5 research outputs found

    Comparative Assessment of Pharmaceutical Removal from Wastewater by the Microalgae Chlorella sorokiniana, Chlorella vulgaris and Scenedesmus obliquus

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    In view of risks associated with the discharge of pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment, the objective of this work was to assess the removal of paracetamol, salicylic acid and diclofenac from water by a microalgae鈥恇ased treatment. For a comparison purpose, the growth and kinetic parameters for the removal of drugs were determined for three different microalgae strains, namely Chlorella sorokiniana, Chlorella vulgaris and Scenedesmus obliquus. It was found that the drugs removal efficiency by these strains was related to their growth. Comparing the three pharmaceuticals, the salicylic acid was the most efficiently removed, especially by S. obliquus (>93% batch culture, >99% semicontinuous culture) and C. sorokiniana (>73% batch culture, >93% semicontinuous culture). Contrarily, paracetamol was the most poorly removed, the maximum efficiencies being those attained by C. sorokiniana (>67% batch culture, >41% semicontinuous culture). On聽the other hand, diclofenac was efficiently removed only by S. obliquus (>98% batch culture, >79% semicontinuous culture). For the three considered drugs, C.聽vulgaris was the strain showing the lowest removal capacity. The large differences here revealed between microalgae strains regarding their removal capacity of pharmaceuticals, pointed to the strain selection as a key issue for a successful application in wastewater treatment

    Biorrelaci贸n de aguas contaminadas con nutrientes y f谩rmacos mediante microalgas = Bioremediation of contaminated waters with nutrients and pharmaceuticals by microalgae

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    178 p.La presente tesis se centra en el estudio de la aplicaci贸n de las microalgas como sistema de biorremediaci贸n de aguas contaminadas por nutrientes y f谩rmacos. Para ello se determin贸 la influencia de la presencia de f谩rmacos sobre el crecimiento de las especies Chlorella sorokiniana, Chlorella vulgaris y Scenedesmus obliquus. Estas especies fueron cultivadas en fotobiorreactores tipo columna de burbujeo bajo condiciones controladas en modo discontinuo y semicontinuo. Tanto las curvas como los par谩metros de crecimiento correspondientes mostraron que la presencia de f谩rmacos no afect贸 negativamente al desarrollo de los cultivos, presentando, en la mayor铆a de los casos, un incremento significativo de la concentraci贸n de biomasa. La eficiencia en la eliminaci贸n de nitratos y fosfatos de las especies de microalgas antes referidas se evalu贸 en funci贸n de los valores alcanzados al final del cultivo discontinuo y durante el estado estacionario del cultivo semicontinuo. La presencia de los f谩rmacos estudiados no interfiri贸 con la eliminaci贸n de nutrientes en ning煤n caso. Al final del cultivo discontinuo se alcanz贸 en todos los casos una eliminaci贸n casi completa de ambos nutrientes. Sin embargo, durante el estado estacionario del cultivo semicontinuo, fue S. obliquus la especie que alcanz贸 las mayores eficiencias de eliminaci贸n de nutrientes. Para abordar la eficiencia de eliminaci贸n de los f谩rmacos paracetamol, 谩cido salic铆lico y diclofenaco mediante las microalgas aqu铆 presentadas, se estudi贸 la cin茅tica de eliminaci贸n durante el cultivo discontinuo as铆 como la tasa de eliminaci贸n durante el estado estacionario del cultivo semicontinuo. Los resultados obtenidos indican la viabilidad de la utilizaci贸n de las microalgas aqu铆 estudiadas como sistema de biorremediaci贸n. Comparando los tres f谩rmacos, el 谩cido salic铆lico fue el f谩rmaco eliminado con una mayor eficiencia, mostrando C. sorokiniana y S. obliquus los mejores resultados. Contrariamente, el paracetamol fue el f谩rmaco que se elimin贸 con una peor eficiencia. Adem谩s, ha quedado demostrada no solo la resistencia, sino tambi茅n la capacidad de eliminaci贸n de altas concentraciones relativas de paracetamol y 谩cido salic铆lico mediante C. sorokiniana. Con el objetivo de proponer una opci贸n para la separaci贸n de la biomasa del efluente tratado, se evaluaron las eficiencias de diferentes agentes floculantes y dosis en la recuperaci贸n de la biomasa de las especies C. sorokiniana, C. vulgaris y S. obliquus. Los floculantes estudiados fueron sales met谩licas (AlCl3 y FeCl3), polielectrolitos sint茅ticos (CH-35 y CH-15) y un floculante org谩nico (chitosan). A pesar de que los polielectrolitos permitieron recuperaciones de la biomasa pr谩cticamente inmediatas (1 minuto), la viscosidad del fl贸culo generado apunt贸 hacia las sales met谩licas como la mejor opci贸n. Finalmente, con el fin de evaluar la capacidad de las microalgas en la disminuci贸n de la toxicidad de los efluentes tratados, se realizaron bioensayos de desarrollo embrionario del pez cebra (Danio rerio), estudiando los efectos producidos sobre la mortalidad y las anomal铆as morfol贸gicas en diferentes estados de desarrollo. La eficiencia de las microalgas en la disminuci贸n de la toxicidad se evalu贸 comparando dichos efectos con aquellos producidos por la dosis inicial del f谩rmaco. As铆 se pudo comprobar que los sistemas de biorremediaci贸n mediante C. sorokiniana, C. vulgaris y S. obliquus no solo fueron capaces de reducir la concentraci贸n de f谩rmacos en el agua tratada, sino tambi茅n su toxicidad. Por lo tanto, la eliminaci贸n de paracetamol, 谩cido salic铆lico y diclofenaco mediante estas especies de microalgas no dio lugar a productos de transformaci贸n t贸xicos, lo que es de suma importancia de cara a su aplicaci贸n en la biorremediaci贸n de aguas contaminadas con f谩rmacos

    Acetaminophen Removal from Water by Microalgae and Effluent Toxicity Assessment by the Zebrafish Embryo Bioassay

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    In this work, zebrafish embryo bioassays were performed to assess the efficiency of microalgae in the removal of acetaminophen from water. Chlorella sorokiniana (CS), Chlorella vulgaris (CV) and Scenedesmus obliquus (SO) were the strains used for water treatment. Toxic effects on zebrafish embryo caused by effluents from microalgae treatment were compared with those observed under exposure to experimental solutions with known concentrations of acetaminophen. The three microalgae strains allowed for the reduction of acetaminophen concentration and its toxic effects, but CS was the most efficient one. At the end of the batch culture, a 67% removal was provided by CS with a reduction of 62% in the total abnormalities on the exposed zebrafish embryo. On the other hand, toxic effects observed under exposure to effluents treated by microalgae were alike to those determined for acetaminophen experimental solutions with equivalent concentration. Thus, it may be inferred that microalgae biodegradation of acetaminophen did not involve an increased toxicity for zebrafish embryo


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    This work aims to transform the conventional class based on simple problem solving by active playful dynamics, in which each student participates actively as a role-play with his/her peers. It has been detected that the way that students have to face the resolution of an engineering problem goes a long way from how it would be solved in the world of work (students are accustomed to raise the resolution of an exercise according to the data that they have). However, the real experience is not so, but it is precisely the acquisition of data, and more specifically, the knowledge of what data to acquire, the real problem in solving this type of exercises. In this sense, a series of play activities were carried out (including the generation of an App) in order that students value the importance of the acquisition of data for the resolution of a problem. The conclusion obtained from this work indicates, on the one hand, the distance between the conventional teaching methodology used and the actual methodology to be applied and, on the other hand, this work presents the new dynamics proposed as a bridge to unify these differences.&nbsp