. (2008) we used Ripley’s K-functions as instruments to study the inter-sectoral co-agglomeration pattern of firms in a single moment of time. All this researches have followed a static approach, disregarding the time dimension. Temporal dynamics, on the other hand, play a crucial role in understanding the economic and social phenomena, particularly when referring to the analysis of the individual choices leading to the observed clusters of economic activities. With respect to the contributions previously appeared in the literature, this paper uncovers the process of firm demography by studying the dynamics of localization through space-time K-functions. The empirical part of the paper will focus on the study of the long run localization of firms in the area of Rome (Italy), by concentrating on the ICT sector data collected by the Italian Industrial Union in the period 1920- 2005.Agglomeration, Non-parametric measures; Space-time K-functions, Spatial clusters, Spatial econometrics.

    R&D, firm size, and product innovation dynamics.

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    This paper addresses a debated issue in the economics innovation literature, namely the existence of increasing return to R&D expenditures and firm size on innovation output. It further explores how structural characteristics of the firm as well as contextual factors affect the dynamics of product innovation over a relatively long period of time. Taking advantage of an original and unique database comprising innovation data recorded on a monthly base we show that: (i) a negative binomial distribution model is able to predict with great accuracy the probability of having a given number of product announcement sent out in a month; (ii) constant returns to size and R&D expenditure may reasonably characterize the innovation production function of sampled firms; (iii) vertically integrated manufacturers as well as producers operating a larger product portfolio exhibit a higher propensity to introduce new products than their specialized competitors.
