458 research outputs found

    El problema magno:Por la paz mundial definitiva

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    Theology of Sex - Creation

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    We\u27re going to look at the theology of sex. We don\u27t talk about sex. And the most important place is usually the church and the home. And we\u27re going to use real words and we\u27re going to talk pretty plainly. And none of that is to be offensive in any way, shape, or form, but it is to be faithful to scripture, and it\u27s also to be relevant to the conversations that we\u27re already having

    Theology of Sex - Redemption

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    Theology of Sex - The Fall

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    All right, God\u27s standard for sexuality, if you want it biblically as clear as you can say, ready, it\u27s all sex, and it\u27s all reserved for marriage. Marriage defined as one man, one woman, one lifetime. A covenant before God. It\u27s all sex, all reserved for marriage

    Antioxidant effect of Iloprost: current knowledge and therapeutic implications for systemic sclerosis

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    Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a dysimmune disorder of connective tissue characterized by disregulation of endothelial function and progressive tissue fibrosis. Although many studies have been carried out the pathogenesis of SSc is an issue still elusive. In a pioneer paper Murrel DF suggested oxidative stress (OS) as the keystone linking altered immune tolerance, endothelial injury and pro-fibrotic phenotype of SSc (1). In the last decade, this intriguing hypothesis has been strengthened by several firm evidences obtained at a cellular and molecular level. OS refers to a condition characterized by an imbalance in prooxidants and antioxidants, which results in damage to macromolecules..

    Plasma L-ergothioneine measurement by high-performance liquid chromatography and capillary electrophoresis after a pre-column derivatization with 5-iodoacetamidofluorescein (5-IAF) and fluorescence detection

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    Two sensitive and reproducible capillary electrophoresis and high-performance liquid chromatography-fluorescence procedures were established for quantitative determination of L-egothioneine in plasma. After derivatization of L-ergothioneine with 5-iodoacetamidofluorescein, the separation was carried out by HPLC on an ODS-2 C-18 sperisorb column by using a linear gradient elution and by HPCE on an uncoated fused silica capillary, 50 µm id, and 60 cm length. The methods were validated and found to be linear in the range of 0.3 to 10 µmol/l. The limit of quantification was 0.27 µmol/l for HPCE and 0.15 µmol/l for HPLC. The variations for intra- and inter-assay precision were around 6 RSD%, and the mean recovery accuracy close to 100% (96.11%)

    Michel MELOT, Daumier, l’art et la République et  Ségolène LE MEN, Daumier et la caricature

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    L’intérêt suscité par le bicentenaire de la naissance de Daumier prolonge un engouement initié pour l’essentiel en 1999 lors de la rétrospective organisée au Grand Palais. Dans le catalogue de cette exposition, Michel Melot et Ségolène Le Men avaient tracé les lignes de perspective des deux ouvrages qu’ils proposent pour l’anniversaire de 2008. Les deux historiens de l’art invitent, chacun à leur manière, à examiner l’homme et l’œuvre dans leur contexte artistique, politique et social, pour e..

    C<sub>1</sub>-symmetry bidentate ferrocenyl ligands with pyridine nitrogen donors

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    Following our long standing interest in chiral ligands with nitrogen donors recently we have devised a viable procedure for the preparation of C1-symmetry bidentate ferrocenyl ligands with pyridine nitrogen donors

    Les discours politiques de la presse satirique. Étude des réactions à l’« attentat horrible » du 19 novembre 1832

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    Sous la Monarchie de Juillet, la presse satirique a connu un essor considérable. Elle a su retenir l’attention de ses contemporains et leur a imposé un certain nombre de représentations, comme l’identification de Louis-Philippe à une poire. Journaux d’opposition et journaux ministériels s’affrontent en construisant une interprétation comique et partisane de la réalité et en proposant ainsi à leurs lecteurs une nouvelle manière de l’appréhender et de la comprendre. Chaque événement nouveau est utilisé pour servir une argumentation, qui, au fil du temps, dévoile sa portée politique. En étudiant les réactions des journaux satiriques face à l’attentat contre Louis-Philippe en novembre 1832, cet article tente de saisir les mécanismes de fabrication périodique d’un discours politique satirique et d’en décrire les différentes formes. Il cherche à évaluer l’originalité et l’efficacité de ces productions, et s’interroge sur leur influence sur les mentalités au XIXe siècle.The political discourse of the satirical press. A study of the reactions to the 19th November 1832 ‘attentat Horrible’. During the July Monarchy, the satiric newspapers developed considerably. They succeeded in holding the attention of the Public and imposing on them a number of representations, such as the identification of Louis-Philippe with a pear. The opposition and the government newspapers confronted each other by producing a comic interpretation of reality. They thus proposed to the readers a new way of grasping this reality. Every new event was used to serve a specific argumentation which, with the passing of time, revealed its political impact. This article tries to understand the mechanisms of the daily production of the satiric political speeches by analysing the murder attempt on Louis-Philippe in November 1832. It also attempts to identify its various forms and to assess the originality and effectiveness of such productions. Finally, the article wonders about their influence on the mentalities of the 19th century

    Thierry Menuelle, Le Charivari contre Proudhon, Paris, Publications de la Société P.-J. Proudhon, 2006, 339 p. ISBN : 2-906096-31-0. 18 euros.

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    La campagne satirique contre les « communistes » qui se déchaîne en 1848 constitue sans doute le fait le plus marquant du rire politique de la Deuxième République. Les théories socialistes font irruption dans la sphère publique et suscitent des représentations durables. Menée par Le Charivari, cette campagne permet de lier pendant quelques mois la satire politique à la satire sociale. Les attaques contre Proudhon, figure centrale des « utopistes », en composent le socle et leur étude est une ..
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