31 research outputs found

    Impaired Vascular Contractility and Aortic Wall Degeneration in Fibulin-4 Deficient Mice: Effect of Angiotensin II Type 1 (AT1) Receptor Blockade

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    Medial degeneration is a key feature of aneurysm disease and aortic dissection. In a murine aneurysm model we investigated the structural and functional characteristics of aortic wall degeneration in adult fibulin-4 deficient mice and the potential therapeutic role of the angiotensin (Ang) II type 1 (AT1) receptor antagonist losartan in preventing aortic media degeneration. Adult mice with 2-fold (heterozygous Fibulin-4+/R) and 4-fold (homozygous Fibulin-4R/R) reduced expression of fibulin-4 displayed the histological features of cystic media degeneration as found in patients with aneurysm or dissection, including elastin fiber fragmentation, loss of smooth muscle cells, and deposition of ground substance in the extracellular matrix of the aortic media. The aortic contractile capacity, determined by isometric force measurements, was diminished, and was associated with dysregulation of contractile genes as shown by aortic transcriptome analysis. These structural and functional alterations were accompanied by upregulation of TGF-β signaling in aortas from fibulin-4 deficient mice, as identified by genome-scaled network analysis as well as by immunohistochemical staining for phosphorylated Smad2, an intracellular mediator of TGF-β. Tissue levels of Ang II, a regulator of TGF-β signaling, were increased. Prenatal treatment with the AT1 receptor antagonist losartan, which blunts TGF-β signaling, prevented elastic fiber fragmentation in the aortic media of newborn Fibulin-4R/R mice. Postnatal losartan treatment reduced haemodynamic stress and improved lifespan of homozygous knockdown fibulin-4 animals, but did not affect aortic vessel wall structure. In conclusion, the AT1 receptor blocker losartan can prevent aortic media degeneration in a non-Marfan syndrome aneurysm mouse model. In established aortic aneurysms, losartan does not affect aortic architecture, but does improve survival. These findings may extend the potential therapeutic application of inhibitors of the renin-angiotensin system to the preventive treatment of aneurysm disease

    Altered Fc glycosylation of anti-HLA alloantibodies in hemato-oncological patients receiving platelet transfusions

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    Background: The formation of alloantibodies directed against class I human leukocyte antigens (HLA) continues to be a clinically challenging complication after platelet transfusions, which can lead to platelet refractoriness (PR) and occurs in approximately 5%–15% of patients with chronic platelet support. Interestingly, anti-HLA IgG levels in alloimmunized patients do not seem to predict PR, suggesting functional or qualitative differences among anti-HLA IgG. The binding of these alloantibodies to donor platelets can result in rapid clearance after transfusion, presumably via FcγR-mediated phagocytosis and/or complement activation, which both are affected by the IgG-Fc glycosylation. Objectives: To characterize the Fc glycosylation profile of anti-HLA class I antibodies formed after platelet transfusion and to investigate its effect on clinical outcome. Patients/Methods: We screened and captured anti-HLA class I antibodies (anti-HLA A2, anti-HLA A24, and anti-HLA B7) developed after platelet transfusions in hemato-oncology patients, who were included in the PREPAReS Trial. Using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, we analyzed the glycosylation profiles of total and anti-HLA IgG1 developed over time. Subsequently, the glycosylation data was linked to the patients' clinical information and posttransfusion increments. Results: The glycosylation profile of anti-HLA antibodies was highly variable between patients. In general, Fc galactosylation and sialylation levels were elevated compared to total plasma IgG, which correlated negatively with the platelet count increment. Furthermore, high levels of afucosylation were observed for two patients. Conclusions: These differences in composition of anti-HLA Fc-glycosylation profiles could potentially explain the variation in clinical severity between patients

    Cellular surface plasmon resonance-based detection of anti-HPA-1a antibody glycosylation in fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia

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    Fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (FNAIT) can occur due to maternal IgG antibodies targeting platelet antigens, causing life-threatening bleeding in the neonate. However, the disease manifests itself in only a fraction of pregnancies, most commonly with anti-HPA-1a antibodies. We found that in particular, the core fucosylation in the IgG-Fc tail is highly variable in anti-HPA-1a IgG, which strongly influences the binding to leukocyte IgG-Fc receptors IIIa/b (FcγRIIIa/b). Currently, gold-standard IgG-glycoanalytics rely on complicated methods (e.g., mass spectrometry (MS)) that are not suited for diagnostic purposes. Our aim was to provide a simplified method to quantify the biological activity of IgG antibodies targeting cells. We developed a cellular surface plasmon resonance imaging (cSPRi) technique based on FcγRIII-binding to IgG-opsonized cells and compared the results with MS. The strength of platelet binding to FcγR was monitored under flow using both WT FcγRIIIa (sensitive to Fc glycosylation status) and mutant FcγRIIIa-N162A (insensitive to Fc glycosylation status). The quality of the anti-HPA-1a glycosylation was monitored as the ratio of binding signals from the WT versus FcγRIIIa-N162A, using glycoengineered recombinant anti-platelet HPA-1a as a standard. The method was validated with 143 plasma samples with anti-HPA-1a antibodies analyzed by MS with known clinical outcomes and tested for validation of the method. The ratio of patient signal from the WT versus FcγRIIIa-N162A correlated with the fucosylation of the HPA-1a antibodies measured by MS (r=-0.52). Significantly, FNAIT disease severity based on Buchanan bleeding score was similarly discriminated against by MS and cSPRi. In conclusion, the use of IgG receptors, in this case, FcγRIIIa, on SPR chips can yield quantitative and qualitative information on platelet-bound anti-HPA-1a antibodies. Using opsonized cells in this manner circumvents the need for purification of specific antibodies and laborious MS analysis to obtain qualitative antibody traits such as IgG fucosylation, for which no clinical test is currently available

    Warming and shrub encroachment decrease decomposition in arid alpine and subalpine ecosystems

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    Climate change is shifting species distributions and altering plant community composition worldwide. For instance, with rising temperatures shrubs are encroaching into alpine ecosystems, resulting in important implications for ecosystem functioning. In particular, woody-plant encroachment could slow decomposition in systems traditionally dominated by herbaceous species. To evaluate how litter decomposition responded jointly to warming and shrub presence, we conducted a passive warming chamber experiment in subalpine and alpine plant communities in the White Mountains of California. Passive warming chambers were placed over plots with and without the range-expanding sagebrush Artemisia rothrockii at two elevations. Litter from A. rothrockii and the common perennial herb Trifolium andersonii decomposed for two years under the experimental treatments. Nitrate availability was measured with ion-exchange resins during the same time period. Warming decreased decomposition rates overall, associated with decreased soil moisture, but did not influence soil nitrate availability. Sagebrush presence decreased both decomposition rates and nitrate availability. Hence, future warming in this system will likely reduce decomposition rates, both directly and indirectly, via shrub encroachment. However, impacts on nutrient mineralization are less clear. These findings highlight how shifting species composition, through processes such as range expansions, can influence ecosystem responses to climate change

    Homogenization of freshwater lakes: Recent compositional shifts in fish communities are explained by gamefish movement and not climate change

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    Globally, lake fish communities are being subjected to a range of scale-dependent anthropogenic pressures, from climate change to eutrophication, and from overexploitation to species introductions. As a consequence, the composition of these communities is being reshuffled, in most cases leading to a surge in taxonomic similarity at the regional scale termed homogenization. The drivers of homogenization remain unclear, which may be a reflection of interactions between various environmental changes. In this study, we investigate two potential drivers of the recent changes in the composition of freshwater fish communities: recreational fishing and climate change. Our results, derived from 524 lakes of Ontario, Canada sampled in two periods (1965–1982 and 2008–2012), demonstrate that the main contributors to homogenization are the dispersal of gamefish species, most of which are large predators. Alternative explanations relating to lake habitat (e.g., area, phosphorus) or variations in climate have limited explanatory power. Our analysis suggests that human-assisted migration is the primary driver of the observed compositional shifts, homogenizing freshwater fish community among Ontario lakes and generating food webs dominated by gamefish species