23 research outputs found

    Reconstitution of human RNA interference in budding yeast

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    Although RNA-mediated interference (RNAi) is a widely conserved process among eukaryotes, including many fungi, it is absent from the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Three human proteins, Ago2, Dicer and TRBP, are sufficient for reconstituting the RISC complex in vitro. To examine whether the introduction of human RNAi genes can reconstitute RNAi in S. cerevisiae, genes encoding these three human proteins were introduced into S. cerevisiae. We observed both siRNA and siRNA- and RISC-dependent silencing of the target gene GFP. Thus, human Ago2, Dicer and TRBP can functionally reconstitute human RNAi in S. cerevisiae, in vivo, enabling the study and use of the human RNAi pathway in a facile genetic model organism

    Ammonia production by ruminal microorganisms and enumeration, isolation, and characterization of bacteria capable of growth on peptides and amino acids from the sheep rumen

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    Excessive NH(3) production in the rumen is a major nutritional inefficiency in ruminant animals. Experiments were undertaken to compare the rates of NH(3) production from different substrates in ruminal fluid in vitro and to assess the role of asaccharolytic bacteria in NH(3) production. Ruminal fluid was taken from four rumen-fistulated sheep receiving a mixed hay-concentrate diet. The calculated rate of NH(3) production from Trypticase varied from 1.8 to 19.7 nmol mg of protein(āˆ’1) min(āˆ’1) depending on the substrate, its concentration, and the method used. Monensin (5 Ī¼M) inhibited NH(3) production from proteins, peptides, and amino acids by an average of 28% with substrate at 2 mg/ml, compared to 48% with substrate at 20 mg/ml (P = 0.011). Of the total bacterial population, 1.4% grew on Trypticase alone, of which 93% was eliminated by 5 Ī¼M monensin. Many fewer bacteria (0.002% of the total) grew on amino acids alone. Nineteen isolates capable of growth on Trypticase were obtained from four sheep. 16S ribosomal DNA and traditional identification methods indicated the bacteria fell into six groups. All were sensitive to monensin, and all except one group (group III, similar to Atopobium minutum), produced NH(3) at >250 nmol min(āˆ’1) mg of protein(āˆ’1), depending on the medium, as determined by a batch culture method. All isolates had exopeptidase activity, but only group III had an apparent dipeptidyl peptidase I activity. Groups I, II, and IV were most closely related to asaccharolytic ruminal and oral Clostridium and Eubacterium spp. Group V comprised one isolate, similar to Desulfomonas piger (formerly Desulfovibrio pigra). Group VI was 95% similar to Acidaminococcus fermentans. Growth of the Atopobium- and Desulfomonas-like isolates was enhanced by sugars, while growth of groups I, II, and V was significantly depressed by sugars. This study therefore demonstrates that different methodologies and different substrate concentrations provide an explanation for different apparent rates of ruminal NH(3) production reported in different studies and identifies a diverse range of hyper-ammonia-producing bacteria in the rumen of sheep

    Early Chronic Fluoxetine Treatment of Ts65Dn Mice Rescues Synaptic Vesicular Deficits and Prevents Aberrant Proteomic Alterations

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    Down syndrome (DS) is the most common form of inherited intellectual disability caused by trisomy of chromosome 21, presenting with intellectual impairment, craniofacial abnormalities, cardiac defects, and gastrointestinal disorders. The Ts65Dn mouse model replicates many abnormalities of DS. We hypothesized that investigation of the cerebral cortex of fluoxetine-treated trisomic mice may provide proteomic signatures that identify therapeutic targets for DS. Subcellular fractionation of synaptosomes from cerebral cortices of age- and brain-area-matched samples from fluoxetine-treated vs. water-treated trisomic and euploid male mice were subjected to HPLC-tandem mass spectrometry. Analysis of the data revealed enrichment of trisomic risk genes that participate in regulation of synaptic vesicular traffic, pre-synaptic and post-synaptic development, and mitochondrial energy pathways during early brain development. Proteomic analysis of trisomic synaptic fractions revealed significant downregulation of proteins involved in synaptic vesicular traffic, including vesicular endocytosis (CLTA, CLTB, CLTC), synaptic assembly and maturation (EXOC1, EXOC3, EXOC8), anterograde axonal transport (EXOC1), neurotransmitter transport to PSD (SACM1L), endosomal-lysosomal acidification (ROGDI, DMXL2), and synaptic signaling (NRXN1, HIP1, ITSN1, YWHAG). Additionally, trisomic proteomes revealed upregulation of several trafficking proteins, involved in vesicular exocytosis (Rab5B), synapse elimination (UBE3A), scission of endocytosis (DBN1), transport of ER in dendritic spines (MYO5A), presynaptic activity-dependent bulk endocytosis (FMR1), and NMDA receptor activity (GRIN2A). Chronic fluoxetine treatment of Ts65Dn mice rescued synaptic vesicular abnormalities and prevented abnormal proteomic changes in adult Ts65Dn mice, pointing to therapeutic targets for potential treatment of DS

    Ecotin-like serine peptidase inhibitor ISP1 of Leishmania major plays a role in flagellar pocket dynamics and promastigote differentiation

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    Leishmania ISPs are ecotin-like natural peptide inhibitors of trypsin-family serine peptidases, enzymes that are absent from the Leishmania genome. This led to the proposal that ISPs inhibit host serine peptidases and we have recently shown that ISP2 inhibits neutrophil elastase, thereby enhancing parasite survival in murine macrophages. In this study we show that ISP1 has less serine peptidase inhibitory activity than ISP2, and in promastigotes both are generally located in the cytosol and along the flagellum. However, in haptomonad promastigotes there is a prominent accumulation of ISP1 and ISP2 in the hemidesmosome and for ISP2 on the cell surface. An L.ā€ƒmajor mutant deficient in all three ISP genes (Ī”isp1/2/3) was generated and compared with Ī”isp2/3 mutants to elucidate the physiological role of ISP1. In in vitro cultures, the Ī”isp1/2/3 mutant contained more haptomonad, nectomonad and leptomonad promastigotes with elongated flagella and reduced motility compared with Ī”isp2/3 populations, moreover it was characterized by very high levels of release of exosome-like vesicles from the flagellar pocket. These data suggest that ISP1 has a primary role in flagellar homeostasis, disruption of which affects differentiation and flagellar pocket dynamics