7 research outputs found

    Survey of different dietary energy and protein levels on the reproduction indices of Benni (Barbus sharpeyi) broodstock

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    The survey of different protein and energy levels of brooders Benni (Mesopotamichthys sharpeyi) diet on reproductive indices This study, to preparation of suitable diet for brooders of Benni (Mesopotamichthys sharpeyi) carried Out increasing efficiency artificial propagation and achievement to maximum working fecundity and fingerling production. 9 dietary feeding with 3 triplication were prepared that included 3 protein levels (30,35 and 40 percentage) and 3 different levels of digestable energy (250, 300 and 350 kcal/100g).The reproductive indices (working fecundity, fertilization, hatching and survival rate) were studied in this experiment in South Iran Aquaculture Research Center .12 female brooders in any triplication were transported to earthen ponds 300 m2. They were fed 2 times in days for 4 month until satiation. The artificial breeding carried out in spring for survey of reproductive indices. The amount of hypophysis injection was 3mg/kg weight of fish with two doses10% in first stage and 90% in second stage with interval 10 Hour. The male broodstock injection was first stage spantanously with second females injections with a dose of 2 mg/kg. The total of breeding stages until larvae release was registered 22.5-24.5°C. Result showed that constant protein (35%) with rising energy until specified amount (350 Kcal/100g) was increased reproductive indicies. The working fecundity is one of the reproductive indices that in treatment 5 had significant difference compare to other treatment. In this survey, Comparison between different levels of dietary protein and energy on the brooders Benni indicated that 35% protein level and 350 Kcal/100g energy for barbus grypus had best efficiency in diet of broodstock

    Catch length structure, mortality and exploitation of Otolithes Ruber during the ten-year period (2000-2010) in the northwest of Persian Gulf

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    In the present study, length structure, mortality and exploitation rate of Otolithes ruber during a ten-year period were studied. Sampling was carried out by using bottom trawl net in the fishing area in Northwest of Persian Gulf over 1 year study period. Length data was also collected from fisheries research institute and fishery organization. Age determination was done by reading annual rings on sectioned otolith. Growth parameters were calculated based on age and length data. These data were used to estimate natural mortality rate. Total mortality was obtained from the age curve. Logarithmic catch and natural mortality were calculated from Pauly's equation. The averages of length in the last ten years were 35 to 39 cm. The samples ranged in length from 12 to 58 cm with the maximum frequencies between 28-44 cm. Length distribution was normal in this study. The maximum catch was composed of fish in the 40 to 48 cm length range with an average age of 2 to 3 years. The average total mortality, natural mortality and fishing mortality were 0.98, 0.56, and 0.42 respectively. Mortality was higher in age group 0 and age group 1, but mortality of the other age groups dramatically decreased. Exploitation rate in the last ten years were 0.42 indicating a near complete exploitation. Based on the results a more effective exploitation strategy is suggested in this region

    Ecological monitoring in shadegan wetland

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    Shadegan wetland is located in the southwest of Iran and consists of three parts water: Fresh water, tidal-coastal zones and salt water. Climate is warm and dry. Although Surface of Wetlands is different seasons, but the study area is approximately 126945 hectares. Water quality in Shadegan Wetland is brackish water to salt and the hardness of the water component is hard to classify. The BOD5 of water is shows relatively clean to be suspicious. Values of pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, BOD5, nitrite, phosphate, ammonia and TSS than the previous year are decreased and in this study salinity has increased electrical conductivity, total hardness, TDS and nitrate. In this study have been identified 42 genuses of phytoplankton in four groups: Bacillariophycea (diatoms), Cyanophyceae, Chlorophyceae and Dinophyceae that's diatoms are the most dominant. Also 24 genuses of zooplankton have been identified in four groups: protozoa, Rotifer, Copepod and Cladocera that are rotifer are the most dominant. Doraq and Atish stations have the most of abundance of plankton. Phytoplankton biodiversity is greatest at stations Rgbh and Atish. The average annual primary production 610 gC/m^2 /year and its placed the middle class on fertility. Average annual primary production in the phytobenthose 486 gC/m^²/year and the average monthly range of chlorophyll a and primary production 0.54-11.65 mg/m^² and 0.1-3.45 gC/m^²/day respectively. The amount average chlorophyll a is greater in Gargar, Maleh and Rgbh stations. The size of the wetland sediments had not important role in the phytobenthose production. The survey identified that 14 groups of macro benthic that’s Chironomidae families have the highest frequency. The highest and the lowest frequency in Atish and Doraq stations respectively. In the all stations have high SiltClay and organic matter in sediments is more in Maleh station from other areas. Macro benthos of the Rgbh and Atish stations more presents of the larvae that’s resistant to pollution of Chironomidae. Assessment of fish stocks of the common carp pond shows that the highest biomass (52.63 kg per hectare) and lowest Shiq fish (0.33 kg per hectare). The highest biomass are in autumn (337.17 kg per hectare) and lowest in summer (83.19 kg per hectare) and the average amount of biomass in total during the year were calculated 197.57 kg per hectare Shadegan Wetland. The amount of fish is obtained about 2.62 in Shadegan, which indicates the moderate wetland condition. The most of species spawning season are overlapped with each other, which occurs in winter and spring. The length - weight of fish indicating their growth is isometric

    Environmental impact assessment for Indian carp introduction to Azadegan fish pond

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    Azadegan aquaculture site is located 25 km south of Ahvaz in southern of Khuzestan plain. Primary study of Azadegan aquaculture site was done in 1992 with the aim of developing feasibility of warm water aquaculture and the second phase was done in 1996-1998 by Mohandesin Moshaver Pandam. Now, cyprinus carpio, Hypophthalmichthys nobilis, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, Ctenopharyngodon idella), Barbus grypus) and Mesopotamichthys sharpeyi rear in this site. Considering special traits of Indian carps such as different level of production in earth pool, diet diversity, and more favorability for consumers, possibility of alternation with common carps, adaptability, growth and maturity in Khuzestan climate, this species can increase the efficiency of Khuzestan aquaculture industry as one of the poles of production in country. In this study the environmental impact assessment of the region was done because of the importance of Shadegan wetland as receiving waste area. Leopold matrix was used for assessment and quantifying environmental impacts of India carp aquaculture. Identification and prediction of effects were done based on the matrix. In using phase, 101 effects were identified which 34 were negative and 67 were positive. 18.8 percentage of effects were physic-chemical, 25.7% was biologic and ecologic and 55.5% was in socio-economic environment. In the operation phase, from all of the anticipated effects in physic-chemical environment 5 effects were positive and 14 effects were negative and in ecologic-biologic environment 17 effects were negative and 9 effects were positive. In socio-economic environment from 56 effects 3 were negative and 53 were positive. In order to summarizing the scores in environmental impact assessment matrix, final scores concluded from weighted scores of different environments including physic- chemical, ecological-biological and socio- economic environments. These scores showed that physical activities will have negative effects due to sewage production and negative effect on water resources. However, because of positive effects in socio-economic and ecologic environments, the final score in +83 that shows general result will be positive especially in economic and social environment. Due to the positive effects of the project on the economic and social conditions such as improving living conditions, creating job opportunities due to culturing this species and changing patterns of employment, increasing income levels at local, provincial and even national scale, increasing the price of land, supporting lateral and related industries, including hatcheries, fish-producing industries, manufacturing and processing industries and conversion, marketing and export, as well as the pharmaceutical industry (veterinary drugs), education development of specialized human resources and its role in the development of aquaculture projects in compliance with the recommendations of management and control is permitted

    The survey of possibility of beluga (Huso huso) sturgeon culture in different densities in Khuzestan province

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    The influence of stocking density was investigated on growth, survival and FCR of great sturgeon (Huso huso) juvenile in north of Khuzestan province (Dezful). The study was conducted by Southern Iran Aquaculture research center. This study was done from September 2013 to July 2014 in three stage with different weight of Huso huso juveniles. In the first stage density of 1.5, 3 and 6 kg/m^2 during two month was performed. The initial weight and length of fish in this stage considered as 143±0.29 g and 316±1.1 mm. In the second stage 3, 6 and 9 kg/m2 density were introduced. The initial weight and length of fish in this stage considered as 548.58±33.26 g and 416.5±0.81 mm and duration of the stage was 84 days. In the third stage 6, 9 and 12 kg/m^2 density were introduced and initial weight and length were 1571.33±71.33 g and 687.5±10.96 mm. Growth and feeding index were assess in each stage. In the first stage monthly blood samples were collected from each density. In this stage bold and hormonal indices were assessed. The results showed that the average final weight in stage 1 in 1.5, 3 and 6 kg/m^2 densities were 527.27±6.82 g, 467.91±18.81 g and 431.02±24.25 g respectively. The highest average of weight was in treatment 1 and it has significant difference with treatment 3 (P0.05). FCR, condition factor, daily growth, special growth index, BWI and food performance index have not significant difference in treatments. Daily growth rate in treatment 1, 2 and 3 were 13.93±2.83, 11.44±2.65 and 9.6±2.49 respectively. In the third stage the average final weight in 6, 9 and 12 kg/m^2 densities were 3232.22±66.12g, 3407.39±119.73g and 2869.72±135.7g. The highest average weight was in treatment 2 and has significant difference with treatment 3 (P0.05). FCR, condition factor, daily growth, special growth index, BWI and food performance index have not significant difference in treatments. Daily growth rate in treatment 1, 2 and 3 were 20.37±3.12 g/day, 19.90±4.2 g/day and 16.36±3.64 g/day respectively

    An investigation of annual discards of the trawlers and gillnet in Khuzestan coastal water, northwest Persian Gulf

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    The main objective of this study was to describe and estimate the seasonal pattern of discarded fish in the waters of the Persian Gulf coast in Khuzestan. Data were collected from the fishing dhow with Khuzestan Fisheries partnership in fishing areas of Lifeh, Boseif, Khure-mussa and Bahrakan from October 2011 to September 2012. Discarded fish samples were included 109 species from 67 families, nearly 40 percent commercial and 60 percent of non-commercial species. Rayfish and catfish have been observed in most fishing nets. Average sizes of most species particularly bony fish were under 15 cm. The amount of discarded fish per unit of fishing effort was not significantly different between seasons. The highest portion of the catch belongs to rayfishes. Total discarded fishes of gillnets were estimated 3162 tones. Total weight of commercial fishes with small size in discarded fish was estimated 225 tones. The rate and ratio of discarded fish in total catch of gillnet was estimated 0.23 and 0.31 respectively. Chondrichthyes with 12 species and 60% of gillnet catch has the highest percentage of discarded fish of gillnet. High number of commercial species with small size could be due to nursery role of Khuzestan coastal waters. Trawl net has more impact on type and amount of discarded fish than moving gill net. According to different aquatic groups, the highest percentage of protein (77.84±2.088) in Perciformes belongs to Eupleurogrammus muticus and the lowest percentage (40.40±0.322) belongs to Liza klunzingeri, the most percentage of lipid was in Liza klunzingeri (33.78±0.277) and the lowest percentage was in Grammoplites suppositus (3.34±0.025), the highest and lowest percentage of ash (minerals) were in Cynoglossus arel and Acanthocephola abbreviate (28.14±.377) and oligo duvauceli (0.7±0.02) respectively. Therefore discarded fish have great potential in fulfilling nutritional requirements as fresh food (minimally processed) and with nutritional additives in forms of fish powder and fish oil and it can play an effective role in aquaculture development in the region