33 research outputs found

    Mycosphaerella leaf spot diseases of bananas: present status and outlook: Proceedings of the 2nd international workshop on Mycosphaerella leaf spot diseases held in San José, Costa Rica, 20-23 may 2002

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    Thriteen years after the 1st international workshop on Sigatoka diseases of Banana held in San José, Costa Rica, in March 1989, the present proceedings offer an overview of the current situation regarding Mycosphaerella leaf spot diseases at the global level

    Suspensiones de células embriogénicas de banano y plátano

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    This guideline presents two protocols to produce embryogenic cell suspensions by using scalps or immature male flowers. The protocols have been developed by the Laboratory of Tropical Crop Improvement of Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KULeuven) and the cellular biology laboratory of the Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (Cirad)

    Suspensions cellulaires embryogènes de bananiers et bananiers plantain

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    This guideline presents two protocols to produce embryogenic cell suspensions by using scalps or immature male flowers. The protocols have been developed by the Laboratory of Tropical Crop Improvement of Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KULeuven) and the cellular biology laboratory of the Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (Cirad)

    Banana and plantain embryogenic cell suspensions

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    This guideline presents two protocols to produce embryogenic cell suspensions by using scalps or immature male flowers. The protocols have been developed by the Laboratory of Tropical Crop Improvement of Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KULeuven) and the cellular biology laboratory of the Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (Cirad)

    Evaluation globale de la résistance des bananiers à la fusariose, aux maladies foliaires causées par les Mycosphaerella spp. et aux nématodes : evaluation approfondie

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    ThisTechnical Guidelines replaces Technical Guidelines 1 ('Screening of Musa Germplasm for resistance and tolerance to nematodes') and 3 ('Evaluation of Musa germplasm for resistance to Sigatoka diseases and Fusarium wilt') as far as indepth evaluations are concerned. Technical Guidelines for performance evaluations, which were also part of Technical guidelines 3, will appear shortly. These changes were made to reflect the apparition of a third disease caused by a Mycosphaerella fungus ('eumusae leaf spot disease'), to simplify the guidelines, and to group under one cover the evaluations for the main pests and diseases affecting bananas. These guidelines have been written with the collaboration of the Fusarium, Sigatoka and Nematology working groups of PROMUSA and INIBAP staff with the objective of helping researchers to design their trial, choose the appropriate location for the trial, and evaluate selected genotypes for resistance and tolerance to various diseases. Field forms are included to hel data collection

    EvaluaciĂłn global de la resistencia de los bananos al marchitamiento por Fusarium, enfermedades de las manchas foliares causadas por Mycosphaerella y nematodos: evaluaciĂłn de comportamiento

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    This technical guidelines replace the technical guidelines 1 (Screening of Musa germplasm for resistance and tolerance to nematodes) and 3 (Evaluation of Musa germplasm for resistance to Sigatoka diseases and Fusarium wilt) as far as performance evaluations are concerned. Technical Guidelines for in-depth evaluations, which were also part of Technical Guidelines 3, are published separately. The Fusarium wilt and Mycosphaerella leaf spot sections have been updated following recommendations and comments made after analysing IMTP II results

    Global evaluation of Musa germplasm for resistance to Fusarium wilt, Mycosphaerella leaf spot diseases and nematodes: performance evaluation

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    This technical guidelines replace the technical guidelines 1 (Screening of Musa germplasm for resistance and tolerance to nematodes) and 3 (Evaluation of Musa germplasm for resistance to Sigatoka diseases and Fusarium wilt) as far as performance evaluations are concerned. Technical Guidelines for in-depth evaluations, which were also part of Technical Guidelines 3, are published separately. The Fusarium wilt and Mycosphaerella leaf spot sections have been updated following recommendations and comments made after analysing IMTP II results

    Evaluation globale de la résistance des bananiers à la fusariose, aux maladies foliaires causées par les Mycosphaerella spp. et aux nématodes : evaluation de la performance

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    This technical guidelines replace the Technical Guidelines 1 (Screening of Musa germplasm for resistance and tolerance to nematodes) and 3 (Evaluation of Musa germplasm for resistance to Sigatoka diseases and Fusarium wilt) as far as performance evaluations are concerned. Technical Guidelines for in-depth evaluations, which were also part of Technical Guidelines 3, are published separately. The Fusarium wilt and Mycosphaerella leaf spot sections have been updated following recommendations and comments made after analysing IMTP II results