33 research outputs found

    Graphite monochromator for actinide L-line energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis in liquid sample

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    International audienceThe concentrations of actinides U, Np, Pu, Am, and Cm are determined by L-line X-ray fluorescence measurement in a hot cell. A specific device was built to focalize only on the energy range from 13 to 15 keV by means of a graphite monochromator. The resulting spectrum is characteristic of the system, which has been developed, and requires the development of specific processing software for quantitative analysis. This paper proposes a new approach of modeling and correction of matrix effects for these specific spectra. This correction requires a precise chemical description of the media. Several results were compared with other analytical techniques and very good agreement was found

    High concentration measurements of U and Pu with non- destructive and standard less K-edge densitometer device

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    International audienceThe K-edge densitometry, also called absorption measurement, is based on Beer-Lambert-s law to relate the X-ray beam attenuation to the composition properties of the material to be studied. This technique is dedicated to the measurement of high concentrations of U and-or Pu typically above 50 g-L. Its relatively fast analysis time and its high accuracy make it a valuable choice in nuclear fuel reprocessing facilities. This paper presents the results obtained from assay sample with high U and Pu concentrations. Two processing methods without calibration (except energy calibration) are compared and discussed. Despite literature which does not recommend the use of estimated mass attenuation coefficients near edge energy, this study shows that some very good results are obtained with these values for uranium and plutonium concentration estimations, with a bias less than 1 percent

    Mise au point d'un protocole d'extraction sélective du 36^{36}Cl contenu dans le combustible nucléaire irradié

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    National audienceDans le contexte général du recyclage des combustibles nucléaires usés, plusieurs isotopes présentent unintérêt particulier dans le cadre de la veille sur les émetteurs β\beta-γ\gamma, parmi eux, le chlore 36. Le 36^{36}Cl est unémetteur β\beta- issu de l’activation de l’impureté chlore 35 contenue dans l’oxyde. La teneur exacte en impuretéest inconnue mais répond aux spécifications de fabrication du combustible

    Development of a standardless miniature XRF system for the analysis of actinides coupling MC modelling and fundamental parameters

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    International audienceMost of XRF devices all over the world use FP (fundamental parameters) algorithm that is astandardless approach. But for a singular device, such as the CBA XRF spectrometer focused on theanalysis of actinide XL-lines by using a graphite monochromator, the use of FP algorithm is notpossible as mentioned in, and a semi-empirical approach is still in use. This algorithmnecessitates the preparation of many standards and a calibration process which is time consuming.A similar miniaturized XRF device has been developed. This system is a prototype dedicated toR&D experiments. The main goal of this new device is to be focused on standardless approach forquantitative XRF analysis

    Chlorine 36 analysis in nuclear spent fuel

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    Actinide L-line ED-XRF and HKED Spectra Processing

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    International audienceThe analysis laboratory in the CEA Atalante facility at Marcoule (France) performs numerous R&Dstudies carried out in glove-boxes or in hot cells. The samples are measured in liquid phase,aqueous or organic.The concentration of the main actinides of interest (U, Np, Pu, Am and Cm) are determined by XRFin a hot cell using a device built specifically for these actinides analyses via their L-line X-raybetween 13 and 15 keV.For sample with U and/or Pu in high concentrations, the hybrid K-edge densitometer is used.New software were developed for these devices

    Americium, curium and neodymium analysis in ECRIX-H irradiated pellet: sample preparation for TIMS measurements

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    International audienceThis paper concerns quantitative isotopic analysis of Am, Cm and Nd contained in an irradiated AmO 1.62 /MgO pellet. The complete analysis protocol is described, from dissolution of the pellets in a shielded line to the laboratory glove separation processes box for TIMS analysis. Emphasis is placed on the separation processes: by ion exchange resin in a hot cell and by HPLC in the laboratory. Intermediate measurements by X-ray fluorescence, alpha spectrometry, and ICP-AES are described

    Mise au point d’un protocole d’extraction sélective du chlore contenu dans le combustible nucléaire irradié

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    National audienceDans le contexte général du recyclage des combustibles nucléaires usés, plusieurs isotopes présentent un intérêt particulier dans le cadre de la veille sur les émetteurs β\beta-γ\gamma, parmi eux, le chlore 36. Le 36^{36}Cl est un émetteur β\beta- issu de l’activation de l’impureté chlore 35 contenue dans l’oxyde. La teneur exacte en impureté est inconnue mais répond aux spécifications de fabrication du combustible. Lors du retraitement du combustible irradié, sa teneur dans les rejets est soumise à des réglementations (ANDRA, ASN, décrets). Afin de réaliser une cartographie de la répartition de cet isotope dans les différents flux du retraitement du combustible irradié, il est nécessaire de connaître précisément la valeur d’entrée du 36^{36}Cl dans le procédé. Une mesure précise de la teneur du chlore 36 dans le combustible nucléaire irradié est nécessaire