143 research outputs found
Healthy Behaviours and Educational Needs among Turkish Women: A School-Based Study
The present descriptive study was planned to be the first stage of a school-based programme towards promoting
healthy behaviours in Turkish women after determining their healthy behaviours and their need for relevant education.
The sample was composed of 468 mothers of students attending an elementary school located in the city of Istanbul. The
data were obtained during interviews and using two separate questionnaires. The Health Promotion Model formed the
basis for the questionnaires describing healthy behaviours. The mean age was 34.6 ± 0.5 and 10.9% of the participants
were illiterate. They generally were in middle-income families and 41.5% had at least one chronic disease. The participants
were found to have poor behaviours pertaining to exercising, eating habits, and weight control. The majority (88%)
did not exercise regularly. Chronic diseases were found to be the factor with the largest impact (OR: 1.87, 95%,
CL=1.908–2.515). The participants pointed out that they would especially like to be educated on how to control their
weight. The researchers have appended a programme devised for women regarding exercising, eating habits and weight
Colorectal Cancer Prevention and Risk Counseling
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the leading causes of cancer death in the world. Many risk factors have been identified in the development of colorectal cancer. It is necessary to carry out activities related to risk factors in order to implement effective CRC early diagnosis and screening programs and achieve positive outcomes. International screening guidelines have been created and these are being implemented by individual countries according to their own health policies. Colorectal cancer prevention and early training in terms of disease identification, counseling against negative disease perceptions, and changing false beliefs will reduce the fear of CRC and ensure the development of positive health behaviors and acceptance of screening. Among recent developments in cancer prevention, “cancer risk counseling” has become quite prominent. Individual-specific colorectal cancer risk counseling programs are developed through the assessment of individual risk factors by focusing on a genetic assessment and the development of a risk management plan. This chapter will examine and define colorectal cancer prevention and risk counseling strategies in relation with the relative literature
Ethical problems encountered by nurses working in family health centers during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study
Amaç: Bu araştırmada aile sağlığı merkezlerinde çalışan hemşirelerin COVID-19 pandemisi sırasında karşılaştıkları etik sorunların belirlenmesi amaçlandı. Gereç ve Yöntem: Araştırma, fenomenolojik desenli bir nitel çalışma olarak gerçekleştirildi. Araştırmanın örneklemini İstanbul İli Avrupa Bölgesi’nde yer alan yedi farklı aile sağlığı merkezinde çalışan ve kartopu örnekleme yöntemi ile ulaşılan sekiz hemşire oluşturdu. Veriler, Haziran-Temmuz 2021 tarihleri arasında çevrimiçi bir platform kullanılarak derinlemesine görüşme yöntemiyle toplandı ve kaydedildi. Veriler 12 sorudan oluşan görüşme formu doğrultusunda toplandı. Verilerin deşifre edilmesinden sonra MAXQDA 2020 programı kullanılarak içerik analizi yapıldı. Bulgular: Görüşmeler sonucunda dokuz kod ve 44 alt kod elde edildi. Bu kodlar; çalışma koşulları, hizmet sunumu ve psikolojik süreçler ile ilgili etik sorunlar olmak üzere üç temel kategoride ele alındı. Çalışma koşulları ile ilgili etik sorunlar kategorisinde hemşireler; fiziksel alan, kişisel koruyucu ekipman ve artan iş yüküne ilişkin sorunlarını ifade ettiler. Hizmet sunumu ile ilgili etik sorunlar kategorisinde; rutinde uygulanan hizmetlerin sunumundaki değişimler, aksayan/ertelenen hizmetler, yapılamayan hizmetler ve yeni eklenen hizmetler/ görevler kodlarının altında yaşadıkları sorunları ve zorlukları ifade ettiler. Psikolojik süreçler ile ilgili etik sorunlar kategorisinde ise pandemiye ve sürece ilişkin algılarından ve motivasyonlarına ilişkin yaşadıkları zorluklardan bahsettiler. Sonuç: Çalışmanın bulguları ışığında aile sağlığı merkezinde çalışan hemşireler tarafından kronik hasta izlemlerinin yapılmaması, rutin hizmetlerin aksaması ya da gerçekleştirilememesi ve yeni verilen görevlerle iş yükünün artması gibi olumsuzluklar sıklıkla ifade edilmiş olup, uygulamaları sırasında yaşadıkları etik sorunların en fazla adalet, yararlı olma ve zarar vermeme etik ilkeleriyle ilgili olduğu saptandı.Objective: This study aimed to determine the ethical issues experienced by nurses working in family health centers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Materials and Methods: This research was carried out as a qualitative study following a phenomenological pattern. The sample of the study consisted of eight nurses working in seven different family health centers in the European Region of Istanbul and who were added to the study using the snowball sampling method. Data were collected and recorded using the in-depth interview method on an online platform between June and July 2021. Data were collected in line with the interview form consisting of 12 questions. After transcription of the data, content analysis was performed using the MAXQDA 2020 program. Results: In the interview, it was found that there were nine codes and 44 subcodes. These codes were handled in three main categories: working conditions, service delivery and psychological process. Nurses in the working conditions category expressed their problems regarding physical space, personal protective equipment, and increased workload. In the service delivery category, they expressed the problems and difficulties they experienced under the codes of changes in the provision of services that are routinely applied, services that are interrupted/ postponed, services that cannot be performed and newly added services/tasks. In the category of psychological processes, they talked about the difficulties they experienced regarding their perceptions and motivations regarding the pandemic and the process. Conclusion: It was observed that the ethical problems experienced by the nurses working in the family health center during their practice were mostly related to the ethical principles of justice, beneficence, and non-maleficence. Negative aspects such as the lack of follow-up of chronic patients by the nurses, the disruption of routine services or the inability to perform them, and the increase in the workload with newly assigned tasks were frequently expressed
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