3 research outputs found

    The Role of Sport Passion Level of Athletes in Determining Love Attitude and Relation Satisfaction

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the role of sport passion level of athletes in determinig love attitude and relation satisfaction. 218 athletes participated in this study as volunteers, 94 of the mare female (Xage=20,46±3,12), 124 of the mare male (Xage=22,81±4,05) sport experience of athletes dealing with different branches of team and individual sports (football, basketball, volleyball, tennis, track and field, bike… etc.) is 110,15±54,59 monts. To achieve the purpose of the study, Passion Scala was developed by Vallerand and his friends (2003) and it was adapted to Turkish culture by Kelecek (2013). Love Attitudes Scale (short form), was developed by Hendrick and Hendrick’ in (1986, 1990), and it was adapted to Turkish culture by Buyuksahin and Hovardaoglu (2004), Fianlly, Relationship Assessment Scala which were developed by Hendrick (1988) and adapted to Turkish culture by Curun (2001) were used. For solution and interpretation of the datas, descriptive statistical methods; for independent samples T-test, One Way Anova test and Multiple Step wise regression analysis were used. Analysis performed by using SPSS and research significance was accepted as P<0,05. As a result of this study, it has been observed that athletes’ sport passion level sare important determiners of love attitude and relation satisfactions, as well as it has also been observed that athletes love attitude level safe determiners of relation satisfactions

    Is Self Talk of Athletes One of the Determinants of Their Continuous Sportive Confidence Level?

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    The present study aims to determine whether level of self talk behaviors of athletes is one of the determinants of their continuous confidence levels. Whereas totally 358 athletes (Xage= 23.77 ± 3.87) were voluntarily participated into this study, 180 of them were female (Xage= 22.76 ± 3.050) and 236 of them were male (Xage= 24.56 ± 4.263). Experiences of various branches of team sport and personal sports (soccer, basketball, volleyball, tennis, athletics, biking and etc.) in sport activities were determined as 98.25 ± 24.70. Whereas descriptive statistical methods were employed in analysis and assessment of collected data; t-test and multiple step regression analysis was utilized in independent samples. Aforesaid analyses were conducted through the SPSS package software and significance level was considered as P<0.05. According to the study findings, a significant positive linear correlation was determined between self talk behaviors of athletes and their continuous sportive confidence. Furthermore, it was observed that self talk behavior of athletes was one of the significant determinants of their continuous sportive confidence levels. Finally, it is possible to conclude that continuous sportive confidences, one of the important psychological factors in performances of athletes, were correlated with their self talk behavior of athletes and that it was one of the significant determinants of continuous sportive confidence levels

    The Relationship Between Psychological Resistance and Thinking Styles in Chess Athletes

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    Bu araştırmada satranç sporcularının düşünme stilleri ile psikolojik dayanıklılık arasındaki ilişki demografik değişkenler UKD, ELO puanları ile alınan satranç eğitimi bağlamında incelenmiştir. Veriler 2017-2018 yıllarında üniversiteler arası satranç şampiyonasına katılan 54 kadın 147 erkek toplam 201 sporcudan elde edilmiştir. Çalışma ülkemizde satrancın, spor ve eğitim başlığı altında çalışılan ilk çalışma olması bakımından önem taşımaktadır. Bu nedenle alınan satranç eğitimi, UKD ve ELO puanları satranç oynama sıklığı gibi değişkenlerin düşünme stilleri ve psikolojik dayanıklılık ile ilişkisi incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu bağlamda araştırmada nicel araştırma tekniklerinden ilişkisel tarama modeli kullanılmıştır. Sporculara kişisel bilgi formu ve düşünme stilleri ile psikolojik dayanıklılığı ölçen ölçekler uygulanmıştır. Düşünme Stilleri Ölçeği ve Psikolojik Dayanıklılık Ölçeğine ait verilerin istatistiğinde çarpıklık ve basıklık değerlerinin normal dağılım göstermesinden dolayı, ikili gruplarda parametrik testlerden Independent Samples T-Testi, ikiden fazla grupların karşılaştırılmasında ise Tek Yönlü Varyans analizi (Anova) kullanılmıştır, farklılığın hangi gruplardan kaynaklandığının tespit edilmesinde ise Post Hoc testlerden Tukey HSD kullanılmıştır. Düşünme stilleri ile psikolojik dayanıklılık arasındaki ilişki için ise pearson korelasyon analizi yapılmıştır İstatistiksel analiz SPSS 22 Paket programı kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Anlamlılık düzeyi 0,05 olarak kabul edilmiştir. Araştırmada sporcuların satrancı en çok aile öğrendikleri, erkek katılımcıların daha fazla olduğu sayısal alanda okuyan öğrencilerin daha çok satranca ilgi duydukları tespit edilmiştir. Araştırmada ilginç bir şekilde UKD ve ELO puanları ile değil okulda alınan satranç eğitimi ile düşünme stilleri ve psikolojik dayanıklılık arasında anlamlı ilişki bulunmuştur. Okulda alınan satranç eğitimi çoklu düşünme stilleri ile ilişkili bulunmuştur. Düşünme stillerinin çokluluğu bilişsel gelişimin önemli bir yordayıcısı olarak düşünüldüğünde okullarda satranç eğitiminin profesyonel anlamda yaygınlaştırılmasının faydalı olacağı değerlendirilmektedir.Yine bir antrenör ile çalışmak ile psikolojik dayanıklılık arasında anlamlı ilişkili bulunmuştur. Ayrıca, kuralları kendisi yapan yasama düşünme şekli, farklı kurallar arasında değerlendirme yapan yargılayıcı düşünme şekli, yenilik ve farklılıklara açık olan mevcudu koruma kaygısı olmayan yenilikçi düşünme stili, ayrıntılara önem veren ayrıntıcı düşünme stili, planlarında öncelikler ve sıralamalar yapan hiyerarşik düşünme stili ile psikolojik dayanıklılığın alt boyutu olan sosyal kaynaklar arasında olumsuz yönde anlamlı ilişki bulunmuştur. Kadın katılımcılar ile yürütmeci düşünme ve ayrıntıcı düşünme arasında anlamlı farklılık tespit edilmiştir. UKD VE ELO puanı, okunulan bölüm, satancın ailede öğrenilmesi, satranç oynama sıklığı ve katılımcıların kaç yıldır satranç oynadıkları ile düşünme stilleri ve psikolojik dayanıklılık arasında ise anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmamıştır. Okullarda satranç eğitiminin profesyonel anlamda yaygınlaştırılması, üniversitelerde satranç öğretmenliği bölümlerinin açılması ayrıca satranççılara ilişkin farklı örneklem grupları ile yapılacak çalışmalar faydalı olabilir.In this study, the relationship between the thinking styles of chess players and the psychological resilince was examined in the context of chess education, demographic variables and National Power Degree (NPD), a local one used in Turkey, and ELO scores. The data were obtained from a total of 201 athletes, 54of whom were women and 147 of whom were men, who participated in the intercollegiate chess championshipsin 2017 and 2018.The study is important in our country in that it is the first study to be carried out under the heading of sports and education. Thus, it was aimed to investigate the relationship between variables such as chess education, NPD and ELO scores, frequency of chess playing, and thinking styles and psychological resilience.In this context, relational screening model, which is a qualitative research method, was used in the research.Players were given personal information forms and scales that measured thinking styles and psychological resilience were carried out.Because skewness and kurtosis values showed a normal distributionin the statistical data of the Thinking Styles and the Psychological Resilience Scale, Independent Samples T-Test, which is one of the parametric tests, was used for two groups while One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used for comparison of more than two groups. Tukey HSD test, one of Post Hoc tests, was used in order to determine from which groups the difference originated. Pearson correlation analysis was performed for the relationship between thinking styles and psychological resilience. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 22 program. The level of significance was accepted as 0.05.In the study, it was found out that the students learned chess in the family most, that the number of male participants was higher and that students who studied in science and mathematics fields were more interested in chess. Interestingly, there was a significant relationship between school chess education and thinking styles and psychological resilience, not with the NPD and ELO scores. Chess education in the school was found to have a relationship with multiple thinking styles. Since the multiplicity of the thinking styles is considered as an important predictor of cognitive development, it is evaluated that it would be beneficial to disseminate the chess education in schools professionally in schools. Moreover, there was a significant relationship between training with a coach and psychological resilience. Furthermore, a negatively significant relationship was found between social dimensions which is a subdimension of psychological resilience and legislative thinking style that makes the rules by themselves, judicial thinking style that evaluates between different rules, innovative thinking style that is open to innovation and differences and does not have any intention of protecting the already-existing, detailed thinking style that attaches importance to detail, hierarchical thinking style that prioritizes and orders the plans, detailed thinking style that attaches importance to detail and hierarchical thinking style that prioritizes and orders the plans. Significant differences were found between female participants and executive thinking and detailed thinking. There was no significant relationship between the NPD and ELO score, the field of study, learning chess in the family, frequency of chess playing and how long the participants have played chess and the thinking styles and psychological resilience. It may be beneficial for schools to disseminate chess education professionally, to open up chess tutoring departments at universities, and to work with different sample groups of chess