5 research outputs found

    Sinonasal tract malignancies: prognostic factors and surgery outcomes

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    WOS: 000333960400009PubMed: 24693395Background: Cancers of the sinonasal region are rare and its survival rate remains poor because most of the patients are asymptomatic and diagnosed in advanced stages with surrounding important structures. Objectives: This study attempted to analyze the clinical and histological features in addition to survival and prognostic factors of surgical treatment of sinonasal cancers. Patients and Methods: A retrospective cohort study, involving 36 patients with sinonasal cancer who were treated with surgery in our hospital between 2000 and 2010, was performed. Patients were selected based on the convenience sampling. Patients treated with radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy were excluded from the analysis. Clinical symptoms and histologic findings of patients as well as malignant tumor staging and its prognosis were collected from archives. Results: We found that overall 3 and 5-year survival rates of subjects were 52.8%, and 41.6%, respectively. There was a negative correlation between the clinical stage and survival. There was a significant difference between infrastructural and suprastructural localization in 5-year survival rate (P = 0.018). in the present study, there was a strong relationship between the local control and overall survival (P 0.05). Conclusions: the present study has demonstrated that clinical stage, suprastructural tumor, and the presence of tumor-positive resection margins are the most significant prognostic factors affecting local tumor control and survival. As a result of this study, these tumors should be treated in early stages by surgical margin of resection followed by adjuvant radiotherapy

    Determination of fuel properties of biodiesel produced from safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) Dincer species grown in Yozgat province conditions

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    Bu çalışmada Yozgat ili şartlarında yetiştirilen ülkemiz tescilli aspir (Carthamus tinctorius L.) çeşitlerinden Dinçer (Dikensiz) çeşidinin tohumlarından ham yağ elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen bu ham yağdan üretilen biyodizelin analizleri yapılmıştır. Dinçer tohum ham yağ biyodizeli 15C'de ki yoğunluğu (882.97 kg/m3), pH değeri (6), parlama noktası (178oC), bakır şerit korozyon (1a), su içeriği (499.20 mg/kg), ısıl değeri (38.448 MJ/kg), bulutlanma, akma ve donma noktaları sırasıyla (-5.7oC, -12.9oC ve -15.8oC) olarak tespit edilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre Dinçer çeşidinin tohum ham yağının biyodizel üretimi açısından TS EN 14214 standardına uygun olacağı sonucuna varılmıştır.In this study, the crude oil of the seeds of the cv. Dincer (Barbless), grown in conditions of Yozgat province and that belongs to our country registered safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) varieties, was extracted variety. The biodiesel was analyzed that produced from this oil. The fuel properties of Dincer seed crude oil biodiesel determinated such as density at 15oC (882.97 kg/m3), pH value (6), flash point (178oC), copper strip corrosion (1a), water content (499.20 mg/kg), calorific value (38.448 MJ/kg), cloud, pour and freezing points (-5.7oC, -12.9oC and -15.8oC) respectively. Based on obtained results it is concluded that the production of biodiesel from the crude oil which extracted from Dincer seeds is suitable for TS EN 14214 standards

    Obstrüktif uyku apne sendromu semptom ve bulguları ile obezite arasındaki ilişki

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı obezitenin obstüktif uyku apne sendromu (OUAS) üzerindeki etkilerini objektif ve subjektif veriler eşliğinde değerlendirmektir. Yöntem: Toplam 70 hasta obez (n=38; VKİ>35 kg/m2) ve obez olmayan (n=32; VKİ35 kg/m2) and non-obese patient groups (n=32; BMI<30 kg/m2). The Epworth sleepiness scale scores, modified Mallampati index scores, levels of obstruction in the oropharynx and soft palate, neck circumference and polysomnography findings between two groups were compared. Results: Obese patients had an average Mallampati score of Class III while the non-obese study participants had an average score of Class II, with a statistically significant intergroup difference. In Muller's maneuver, the levels of obstruction in both the soft palate and oropharynx were higher in the obese patients with a statistically significant difference between two groups. When polysomnography results were examined, the average apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) score was determined to be 22.5 in the obese and 6.4 in the non-obese groups, respectively. Furthermore, average scores of rapid eye movement (REM) AHI in the non-obese and obese patients were 4.6 and 17.2 with a statistically significant difference between the groups. The average lowest oxygen saturation was 75.5% in the obese and 88% in the non-obese group, which represented a statistically significant difference between groups. In the obese group, the number of patients with REM-dependent OSAS was higher than in the non-obese group which attained a level of statistical significance. Conclusion: Our study indicated that obesity increases the severity of OSAS, in part due to significant narrowing of the airway at the level of the soft palate and oropharynx. Additionally, our study has shown that the risk of supine position-dependent OSAS and especially REM-dependent OSAS were notably higher in obese patients

    Endoskopik endonazal transsfenoidal cerrahi sırasında oluşan geniş kafa tabanı defektine bağlı beyin omurilik sıvısı kaçağı tamirinde otolog fibrin yapıştırıcı kullanımı

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    AMAÇ: Endoskopik endonazal trassfenoidal cerrahi (EETC) sonrasında gelişen postoperatif beyin omurilik sıvısı (BOS) kaçağı bu prosedürün morbidite ve mortalitesini arttıran bir faktördür. Bu prospektif çalışma postoperatif BOS kaçağının ve buna bağlı komplikasyonların engellenmesi amacıyla otolog fibrin yapıştırıcı kullanımının ilk örneğidir. YÖNTEM ve GEREÇLER: Ekim 2010 ile Haziran 2012 arasında endoskopik endonazal transsfenoidal yaklaşım ile ameliyat edilen 200 olgu retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi ve çalışmaya dahil edildi. Bunlar arasından bazal sisternler veya ventriküller ile ilişkisi olan geniş diafragma sella defekti veya geniş kafa tabanı defekti bulunan toplam 55 hasta seçildi. Hastalar genişletilmiş veya klasik endoskopik endonazal transsfenoidal yaklaşım ile opere edildi. Kafa tabanı tamiri tüm olgularda çok katmanlı tamir yöntemi ile otolog fibrin yapıştırıcı kullanılarak gerçekleştirildi. EETC’nin bir komplikasyonu olan BOS kaçağının insidansı analiz edildi. BULGULAR: Hastaların yaş dağılımı 20 ile 83 (ortalama 49.3) arasında idi. Bunlardan 25’i (%46) erkek, 30’u (%54) kadındı. Tüm hastalarda suprasellar veya parasellar uzanım gösteren tümör bulunmaktaydı. İki hastada (%3.6) postoperatif BOS kaçağı saptandı. Otolog fibrin yapıştırıcıya bağlı herhangi bir komplikasyon veya allerjik reaksiyona rastlanmadı. SONUÇ: Çok katmanlı tamir ile birlikte otolog fibrin yapıştıcı kullanımının, EETC sonrası gelişebilecek BOS kaçağının engellenmesinde güvenli ve etkin bir teknik olduğunu düşünmekteyiz.AIM: Postoperative cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak following endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal surgery (EETS) is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. This prospective study is the first evaluation of using autologous fibrin sealant for preventing postoperative CSF leak and related complications. MATERIAL and METHODS: 200 endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal approaches were included in the study and reviewed retrospectively from September 2010 to June 2012. A total of 55 patients who have large skull base and diafragma sella defects, connected with basal cisterns or ventricles, were chosen for the study. The patients were operated via extended or classical endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal approach. The skull base has been repaired using AFS combined with multilayer reconstruction in all cases. The incidence of CSF leak as a complication of EETS was analyzed. results: The ages of the patients ranged from 20 to 83 years (mean 49.3 years). There were 25 (46%) male patients and 30 (54%) females. All patients had tumors with suprasellar or parasellar extension. Postoperative CSF leak was determined in 2 patients (3.6%). There were no complications and allergic reactions associated with the use of AFS. CONCLUSION: Using of AFS combined with multilayer reconstruction technique is a safe and effective method to prevent CSF leak in large defects following EETS