19 research outputs found

    Bambu Ater (Gigantochloa Atter) Sebagai Bahan Substitusi Kayu Pada Ukiran Asmat

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    Asmat wood carving is typical souvenirs which attracted many tourists. Today craftsmen began to have difficulty to get wood because the price is expensive. Therefore, it is necessary to use alternative, available and cheaper materials, namely bamboo. Sizeable bamboo grown in Papua are bamboo atter. The aim of this research is to create Asmat carvings and stylish souvenir products by using bamboo atter. Bamboo atter with the thickness of an average of 0.8 cm can be done with carving techniques through the hole in a good results. The use of drilling tools and hand saws jigsaw can accelerate the process by perforating 5.4 times faster than using a chisel way manually. Carving techniques through the hole is made to retain the distinctiveness of Asmat carved ornaments

    Kajian Pengembangan Mebel Rotan Di Sumbawa Barat

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    Rattan is the abundant forest produce in West Sumbawa thus it has a big potential considerably for the development of the rattan furniture industry. Nowadays in West Sumbawa is no rattan processing industry/bars currently into thin strip and pitrit, as for as plaiting materials for furniture. The aim of this study to create furniture designs that explore the rattan material which is still a bullion into furniture products. The method used is a descriptive analysis to describe the design objects those are furniture designed of rattan sticks. From this study is produce insights on a rattan furniture design for rattan sticks industrial development in West Sumbawa, and it can inspire the development of other areas experiencing similar problems

    Peningkatan Nilai Tambah Pada Cacat Batang Kayu Dengan Kreasi Seni

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    Defective woods down the value of its use as well as drop the price value of the timber. Therefore, it needs to be explored creatively in art, to increase the sale value of the wood work. The creation purpose of this art is to produce the defective woods artworks to increase the sale value of the wood work. The method used are the data collection, ideas exploration, designing forms and manifestation into an art production. Consumer response has been tested through media marketing with the the preferred product results are 45% themes of Chinese legends/myths, the Nusantara legends/myths 25%, the India legends/myths 19%, and other themes legends/myths 11%. The results of this market test is used for reference in the manufacture of the next production, based on the more marketable product tendency

    Ukiran Bali Dalam Kreasi Gitar Elektrik

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    Bali has rich decorative carvings which inspire people to apply them on the manufacture of electric guitars. Electric guitar has been chosen as the research object because of its solid wood body, so that the ornaments are easier to apply and do not affect the resonant tones. The purpose of the creation of this art is to apply the Bali product carving on electric guitar. The method used is data collection, development of ideas, carving design, and the realization of finished products. The creation theme realize into products, namely: (1) Bali classical legend, (2) Bali natural beauty, (3) Religious sites in Bali, and (4) Sundries of Bali. Surveys results of 100 consumers during in 6 months, shows that the preferred themes are: 45% of Bali classical legend, 25% of Bali natural beauty, 19% of Sundries of Bali, and 11% of Bali spiritualism

    Ukiran Kerawang Aceh Gayo Sebagai Inspirasi Penciptaan Motif Batik Khas Gayo

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    Batik industry began to develop in Gayo, but have not had a typical batik motif itself. Therefore, it is necessary to create batik motifs of Gayo, by taking inspiration from the carvings found in traditional houses commonly called kerawang Gayo. The purpose of this art is to create motifs those have a Gayo characteristic. The method used are the idea exploration, design, and motifs embodiment. In this activity has created six Gayo batik motifs, namely: (1) Motif Ceplok Gayo; (2) Motif Gayo Tegak; (3) Motif GayoLurus; (4) Motif Parang Gayo; (5) Motif Gayo Lembut; dan (6) Motif Geometris Gayo. The test results fondness of the motives to fifty respondents indicated that the Motif Ceplok Gayo most preferred by respondents ie 19%, while Motif Parang Gayo 18%, Motif Gayo Lembut 17%, Motif Geometris Gayo 17%, Motif Gayo Lurus 15% and Motif Gayo Tegak 14%. Average motifs generated to get a good appreciation of the respondents, so they all can be produced as batik Gayo

    Pengembangan Motif Batik Khas Aceh Gayo

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    Industri batik mulai berkembang di daerah Aceh Gayo, namun motif-motif batiknya kurang mencerminkanidentitas khas daerah. Oleh karena itu perlu diciptakan desain motif batik khas Aceh Gayo yang sumberinspirasinya diambil dari seni budaya daerah setempat. Tujuan penelitian dan penciptaan seni ini adalah untukmenciptakan motif batik yang mempunyai bentuk unik dan karakteristik sehingga dapat mencerminkan kekhasandaerah Aceh Gayo. Metode yang digunakan yaitu eksplorasi, perancangan, dan perwujudan karya motif batik,serta uji estetikanya. Dari penciptaan seni ini berhasil diciptakan 6 motif batik yaitu: (1) Motif Ceplok Gayo; (2)Motif Kerawang Tegak; (3) Motif Kerawang Datar; (4) Motif Parang Gayo; (5) Motif Kerawang Lembut; dan (6)Motif Geometris Gayo. Berdasarkan hasil penilaian “Selera Estetika” diketahui bahwa motif yang paling banyakdisukai adalah Motif Ceplok Gayo dan Motif Parang