51 research outputs found

    Chronic Autoimmune Neuropathies

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    U kliničkom radu najvažnije je razlikovati akutne i kronične neuropatije, a zatim razlučiti dominantno motoričke oblike kroničnih neuropatija. Kortikosteroidi nisu učinkoviti u akutnom obliku neuroimunopatije te mogu dovesti do pogorÅ”anja multifokalne motorne neuropatije, ali i drugih, dominantno motornih oblika kroničnih neuroimunopatija. Samo 51% oboljelih od kronične inflamatorne demijelinizacijske neuropatije ima tzv. klasični oblik bolesti. Kronična neuroimunopatija jest ona koja traje dulje vrijeme, obično dulje od tri mjeseca, i ima oscilirajući, sporo progresivni ili relapsno-remitirajući tijek. Kronična inflamatorna demijelinizacijska polineuropatija (engl. Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy ā€“ CIDP) jest stečena, autoimunosna, najčeŔće demijelinizacijska i senzomotorička neuropatija. CIDP se u kliničkim i elektromioneurografskim (EMNG) značajkama preklapa s drugim oblicima polineuropatija, poput dijabetičke senzomotoričke polineuropatije, činjenicom da očekivani klasični oblik bolesti ima tek svaki drugi bolesnik, da je bolest devet puta čeŔća u dijabetičara te da se CIDP može naći i kao sekundarna neuropatija u bolesnika s nasljednim demijelinizacijskim polineuropatijama. Za dijagnozu CIDP-a treba učiniti dovoljno ekstenzivnu elektroneurografsku analizu i dovoljnu obradu koje će isključiti ili dokazati druga stanja i bolesti Å”to se mogu javiti uz ovu polineuropatiju. Znatan broj bolesnika danaÅ”njim metodama imunomodulatorne i imunosupresijske terapije može se vrlo uspjeÅ”no liječiti. Ovo je neuromuskularna bolest u kojoj možemo svjedočiti brzom oporavku teÅ”koga motoričkog deficita i pratiti cjelokupan oporavak bolesnika na obostrano zadovoljstvo. No, motorički deficit nije jedina, a ni najvažnija klinička pojavnost ove bolesti. Iako smo toga manje svjesni nego Å”to je to slučaj u akutnim neuroimunopatijama, i u CIDP-u može doći do znatne autonomne disfunkcije koja može biti bitna odrednica prognoze bolesnika i uspjeÅ”nosti liječenja.Distinguishing the difference between acute and chronic forms, including the dominant motor forms of chronic neuropathies, is essential to any clinical work related to chronic autoimmune neuropathies. Corticosteroids are not effective in the acute form of neuroimmunopathy and may lead to aggravation of multifocal motor neuropathy, as well as other dominant motor forms of chronic neuroimmunopathy. Only 51% of patients suffering from a chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) have the so-called ā€œclassic form of diseaseā€. Chronic neuroimmunopathy is a disease that persists for a long time, usually lasting more than three months, and has an oscillating, slowly progressive or relapsing-remitting course. CIDP is acquired, autoimmune, most commonly both demyelinating and sensomotoric neuropathy. In terms of clinical and electromyoneurographic (EMNG) features, the common denominator that CIDP shares with other forms of polyneuropathies, such as diabetic sensomotoric polyneuropathy, is the fact that the expected classical form of disease is seen in only one out of two patients, that the disease is nine times more common in diabetics and that CIDP can also be found as secondary neuropathy in patients with inherited demyelinating polyneuropathies. Diagnosis of CIDP requires electroneurography and diagnostic work-up that are extensive enough to exclude or demonstrate other conditions and diseases which may occur alongside this polyneuropathy. Todayā€™s methods of immunomodulatory and immunosuppressive therapy can ensure successful treatment for a significant number of patients. This neuromuscular disease allows for a rapid recovery of severe motor deficits, as well as the monitoring of the patientā€™s overall recovery to the mutual satisfaction. However, motor deficiency is neither the only nor the most important clinical manifestation of this disease. Although we are more aware of the fact that significant autonomic dysfunction can occur in acute neuroimmunopathy, it can also occur in CIDP, representing an important determinant of patientsā€™ prognosis and success of treatment

    Myasthenia gravis patients with anti-MuSK antibodies [Miastenija gravis kod bolesnika s pozitivnim protutijelima na MuSK]

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    In myasthenia gravis (MG) patients without detectable anti-acetylcholine receptor (anti-AChR) antibody, referred to as seronegative myasthenia gravis patients, there is a variable proportion of patients with antibodies against the muscle specific kinase (MuSK). MuSK antibodies were found in 8 (29.6%) of our 27 patients with generalized MG without anti-AChR antibodies. All these patients were female. The age at the onset ranged from 22 to 38 years. All patients had ocular and bulbar symptoms, and two patients also had generalized limb weakness. Two patients had pure ocular symptoms for 7 or 8 years before the development of bulbar symptoms. All anti-MuSK positive patients were treated with immunosuppressive drugs, three received plasmapheresis and one patient required mechanical ventilation. Our results are consistent with other literature reports


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    Cilj ovog članka je dati pregled znanstveno potvrđenih spoznaja o epidemiologiji, genetici, etiopatogenezi, kliničkoj slici, dijagnostici i liječenju sindroma ukočene osobe. Sindrom je karakteriziran progresivnim miÅ”ićnim rigiditetom i bolnim miÅ”ićnim spazmima. Tri su oblika ovog sindroma: autoimuni, paraneoplastički i idiopatski. Kod autoimunog oblika verificirana su antitijela na glutamat dekarboksilazu, a kod paraneoplastičke varijante antitijela na presinaptički protein amfifizin i postsinaptički protein gefirin. Dijagnoza se temelji na dijagnostičkim kriterijima (kliničkim, laboratorijskim i elektrofizioloÅ”kim) prema Gordonu i Lorishu. Liječenje može biti simptomatsko i imunomodulacijsko (imunosupresijsko). U Republici Hrvatskoj su od 2005. godine publicirana dva prikaza slučaja ovog sindroma. Iako rijedak, ovaj je sindrom od kliničkog značenja, osobito uzevÅ”i u obzir postojanje paraneoplastičke varijante te osobitosti anestezioloÅ”kog pristupa kod pacijenata s ovom bolesti.The prime goal of this paper is to offer an overview of main scientific points in epidemiology, genetics, pathogenesis, clinical course and therapeutic strategies in stiff person syndrome (SPS). This syndrome is characterized by progressive muscle rigidity and painful muscle spasms. Three major forms of SPS are described, according to the pathophysiologic basis, autoimmune, paraneoplastic and idiopathic SPS. In autoimmune form of SPS the antibodies are specific for an enzyme (glutamic acid decarboxylase, GAD). If the paraneoplastic form takes place, the antibodies may be specific for presynaptic (amphyphysin) or the postsynaptic protein (gephyrin). The SPS diagnosis should be based on clinical, laboratory and electromyoneurographic criteria, according to Gordon and Lorish. The therapeutic approaches are focused on symptomatic therapy managing the muscle spasm and on possible immunomodulatory procedures to attenuate an autoimmune reaction. Two cases of SPS are reported in the Republic Croatia since 2005. Although it is a rare medical condition, SPS is of clinical importance, especially because it may be the first sign of an underlying undiagnosed malignant disease or if the anesthesia is necessary in SPS patient

    Calculating Lumbar Puncture Depth in Children

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    Lumbar puncture was performed in 195 children and the depth of needle was recorded. Our results show that the depth of lumbar puncture necessary to obtain uncontaminated cerebrospinal fluid correlates best with the childā€™s weight. The simple formula: mean depth of insertion (cm) = 1.3 + 0.07 x body weight (kg), can be used to estimate the depth of lumbar puncture of children older than 3 months. The depths of lumbar puncture of children younger than 3 months are mostly 1.0ā€“1.5 cm


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    Background: Electromyography (EMG) and nerve conduction studies (NCS) are an unpleasant and sometimes painful examinations. Pain can reduce patientā€™s compliance and have a negative effect on the examination results. Different studies rep ort that music affects pain perception by acting as a distractor, by inducing positive emotional valence or through the concept of convergence of different sensory modalities. The aim of this study was to explore the effect of music and different environment al and sociodemographic factors on pain perception during EMG and NCS. Subjects and methods: Sixty patients with suspected neuromuscular disease were randomized into music and control group. Specific questionnaire assessed sociodemographic characteristics, medical history, examination waiting time, examination extent and biometeorological forecast. The numerical rating scale was used for the evaluation of pain. The examiner evaluated patientā€™ s compliance after the examination. Results: NCS was less painful for patients in the music group (p=0.03), as well as for more cooperative patients (p=0.011). For patients who previously underwent EMG/NCS, present NCS was more painful (p=0.001), regardless of the music intervention (p=0.019). EMG was more painful for older patients (p=0.041). Patients with lower level of education reported lower pain during NCS (p=0.026). Gender, financial satisfaction, biometeorological forecast, diabetes, depression or malignant disease, use and dosing of analgesics or antidepressants, symptoms, examination waiting time and the examination extent had no effect on pain perception. Conclusions: Music significantly decreased the perception of pain associated with NCS, but not the EMG portion of the examination. During EMG pain level was not significantly reduced, but the median of pain was still lower. Generally, the pain l evel during NCS, unlike the one during EMG, was affected by patients\u27 compliance, level of education and painful predetermination. W e propose using music during EMG/NCS because it can make the examination more comfortable for the patient and thus contribute to better quality of this examination

    Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Type I after Diphtheria-Tetanus (Di-Te) Vaccination

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    Complex regional pain syndrome type I (CRPS I) is a disorder of one or more extremities characterized by pain, ab- normal sensitivity (allodynia), swelling, limited range of motion, vasomotor instability, fatigue and emotional distress. The symptoms may be aggravated by even minor activity or weather change. It is usually provoked by injury, surgery or injection but in a small proportion of patients CRPS I develops without a clear causative event. There are several litera- ture reports on CRPS after rubella and hepatitis B vaccination. We present a case of CRPS I affecting the left arm after diphtheria and tetanus (Di-Te) vaccination in the left deltoid muscle in a young girl having experienced profound emo- tional stress before the vaccination procedure. History data on previous minor trauma at the site of vaccination or emo- tional stress may necessitate temporary vaccination delay due to their proneness to impaired local or systemic immune response and CRPS as a complication of vaccination. If a child or an adult has prominent swelling and severe pain after vaccination, the diagnosis of CRPS I should be considered and if confirmed, the multidisciplinary treatment should start as soon as possible

    Nusinersen treatment in SMA type III: treating an adult patient

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    INTRODUCTION/OBJECTIVES: Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a rare disorder which presents as a loss of (spinal) lower motor neuron with consequential muscular atrophy. It is caused by absence of SMN1 gene on chromosome 5 due to exon 7, or additionally exon 8, deletion. Presence or absence of SMN2 and NAIP genes determine the severity and time of onset of the disease. SMA is divided in 5 types ranging from 0 to 4 with 0 being the most severe with the earliest time of onset and 4 being the mildest with the latest time of onset
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