8 research outputs found

    Corelația dintre parametrii ecocardiografici ai ventriculului stâng și hemoglobina glicozilată, la copiii cu diabet zaharat tip 1

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    Introduction. Deterioration of left ventricular (LV) parameters in Diabetes Mellitus (DM) can occur in the absence of other heart problems. An association between glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and changes of the LV parameters in DM has been reported. However, data regarding this association model in children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) are limited. The purpose of the work was to investigate the association between HbA1c and the LV parameters in pediatric patients. Material and methods. The study was conducted on 28 children with T1DM ((aged 10-18 years, gender M (15)/F (13), duration ≥5 years). The clinical (standard medical examination) and paraclinical (biochemical dosage – HbA1c, echocardiography – LV functional and structural parameters) data was carried out. Statistical analysis used the SPSS version 20. Results. The correlational study between the HbA1c and the LV parameters revealed a statistically significant positive correlation coefficient with aortic root diameter (mm) (r=0.7**, p<0.001), left atrium (mm) (r=0.8**, p<0.001 LV diastolic diameter (mm) (r=0.7**, p<0.001), LV systolic diameter (mm) (r=0.7**, p<0.001), septal wall thickness (mm) (r=0.5*, p=0.036), posterior wall thickness (mm) (r=0.5*, p=0.032), LV diastolic volume (ml) (r=0.5*, p=0.025), LV systolic volume (ml) (r=0.6**, p=0.01), ejection fraction (%) (r=0.7**, p=0.001), fractional shortening (%) (r=0.6**, p=0.002). Conclusions. The results of the study show that in children with T1DM, the increase value of the HbA1c is associated with a consensual and proportional increase in the values of the parameters of the left ventricle.Introducere. Deteriorarea parametrilor ventriculului stâng (VS) în diabetul zaharat (DZ) poate exista în absența altor probleme cardiace. A fost raportată o asociere între valorile hemoglobinei glicozilate (HbA1c) și modificările parametrilor VS în DZ. Cu toate acestea, datele privind acest model de asociere la copiii cu DZ de tip 1 (DZ1) sunt limitate. Scopul lucrării rezidă în studierea asocierii dintre HbA1c și parametrii VS la pacienții pediatrici. Material și metode. În studiu au fost incluși 28 de copii cu DZ1 (cu vârsta de 10-18 ani, gender M (15)/F (13), durata ≥5 ani). S-a efectuat evaluare clinică (examen medical standard) și paraclinică (dozare biochimică - HbA1c, ecocardiografie - parametrii funcționali și structurali ai VS). Analiza statistică - versiunea 20 SPSS. Rezultate. Studiul corelațional dintre HbA1c și parametrii VS a relevat un coeficient de corelație pozitiv semnificativ statistic, cu diametrul aortei (mm) (r=0,7**, p<0,001), atriul stâng (mm) (r=0,8 **, p<0,001) diametrul diastolic al VS (mm) (r=0,7**, p<0,001), diametrul sistolic al VS (mm) (r=0,7**, p<0,001), septul interventricular (mm) (r=0,5*, p=0,036), peretele posterior al VS (mm) (r=0,5*, p=0,032), volumul diastolic al VS (ml) (r=0,5*, p=0,025), volumul sistolic al VS (ml) (r=0,6 **, p=0,01), fracția de ejecție (%) (r=0,7**, p=0,001), fracția de scurtare (%) (r=0,6**, p=0,002). Concluzii. Rezultatele studiului au demonstrat că la copiii cu diabet zaharat de tip 1, creșterea valorii HbA1c este asociată cu o mărire consensuală și proporțională a valorilor parametrilor ventriculului stâng

    Modele de remodelare ventriculară stângă la copiii cu sindrom metabolic

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    Department of Pediatrics, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Republic of Moldova, Department of Endocrinology, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, R. of Moldova, Department of Morpho-functional Sciences Pathophysiology, Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi, RomaniaIntroduction. Pathological left ventricular (LV) remodeling in children with metabolic syndrome (MS) is associated with a significant increase in cardiometabolic risk. However, data regarding the prevalence of LV remodeling patterns in children with MS are limited. Material and methods. An observational analytical cohort study was conducted on 145 children. The diagnosis of MS was established according to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) criteria. We analyzed the echocardiography, as well as clinical and paraclinical data. Participants were distributed, depending on LV mass index and relative wall thickness into four LV geometric patterns as recommended by American and European Society of Echocardiography: normal geometry, concentric left ventricular remodeling (cLVR), concentric left ventricular hypertrophy (cLVH), and eccentric left ventricular hypertrophy (eLVH). Results. The pathological remodeling patterns were distributed as follows: 62.1% (n=90) participants showed a normal LV geometry pattern, 27.6% (n=40) – cLVH, 5.5% (n=8) – cLVR and 4.8% (n=7) – eLVH. In terms of presence/absence of MS, 54.7% (n=29) participants from the research group showed a normal LV geometry pattern, 32.1% (n=17) – cLVH, 5.7% (n=3) – cLVR and 7.5% (n=4) – eLVH, whereas 66.3% (n=61) participants from the control group presented normal LV geometric appearance, 25% (n=23) – cLVH, 5.4% (n=5) – cLVR and 3.3% (n=3) – eLVR (χ2=0.52; p>0.05). Conclusions. Concentric left ventricular hypertrophy was the commonest LV geometric pattern among the subjects with metabolic syndrome. Concentric left ventricular remodeling and eccentric left ventricular hypertrophy were rare among the study population.Introducere. Remodelarea patologică a ventriculului stâng (VS) la copiii cu sindrom metabolic (SM) este asociată cu o creștere semnificativă a riscului cardiometabolic. Cu toate acestea, date privind prevalența paternelor de remodelare ale VS la copiii cu SM sunt limitate. Material și metode. Studiu analitic, observațional, de cohortă. Au fost incluși 145 de copii. Diagnosticul de SM a fost stabilit conform criteriilor Federației Internaționale de Diabet (FID). Am analizat datele clinice, paraclinice și ecocardiografice. Participanții au fost stratificați în patru tipare geometrice, folosind indicele de masă a VS și grosimea relativă a PPVS, așa cum recomandă Societatea Americană și Europeană de Ecocardiografie: geometrie normală VS, remodelare concentrică VS (RC VS), hipertrofie concentrică VS (HC VS) și hipertrofie excentrică VS (HE VS). Rezultate. Tipurile de remodelare patologică s-au repartizat în felul următor: 62.1% (n=90) participanți au prezentat aspect geometric normal al VS, la 27,6% (n=40) dintre ei s-a înregistrat HC VS, la 5,5% (n=8) participanți s-a atestat RC VS, iar 4,8% (n=7) din acest lot au prezentat HE VS. În funcție de prezența/absența SM, în lotul de bază, 54,7% (n=29) participanți au prezentat aspect geometric normal, la 32,1% (n=17) a fost înregistrată HC VS, 5.7% subiecți (n=3) au manifestat RC VS, iar 7,5% (n=4) au prezentat HE VS, iar în lotul de control – la 66,3% (n=61) participanți s-a atestat aspect geometric normal al VS, 25% (n=23) au prezentat HC VS, în 5,4% (n=5) cazuri s-a determinat RC VS, iar 3,3% (n=3) participanți au prezentat HE VS (χ2=0,52; p>0,05). Concluzii. Hipertrofia concentrică VS a fost cel mai frecvent model geometric al VS în rândul subiecților cu sindrom metabolic, iar remodelarea concentrică VS și hipertrofia excentrică VS au fost rar depistate în rândul populației din studiu

    Cardiac remodeling and correlation between anthropometric parameters and epicardial adipose tissue in children with metabolic syndrome

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    Nicolae Testemitsanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Institute for Mother and Child Health Care, Chisinau, the Republic of Moldova, The IVth Congress of Radiology and Medical Imaging of the Republic of Moldova with international participation, Chisinau, May 31 – June 2, 2018Background: Epicardial adipose tissue (EAT) is an active endocrine organ located at the surface of the heart and playing an important role in the development and progression of cardiovascular pathology. Material and methods: The study included a group of 22 children with metabolic syndrome (MS) and a group of 38 children with pre-MS. The diagnosis of MS was established according to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) consensus definition of metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents (IDF, 2007). Anthropometric parameters and echocardiographic results were studied in detail and correlated. The study was approved by the Scientific Research Ethics Committee. An informed consent was obtained for all participants included in the study. Results: EAT thickness measured by echocardiography was 5,73±1,53mm in MS vs 3,87±1,25mm in pre-MS (p < 0,05). Furthermore, EAT thickness demonstrated a strong correlation with abdominal index, abdominal-gluteal index, body mass index, left ventricular mass index, left ventricular hypertrophy and abnormal geometric changes of the left ventricle related to ventricular remodeling. At the same time, EAT thickness showed no distinct correlation with abdominal circumference, gluteal circumference and left ventricular mass in both groups. Conclusions: Epicardial adipose tissue represents an indirect, safe, accessible marker of visceral adiposity assessment. The study results also demonstrate a direct correlation between increased epicardial adipose tissue and abnormal left ventricular parameters as well as ventricular remodeling

    Correlation between echocardiographic parameters of left ventricular and glycosylated hemoglobin in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus

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    Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Republic of MoldovaIntroduction. Deterioration of left ventricular (LV) parameters in diabetes Mellitus (DM) can exist in the absence of other combined cardiac problems. An association between glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and changes of the LV parameters in DM has been reported. However, data regarding this association model in children with type 1 DM (T1DM) are limited. The purpose of the work. To investigate the association between HbA1c and the LV parameters in pediatric patients with T1DM. Material and methods. We studied 28 children with T1DM ((aged 10-18 years, gender M (15) / F (13)). All patients were diagnosed with T1DM (duration of T1D≥5 years) and received insulin therapy only. We analyzed the clinical (standard medical examination) and paraclinical (biochemical dosage – HbA1c, echocardiography - LV functional and structural parameters) data. The research received a favorable opinion of the Research Ethics Committee of the "Nicolae Testemitanu" SUMPh. Statistical analysis – SPSS version 20. Results. The mean±SD for age of the patients was 13.7±2.35 years, weight (kg)=53.0±17.0, height (cm)=157.2±36.7, body mass index (kg/m2)=19.0±4.5, systolic blood pressure (mm Hg)=115.7±12.3, diastolic blood pressure (mm Hg)=75.2±8.7, HbA1c (%)=9.2±2.4, aortic root diameter (mm)=24.5±6.0, left atrium (mm)=26.8±6.2, right atrium1,2 (mm)=29.0±7.3/30.1±7.2, right ventricle (mm)=15.1±4.0 , LV diastolic diameter (mm)=41.3±9.6, LV systolic diameter (mm)=25.4±5.9, septal wall thickness (mm)=7.5±1.9, posterior wall thickness (mm)=7.4±1.8, LV diastolic volume (ml)=81.9±24.6, LV systolic volume (ml)=25.2±7.7, ejection fraction (%)=65.7±14.8, fractional shortening (%)=36.7±8.4. Duration of T1DM (years)=6.51±3.2. The correlational study between the HbA1c and the LV parameters revealed a statistically significant positive correlation coefficient with height (cm) (r=0.7**, p<0.001), weight (kg) (r=0.5*, p<0.5), body mass index (kg/m2) (r=0.5*, p<0.5), systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure (mm Hg) (r=0.3*, p<0.5), aortic root diameter (mm) (r=0.7**, p<0.001), left atrium (mm) (r=0.8**, p<0.001) right atrium1,2 (mm) (r=0.6**, p=0.003), right ventricle (mm) (r=0.6**, p=0.003), LV diastolic diameter (mm)(r=0.7**, p<0.001), LV systolic diameter (mm)(r=0.7**, p<0.001), septal wall thickness (mm)(r=0.5*, p=0.036), posterior wall thickness (mm) (r=0.5*, p=0.032), LV diastolic volume (ml) (r=0.5*, p=0.025), LV systolic volume (ml) (r=0.6**, p=0.01), ejection fraction (%) (r=0.7**, p=0.001), fractional shortening (%) (r=0.6**, p=0.002). Conclusions. The results of the study show that in children with type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, the increase value of the HbA1c is associated with a consensual and proportional increase in the values of the parameters of the left ventricle. Periodic cardiac evaluation with both conventional and tissue Doppler echocardiography is recommended for early detection of the modifications of left ventricular parameters, depending on the value of glycosylated hemoglobin, and initiation of the treatment (or prevention), if necessary

    Isothioureic-benzyturon derivative with hypotensive action

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    Benzyturon substance was used in the experimental study in dose of 2 mg/kg dissolved in 1,5 ml fiziological solution, which was administrated intravenously to 11 normotensive cats, with weight 2-4 kg, anestesiated with urethane solution of 30% (lg/kg), administrated intraperitoneal, and subsequent with monitorization of blood pressure, the frequency of heart contraction and breath, at different intervals of time during 7hours. Initially, the blood pressure was 135 mmHg, the frequency of heart contractions (FHC) -157,2 beats/minute, breathe -96,9 breaths/minute. After administration of benzyturon substance the level of blood pressure was reduced and frequency of heart contractions compensatory increased. The results after administration of medication at various time intervals were the following:on 2 minutes with -7,1% and +9,6%; on 15 minutes with -10,3 and +20,2%; on 30 minutes with -17,1% and +19,1%; on 60 minutes with -21,8% and +18,7%; on 120-240 minutes, reduced blood pressure was stable with -29,4 and the frequency of heart contraction remain in initial limits; at 300-360 minutes was found a maximum hypotensive effect of -38,9%, return to the initial levelto the 6th hours the same FHC . Breath initially shows a tendency to tachypnea to over 30 minutes,which reaches over 2 hours the initial fissures following that and then to shrink over 5 hours till the minut values (54,7 +/- 7,6 compared with 96,6+/- 7,8; 1<0,05). Isothioureic-benzyturon derivative shows marked hypotensive action, slow and long with maximum effect and stable between 2-7 hours after administration, with a moderate reflectory tachycardia

    Flow shapes and higher harmonics in anisotropic transverse collective flow

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    In this paper we show that by using a jet-finder algorithm (the Anti- kTk_{T} one) on UrQMD/C simulated (Au+Au at 4, 10 and 15A GeV) collisions, we can identify different flow shape structures (single flow stream events, two flow streams events, three flow streams events, etc.) and order the bulk of events in equivalence flow shape classes. Considering these flow streams as the main directions of anisotropic transverse flow, we show that the Fourier coefficients vnv_{n} of anisotropic flow are better emphasized when we analyze the different event flow shape classes than when the events are mixed. Also, if we do not know the real orientation of the reaction plane, we can use as reference the Flow stream 1 --the main particle flow stream --orientation (ΨFlowstream1\Psi_{{\rm Flowstream} 1}) to highlight the initial shape of the participant nuclear matter in a central to peripheral collision, and the orientation of the participant plane of order n

    Correction to: Flow shapes and higher harmonics in anisotropic transverse collective flow

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    After publication of the paper, the authors realized that the affiliation of the fourth author (Tiberiu Esanu) was given incorrectly. Its correct version appears above. Moreover, a second funding grant was missed in the acknowledgements. We give their complete correct version below

    The Quality of Life of Patients with Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer Undergoing Preoperative Chemoradiation

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    Of all the neoplastic sites, colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common cancers in the family. Studies estimate that approximately 30% of all the CRC cases are a hereditary form of the disease with a potentially high impact on the quality of life (QoL), with a high risk of recurrence, and with bio&ndash;psycho&ndash;social functioning. The aim of the study was to assess the QoL of colorectal cancer patients with genetic risk by using the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) questionnaire version QLQ-CR29. Materials and methods: The cross-sectional, single-center study was performed on a group of 32 patients with genetic risk of colorectal cancer, who underwent preoperative chemoradiation and surgery. Results: The series of values for the scores on the symptom scale varied between 15 and 30, and the average level of symptom scores did not differ significantly between gender (22.0 vs. 22.75; p = 0.636), highlighting a moderate impairment of QoL. Scores for the emotional functioning scale were significantly lower in men (10.33 vs. 13.25; p = 0.049), as were the scores for the physical functions (15.67 vs. 19.15; p = 0.039), showing a decrease in QoL. Conclusions: The overall score showed an average QoL in patients with colorectal cancer with genetic risk, highlighting significant differences in psycho-emotional functioning between women and men