41 research outputs found

    Ichthyofauna and some biological indices in Karoon, Dez and Bahmanshir Rivers (southwest of Iran)

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    During one year survey (1992-1993) 47 different species of fishes were caught by drift gill net from Bahmanshir, Karoon and Dez rivers. Distribution, frequency, ecological indices (diversity, richness and dominance), salinity coefficient (for Karoon and Bahmanshir rivers) were also calculated. In Karoon Rivers 32 species, in Bahmanshir 25 species and in Dez 12 species were identified. Freshwater fishes of Karoon include 17.9%, Bahmanshir 5.9% and Dez 14.6% of total freshwater fishes in Iran. Among identified fishes 4 nor endemic species, 2 anodermus species and the rest are dwelled and one species is rare. The most frequent species were: Clupeidae (3 genus and 3 species) in Bahmanshir river, and Cyprinidae (10 genus 16 species) in Dez river and (12 genus and 19 species) in Karoon river. Also the maximum fish abundance was in autumn, in Bahmanshir and Dez rivers and in spring in Karoon River. The similarity percentage of species between Karoon and Bahmanshir was very low. The maximum diversity and evens also belong to Bahmanshir and the maximum species richness and dominance belong to Karoon River

    Investigation on feeding behaviour of yellowfin seabream larvae, Acanthopagrus latus, fed on live food and microencapsulated diet

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    Feeding behavior of yellowfin seabream larvae during the first two weeks of larval life was studied by feeding larvae on different ratios of live food and microencapsulated diet (MED). Food consumption rate increased progressively with increasing larval weight. The results from visual observation of the larval guts under a light microscope indicated that yellowfin seabream larvae were able to ingest and digest MED from the onset of exogenous feeding. Comparing the average number of rotifers and MED ingested by larvae in treatments including either only live food or MED did not show any significant differences (P>0.05). In addition, the gut contents examination from the larvae fed simultaneously on both rotifer and MED, revealed that the larvae's tendency towards live food and/or MED was a function of live food density in the rearing tanks. The larvae preferentially ingest live food even when these are present at a very low concentration in comparison to MED. The mouth diameter of larvae has a strong influence on the amount of ingested rotifers and MED. There was a significant positive correlation between larvae growth and the average number of both live food and MED ingested by larvae in this trial (P0.05)

    The effect of lovastatin on cognition impairment induced by bilateral electrical lesion of nucleus basalis magnocellularis in the Alzheimerâs disease model in adult male rats

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    Background: Statins, inhibitors of 3-hydroxy-3-methyl glutaryl coenzyme A reductase, are widely used as medication to lower cholesterol levels in human patients. Much evidence indicates that statins can also exert neuroprotective actions. So, this study aimed at examining the effect of lovastatin on cognition deficit induced by bilateral electrical lesion of nucleus basalis magnocellularis (NBM) in the Alzheimer’s disease model in adult male rats. Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, 56 adult male wistar rats were divided into 8 groups (n=7): control (intact), NBM lesion group (which received electrically- induced lesion 0.5 mA in 3s), sham group (the electrode was impaled into the NBM with no lesion(, lovastatin groups (lesion+1, 5, 10, 20 mg/kg) and DMSO 5 group (NBM lesion +DMSO 5). Acquisition and retention testing was done by using an eight-radial arm maze in which the patterns of arm entries were recorded for calculating working memory errors, reference memory error and latency in each group. Results: The bilateral NBM lesion resulted in significant reduction of spatial memory in acquisition and retention tests in the form of increased working and reference memory errors compared to the control group (P<0.05). Post-lesion treatment with lovastatin improved the parameters of spatial memory errors in the acquisition and retention tasks compared to the lesion group. Conclusion: The electrical NBM lesion can reduce spatial memory function and the lovastatin therapy after brain injury improved cognitive disorders. It seems that lovastatin by reducing the activity of the acetylcholinesterase enzyme and increasing acetylcholine transferase enzyme activity can cause improvement in learning and memory capability

    Length frequency, length -weight relationship and gonad development status of silver pomfret, Pampus argenteus, in Khouzestan (Iran) and Kuwait coastal waters, Persian Gulf

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    Data used in this publication is a part of a comprehensive study was carried out jointly between South Aquaculture Research Center (SIARC) and Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) on silver pomfret (Pampus argenteus) in 2003 to 2005. The study was aimed to collect efficient data from two regions from biological and population parameters of this economically important fish to properly explain its stock situation and ultimately leads to improve a better management program for conservation of stock and yield sustainability. Monthly data collection on length and biology, started since May 2003 and ended by December 2005. Shrimp trawl and gill nets were used for sample collection from the predicted areas in both sea regions. FL of the fish was within the range of 12-34cm, with the dominant length of 18-25cm in Kuwaiti waters. In Khouzestan waters fork length was ranged 14-22cm for the years of 2003 and 2004 but 14-26cm for 2005. Strong relationship between length and weight in both countries with a scanty difference was observed for this species (R2 =0.989 for Khouzestn, R^2=0.947 for Kuwait). The findings of present study are suggesting that silver pomfret is following an allometric growth pattern in studied area. Spawning of silver pomfert begin in July and continue till October in Kuwaiti waters but in Khouzestan waters the heights spawning of this fish started in end of May till October. Length at first maturity of this species in the studied area of Kuwait was found to be 19.6cm FL based on Spearman-Karber method but 23.3cm (FL) based on the logistic model. The parameter was estimated 20.0 cm (FL) in Khouzestan waters according to the logistic model

    Abundance, spawning season and type of gattan (Barbus xanthopterus Heckel, 1843) in south of Karkheh River and Hour-Al-Azim marsh (Khuzestan Province)

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    In this study 401 specimens of Gattan (Barbus xanthopterus) caught by drifting and set gillnets, cast nets and forks were studied. Samples were collected monthly (October 1996 to September 1997) from Hamidieh Dam to Hour-Al-Azim Lagoon. Morphometric and meristic parameters and biological characteristics were studied in the laboratory. The Highest frequency of Gattan in the river was in March and in Hour-Al-Azim was in December. The length range of the fish in the river was broader than in the hour, and fishes with lengths more than 700mm were only observed in the river. Sharp decrease in GSI in May and occurence of spawning in May and June showed that reproduction of this species occurs in spring (in a two month period) and is relatively short. Minimum and maximum ova diameter were 0.01mm and 2.25mmin stages II and IV of gonad maturity respectively. An increasing trend in ova diameter up to April and decreasing in June showed one time spawning of this species. Surface water temperature in the spawning season was between 25.5oC and 28.65oC and turbidity was in its lowest level in this period. Sex maturation in males occurred in length of 151-200mm (one year old), and in females in 501-550mm (3 years old). Average sex ratio (male to female) was 1:1.31 which is not significantly different from 1:1 (95% confidence limit)

    Identification and density determination of juvenile fishes in Khouzestan coastal waters

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    Aquatic animals possess specific biological characteristics and lifecycle. Without knowing about their biology and complete lifecycle, planning about their conservation cannot be effective. Following the previous studies on fish larvae in Khuzestan coastal waters this study was done to determination catch composition and density of juvenile fishes in Khuzestan coastal waters during 2007 to 2008. Studied area included two main fisheries ground, Lifeh-Busafe in west and Bahrekan in east coasts. Monthly random sampling was carried out by using shrimp trawl net with Akhtar vessel. Juvenile fish's means the fishes that completed their larval cycle and are look like their parents but have not been matured yet. The catch mean, biomass, CPUA and the stock size of different species were estimated by using Swept Area Method. Totally 101485 caught fishes included 38 families and 63 species. The most abundant trawled fishes were Thryssa vitriostris Leiognathus bindus Ilisha melastoma Penahia macrophthalmus and Johnius belangerii .These five species contain about 80 %, the species Arius dussumieri and Cynoglossus arel 4.5% and 3.2 % respectively and the others 12% of total caught fishes. In the east coasts the species L. bindus I. melastoma T. vitriostris P. macrophthalmus and in the west coasts the species P. macrophthalmus T. vitriostris J. belangerii and I.melastoma were the most abundant. Among 63 identified fish species , juvenile fishes of 23 species were observed which contain 26.4 % of total caught fishes .the fishes Arius dussumieri and Acantopagrus latus 100%, Liza subviridis, Leiognathus lineolatus and Triacantuhus biaculeatus more than 80 % and Pomadasys stridens Lagocephalus inermis Saurida tumbil and Thryssa vitrirostris more than 50 % were observed as juvenile stage. The most abundant juvenile fishes were T. vitrirostris L. bindus and Arius dussumieri respectively. The maximum (1852 kg/km^2) and the minimum (165 kg/km^2) values of CPUA were estimated in west coasts in July and December respectively. The maximum (2677 kg/km^2) and the minimum (153 kg/km^2) values of CPUA were estimated in east coasts in June and August respectively. The biomass showed a distinct peak in June and July in east and west coasts respectively. The highest diversity index in east (2/22) and west (2.36) coasts were obtained in July. In present study the number of identified fishes is more than previous studies. Juvenile fishes spend their sensitive period of lifecycle in Khuzestan coastal waters. After growing in late spring, fish larvae enter to the juvenile stage and select this productive area as nursery ground. Increasing of juvenile fishes in July is accordance with their reproduction season in studied area. The east coasts are deeper than the west and there are some differences in hydrological characteristics due to discharging of the rivers Bahmanshir and Arvandrood in west coasts. The peaks of abundance in east and west coasts were observed with a clear time interval. The higher CPUA in east coasts can be caused due to gradual migration of juvenile fishes from west to east during cold season

    Effect of salinity on spawning of yellow fin sea bream (Acanthopagrus latus) in spawning tanks

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    Salinity effects on brooders spawning, growth and survival rate of yellow fin sea bream (Acanthopagrus latus) fingerlings was studied in Khouzestan Marine Fishes Research Station (Bandar-e Imam) in 2002- 2003. More than 200 brooders were caught in Mahshar creeks using hook, and 6 males and 3 females of brooders were introduced to each 4 tons tank. The experiments were carried out using 3 salinity treatments (30±1, 35±1 and 40±1 ppt) in 3 replications. Survival rate of brooders in 4 tons tanks during late January to 4^th April was estimated more than %90 in all salinities and the maximum rate was observed in 30 ppt treatment. Spawned brooders percentage in 40 ppt was more than the two other salinities, and spawning occurred in all three replications of this treatment. In all treatment, spawning started from early march (late lunar month) at 19~'C and continued at 23°C. Duration and replication of spawnings in 40 ppt were more than other salinities, and last about 20 days. Released eggs (2461046), amount of eggs production per day (66413), average number of eggs per brooder (312914), and average eggs per kg body weight (649460) were found in 40 ppt more than other salinities. Floating eggs ratio was more than %90 in 40 ppt and it was significantly different to the others. Fertilization and hatching rates in 40 ppt treatment (86.7, 67 respectively) were more than 30 and 35 ppt but there was no significant difference. All spawnings cases , released eggs hatched

    Epidemiology of head injury in Kerman

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    Abstract: This cross sectional study was carried out during the year 1990 at Shahid Bahonar Hospital of Kerman. During this period 1350 patients were admitted, 53% of whom were below the age of 20, and two third of the patients were males. Car and motorcycle accidents accounted for 61.5% of all cases occurring between 3 to 7 pm. The highest rate of admission was in summer. The average stay at the hospital was 7.2 days and the mortality rate in these patients was 8.14%, Twenty four of whom (22.2%) expired a few minutes after admission. Out of the total number of admitted patients 106 (7.8%) had a surgical operation. Keywords: Epidemiology, Head injur