47 research outputs found


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    Ege'nin Anadolu yakasının bugünkü merkezi İzmir, bölgenin tarihsel geçmişinin zenginliği, antik çağın pek çok önemli siyasal, ticari ve kültürel kentinin oluşturduğu bu çetrefil örümcek ağının ortasında konumlanmıştır. Çalışma alanımız olan İzmir Körfezi aslında şehrin tarihine bire bir uyumlu olarak şekillenmiş gibidir. Bölgede özellikle 18. ve 19. yüzyılda ağırlık kazanan ticari ve sosyal hayattaki rekabet İzmir Körfezi'nin aktif olarak tercih edilmesine ve kullanılmasına sebep olmuştur. Bu süreçte körfezde birden çok hem ticari hem de yolcu taşıyan gemiler çeşitli sebeplerden kaza yapıp batmışlardır. Çalışmamızın amacını ve başlığını oluşturan "İzmir Körfezi Batıkları" ndan şu ana kadar saptanan batıklar Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Deniz Bilimleri ve Teknolojisi Enstitüsü'ne bağlı Dokuz Eylül 3 gemisiyle tespit edilmiştir. Çalışmada, deniz jeolojisi ve jeofiziği araştırma cihazlarından, çift frekanslı sığ sismik sistemi ve yanal taramalı sonar sistemi kullanılmıştır. Sonuçta tespit edilen 3 batık'dan biri ilk kez ortaya çıkarılmış ve hangi dönemde battığına dair araştırmalarımız devam etmektedir. Sadece İzmir Körfezinde değil benzer şekilde kıyılarımıza yakın alanlarda yapılacak çalışmalar sayesinde ülkemizde sualtında yatan arkeolojik miras rahatlıkla su yüzüne çıkarılabilecektir

    Comparison of the rermineralisation effect of a glass ionomer cement versus a resin composite on dentin of primary teeth

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    WOS: 000337551700006PubMed ID: 25102459Aim The aim of this study was to investigate the interaction of a high viscosity glass ionomer cement (G/C) and a composite resin with caries affected dentin and to determine the remineralization levels. Materials and Methods In a split Mouth deSign 24 GIC and composite resin atraumatic restorative treatment restorations were made in vivo and the teeth were collected after 2 years and subsequently settioned and examined using Vickers microhardness test; the latter was performed starting from the dentin surfate adjacent to the restoration. Repeated Measure ANOVA and Bonferroni Statistical methods were used for data analysis. Results The micrdhardness adjacent to the GIC reStorative material resulted tube significantly higher. Conclusion GIC resulted to be a better restorative material for the remineralization of caries affected dentin, though further studies are necessary for the corroboration of this finding. The GIC restored primary molar dentin had a higher level of remineralizatiOn and GIC could be the material of chdice in pediatric dentistry

    Ex vivo comparison of radiographic and electronic root canal length measurements in primary molars

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    WOS: 000357246400014PubMed ID: 26147823Aim The aim of the study was to evaluate the accuracy of root canal length measurements of primary teeth using an electronic apex locator (EAL) and digital radiography in comparison to stereomicroscopic measurement as gold standard. Materials and methods After preparation of access cavities of twenty extracted primary molars, the teeth were embedded in alginate blocks. Endodontic files were inserted in the root canals and the length was measured using ProPex II (Dentsply, Maillefer). When the reading was stable for 5s a silicone stop was used for reference. The true.lengths of the files were then measured using a micrometer. The gold standard was determined by observing the tip of the file at the apical foramen under a stereomicroscope. For radiographic measurements standard images were obtained at 30 cm source-to-object distance, and zero degrees vertical and horizontal angulations. Radiographic images of each experimental tooth were obtained with the Digora Storage Phosphor Plates (SPP) (Soredex, Orion Corporation, Helsinki, Finland) with the x-ray unit operating at 65 kVp and 10 mA for 0.16 seconds (Trophy Radiologie, Vincennes, France). The radiographic root lengths were measured with the measurement tool of the Digora for Windows software. The mean measurements of both methods were compared to the gold standard measurements using Repeated Measure ANOVA test with Bonferroni adjustments to identify the pair-wise differences (p=0.05). Results The mean measurements obtained with the EAL (14.06 +/- 1.89 mm) were significantly lower than measurements done with SPP images (14.24 +/- 1.98 mm) (p<0.05). However, when both root canal length measurement techniques were compared to stereomicroscopic measurements (gold standard), no statistically significant difference was found. Conclusions The EAL might be safer than digital radiography for the measurement of root canal length in primary teeth

    Inhibition of cultivable bacteria by chlorhexidine treatment of dentin lesions treated with the ART technique

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    WOS: 000235776000015PubMed ID: 16508277The aim of this study was to examine the changes in the cultivable microflora of carious dentin before and after atraumatic restorative treatment (ART) and investigate the inhibitory effect of chlorhexidine-gluconate-based cavity disinfectant in the microflora. Using a split mouth design, 35 primary molar pairs with class II carious lesions in 35 patients (mean age 7.31 +/- 0.47 years) were selected. The total viable counts (TVC), Streptococcus mutans and lactobacilli were first measured in the center of the infected demineralized lesion and then from the hard dentine after caries removal by the ART technique. Chlorhexidine-gluconate (2%)-based cavity disinfectant was applied to one of the molar pairs and the other molar received no disinfectant treatment. Thereafter, all of the teeth were restored with glass ionomer cement (GIC). Cavities were reassessed after 6 months and again dentine samples were microbiologically investigated. Removal of carious dentine by ART significantly reduced TVC, S. mutans and lactobacilli. After 6 months, application of chlorhexidine exhibited a greater significant reduction in TVC (p = 0.013), and a significant reduction in S. mutans compared to the nondisinfected group (p < 0.001). A significant reduction in lactobacilli counts was observed in both groups after 6 months, but the difference between the disinfected and nondisinfected groups was not significant (p = 0.056). ART was found to be effective in reducing the cultivable microflora and chlorhexidine-gluconate- based cavity disinfectant might serve as a suitable additional agent in inhibiting the residual bacteria in the dentine. Copyright (C) 2006 S. Karger AG, Basel