13 research outputs found

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    Fertility following uterine torsion in dairy cows: A cross-sectional study

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    Background and Aim: Dairy cows with uterine torsion often are susceptible to reduced fertility resulting in more costs and effort to restore the economy of those cows. The aim of our study was to examine and evaluate the possible associations between uterine torsion and consequent uterine involution disturbances, on the one hand, and between the degree and duration of uterine torsion with fertility parameters, on the other hand. Materials and Methods: Within 1.5 years, 115 dairy cows (German Browns, German Holsteins, and German Fleckvieh) that were suffering from uterine torsion were examined to evaluate the incidence of involution disturbances of the uterus and to examine the fertility after calving. Statistical analysis included correlation analyses between the degree and duration of torsion and fertility parameters (days open, days to conception, conception rate and services per conception, and intercalving interval) as well as incidence of involution disturbances. Results: The study revealed no statistically significant correlation between uterine involution and degree of uterine torsion. However, involution processes were significantly correlated to the time of the expulsion of the fetal membranes. Days to conception and intercalving intervals were significantly influenced by the presence of uterine torsion. Conclusion: Concerning fertility after uterine torsion, it was shown that reduced fertility is associated with the duration of uterine torsion (p=0.02) and time to drop of fetal membranes (p=0.02) but not with the degree of torsion (p=0.27)

    Vorrat, Zuwachs und Nutzung im plenterwaldartigen Buchenwald

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    In den plenterartig bewirtschafteten Buchenwäldern des Hainichs wurde 1994 eine Erstinventur durchgeführt. Anhand der Wiederholung der Stichprobeninventur im Jahre 2004 ist es möglich, die Stammzahlverteilung über Bhd zu beschreiben und die mittleren Zuwächse, die Vorratsentwicklung und die Holznutzung der strukturreichen Buchenwälder über die letzten 10 Jahre zu ermitteln. Die Zweitinventur in Langula ist die erste wiederholte Stichprobeninventur in Thüringen und die erste, den Autoren bekannte Inventur dieser Art in strukturreichen, plenterartigen Buchenwäldern Deutschlands

    Do individual-tree growth models correctly represent height:diameter ratios of Norway spruce and Scots pine?

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    ▶ We examined four individual tree models in Europe: BWIN, Moses, Silva and Prognaus. ▶ We simulated growth of open-grown trees and on research plots for 15 or 30 years. ▶ Height:diameter ratios were correctly predicted by all four models. ▶ Height:diameter ratios were within the bounds of open grown trees and dense stands. ▶ They decreased with age and density; dominant trees had lower ratios than mean trees