125 research outputs found

    Genome Stability of Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Based on Analysis of Hemagglutinin and Neuraminidase Genes

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    Influenza A virus (H1N1), which arose in 2009, constituted the fourth pandemic after the cases of 1918, 1957, and 1968. This new variant was formed by a triple reassortment, with genomic segments from swine, avian, and human influenza origins. The objective of this study was to analyze sequences of hemagglutinin (n=2038) and neuraminidase (n=1273) genes, in order to assess the extent of diversity among circulating 2009-2010 strains, estimate if these genes evolved through positive, negative, or neutral selection models of evolution during the pandemic phase, and analyze the worldwide percentage of detection of important amino acid mutations that could enhance the viral performance, such as transmissibility or resistance to drugs. A continuous surveillance by public health authorities will be critical to monitor the appearance of new influenza variants, especially in animal reservoirs such as swine and birds, in order to prevent the potential animal-human transmission of viruses with pandemic potential

    Continuous selections of Lipschitz extensions in metric spaces

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    This paper deals with the study of parameter dependence of extensions of Lipschitz mappings from the point of view of continuity. We show that if assuming appropriate curvature bounds for the spaces, the multivalued extension operators that assign to every nonexpansive (resp. Lipschitz) mapping all its nonexpansive extensions (resp. Lipschitz extensions with the same Lipschitz constant) are lower semi-continuous and admit continuous selections. Moreover, we prove that Lipschitz mappings can be extended continuously even when imposing the condition that the image of the extension belongs to the closure of the convex hull of the image of the original mapping. When the target space is hyperconvex one can obtain in fact nonexpansivity.Dirección General de Enseñanza SuperiorJunta de AndalucíaRomanian Ministry of Educatio


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    La caña de azúcar es una de las plantas forrajeras de mayor potencial de producción de masa y energía por unidad de área, mantiene su valor nutritivo durante varios meses de sequía y es una alternativa válida para el ensilaje. Teniendo en cuenta la calidad de la caña de azúcar se ha realizado un experimento con el objetivo de determinar la calidad bromatológica del mismo en la Granja - Escuela de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias- Filial San Pedro. Los tratamientos consistieron en caña de azúcar (CA) aditivadas con urea (U); sulfato de amonio (SA); Lactobacillus Cap (LC) en distintas proporciones con cinco tratamientos y cuatro repeticiones en un diseño completamente al azar, los cuales fueron T1 (testigo); T2 (CA + U + SA); T3 (CA + LC); T4(CA + U + SA +LC); T5 (CA + U + SA +LC). La caña de azúcar picada y aditivada fue cargada y compactada en microsilos preparados para el efecto, los parámetros determinados mediante análisis fueron Proteína bruta(PB), Energía (E), Fibra bruta (FB), Grasa (G), Carbohidratos (Ch), Ceniza (Cz), Humedad (H). El análisis laboratorial se realizó 60 días depúes de haber cerrado los microsilos cuyos resultados una vez analizados arrojaron diferencias estadísticas significativas (P< 0,01). En tanto el T4 (CA + 500gr.U + 0,55gr. SA +0,2gr. LC) con 3,7175 % de PB y 60,5225 Kcal/100 de E, resultó ser la proporción más conveniente para ensilar. Al aditivar el ensilado de caña de azúcar mejora la calidad bromatológica del mismo

    Avaliação de genótipos de girassol quanto à infestação do besouro amarelo, Ciclocefala melanocephala.

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    Análisis filogenético y de presión evolutiva de secuencias nucleotídicas del gen VP4 de especies de enterovirus humanos

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    El género Enterovirus es un grupo viral que afecta a un amplio rango de hospederos, entre ellos los humanos (especies A, B, C, y D), causan enfermedades respiratorias, gastrointestinales, neurológicas, y otras, y son altamente contagiosos. Los síntomas pueden ser leves o graves. El objetivo del trabajo fue analizar la variación nucleotídica, filogenética y de presión evolutiva de secuencias nucleotídicas del gen VP4 de las cuatro especies que afectan a los humanos. Se emplearon 92 secuencias nucleotídicas disponibles en la base de datos GenBank; éstas se editaron con el software BioEdit y se alinearon con Clustal W; las relaciones filogenéticas se determinaron con MEGA6, y las presiones evolutivas con los algoritmos SNAP y SLAC. Se encontró que la identidad nucleotídica mínima intra-especie fue de 43,2% (especie B) a 72,6% (especie D). Los genotipos más variables por especie fueron EV-71 (A), Echovirus 2 (B), EV-118 (C), y EV-94 (D). El análisis de presión evolutiva mostró que el gen VP4 en las cuatro especies evoluciona bajo presión selectiva negativa. Esto indicaría que la alta tasa mutacional y eventos de recombinación no tienen un rol significativo en la evolución de este gen, debido probablemente a la localización interna de la proteína VP4

    Hydrodynamic and morphologic effects on the benthic invertebrate ecology along a meander bend of a large river (Paraguay River, Argentina-Paraguay)

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    A detailed hydro-ecological study to identify the effects of bed flow and morphodynamic processes on the distribution (and composition) of benthic invertebrates in a large river is presented herein. A crossing-pool sequence in a meander bend of the Paraguay River (Paraguay-Argentina) was examined. According to the results, there is a link between the benthic fauna, hydraulic and bed sediment size along the bend. The meander pool, with a deep scour hole and the largest bed shear stresses, would be a hostile area for benthic invertebrates, since lower densities were found there. A transversal analysis revealed two different invertebrate assemblages at each of the sampled cross sections: one across the mobile bottom with higher densities but lower diversity, richness and evenness than the other one found close to the banks. On the other hand, a comparison between both Paraguay and Paraná rivers revealed that the first one would seem to have optimal hydraulic conditions for the invertebrate's development, because the hydraulic energy of the Paraná River was too intense for the favorable settlement of benthic organisms at some specific habitats. The overall conclusion of this paper, that morpho-hydraulic features and biotopes are related, is an important step forward in river ecohydrology. With further development of this concept, river management techniques can improve and river rehabilitation projects can be designed with greater confidence.Fil: Blettler, Martin Cesar Maria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto Nacional de Limnología. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto Nacional de Limnología; ArgentinaFil: Amsler, Mario Luis. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto Nacional de Limnología. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto Nacional de Limnología; ArgentinaFil: Ezcurra de Drago, Inés. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto Nacional de Limnología. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto Nacional de Limnología; ArgentinaFil: Drago, Edmundo Carlos E.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto Nacional de Limnología. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto Nacional de Limnología; ArgentinaFil: Paira, Aldo Raul. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto Nacional de Limnología. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto Nacional de Limnología; ArgentinaFil: Espínola, Luis Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto Nacional de Limnología. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto Nacional de Limnología; Argentin

    Computational analysis of a species D human adenovirus provides evidence of a novel virus

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    A human adenovirus (HAdV) species D, was isolated from a hospitalised child with severe lower respiratory infection. It was initially detected in the nasopharyngeal aspirate of the child followed by conventional PCR amplification of the hexon, penton base, and fibre genes. Sanger DNA sequencing and phylogenetic analyses showed characteristics of a recombinant genome not described before. Next Generation Sequencing analysis was performed to reconstruct its complete DNA genome after viral isolation in adenocarcinoma human cell line (A549). A complete genomic sequence of 35.2 kb in length, with a G +C content of 57 % was obtained, related to HAdV-D29 (96 % identity). Imputed serology analysis demonstrated its novel type with a nucleotide sequence identity of 95.3 % (hexon loop 1) and 96 % (hexon loop 2) to HAdV-D9. The penton base gene showed a novel sequence, distantly related to HAdV-D44. The E3 and E4 regions evolved significantly from their ancestors. The fibre gene was almost identical to the knob region of HAdV-D15 but showed an unrelated shaft sequence. In conclusion the genomics of this novel HAdV, designated the HAdV-D83 [P83H9F15] prototype and bearing a new penton base gene, supports the importance of viral evolution to understand modified tissue tropism, nhanced transmission, or altered virulence

    Teoria da Aprendizagem Desenvolvimental (TAD): diálogo com Gloria Fariñas León a respeito de P. Ya. Galperin (In Memoriam)

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    Esta entrevista com a Professora Doutora Gloria Fariñas León foi realizada em julho de 2022, por ocasião do 120° aniversário de nascimento de P. Ya. Galperin, de quem foi aluna de doutorado. Durante sua vida acadêmica, Gloria realizou diversas pesquisas com base na Teoria da Formação Planejada das Ações Mentais e dos Conceitos, de autoria de Galperin, uma das bases da aprendizagem desenvolvimental. A entrevista objetivou conhecer da professora suas vivências e opiniões sobre esse renomado psicólogo. Na primeira parte, Gloria fala sobre como chegou a ser orientanda de Galperin e suas impressões sobre esse homem da ciência. Na segunda, revela os lados humano, pessoal e profissional de seu orientador. Gloria responde sobre sua compreensão da teoria de Galperin, do processo da aprendizagem e dos desafios na apropriação da teoria, como processo complexo, dialético, de leitura, releituras, contextualização e inferências dos textos produzidos pelo autor, que se caracterizava pelo poder de síntese e pela profundidade, o que exige determinadas formas de se aprender com ele. Ela reflete sobre os aspectos sistêmicos da teoria, com destaque para o subsistema da orientação que o sujeito elabora sobre as ações que deve realizar para aprender e o dos parâmetros das ações pelas quais se aprende, que caracterizam a relação entre aprendizagem e desenvolvimento intelectual dos estudantes. Enfatiza, ainda, a importância de se aprofundar, no contexto da teoria, as relações entre comunicação e atividade. Para finalizar, destaca o potencial e os desafios da teoria como referência para se pensar a escola no século XXI