36 research outputs found

    AMP-Activated Protein Kinase (AMPK) Mediates Nutrient Regulation of Thioredoxin-Interacting Protein (TXNIP) in Pancreatic Beta-Cells

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    Thioredoxin-interacting protein (TXNIP) regulates critical biological processes including inflammation, stress and apoptosis. TXNIP is upregulated by glucose and is a critical mediator of hyperglycemia-induced beta-cell apoptosis in diabetes. In contrast, the saturated long-chain fatty acid palmitate, although toxic to the beta-cell, inhibits TXNIP expression. The mechanisms involved in the opposing effects of glucose and fatty acids on TXNIP expression are unknown. We found that both palmitate and oleate inhibited TXNIP in a rat beta-cell line and islets. Palmitate inhibition of TXNIP was independent of fatty acid beta-oxidation or esterification. AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) has an important role in cellular energy sensing and control of metabolic homeostasis; therefore we investigated its involvement in nutrient regulation of TXNIP. As expected, glucose inhibited whereas palmitate stimulated AMPK. Pharmacologic activators of AMPK mimicked fatty acids by inhibiting TXNIP. AMPK knockdown increased TXNIP expression in presence of high glucose with and without palmitate, indicating that nutrient (glucose and fatty acids) effects on TXNIP are mediated in part via modulation of AMPK activity. TXNIP is transcriptionally regulated by carbohydrate response element-binding protein (ChREBP). Palmitate inhibited glucose-stimulated ChREBP nuclear entry and recruitment to the Txnip promoter, thereby inhibiting Txnip transcription. We conclude that AMPK is an important regulator of Txnip transcription via modulation of ChREBP activity. The divergent effects of glucose and fatty acids on TXNIP expression result in part from their opposing effects on AMPK activity. In light of the important role of TXNIP in beta-cell apoptosis, its inhibition by fatty acids can be regarded as an adaptive/protective response to glucolipotoxicity. The finding that AMPK mediates nutrient regulation of TXNIP may have important implications for the pathophysiology and treatment of diabetes

    Glucose Amplifies Fatty Acid-Induced Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Pancreatic β-Cells via Activation of mTORC1

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    BACKGROUND: Palmitate is a potent inducer of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress in beta-cells. In type 2 diabetes, glucose amplifies fatty-acid toxicity for pancreatic beta-cells, leading to beta-cell dysfunction and death. Why glucose exacerbates beta-cell lipotoxicity is largely unknown. Glucose stimulates mTORC1, an important nutrient sensor involved in the regulation of cellular stress. Our study tested the hypothesis that glucose augments lipotoxicity by stimulating mTORC1 leading to increased beta-cell ER stress. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We found that glucose amplifies palmitate-induced ER stress by increasing IRE1alpha protein levels and activating the JNK pathway, leading to increased beta-cell apoptosis. Moreover, glucose increased mTORC1 activity and its inhibition by rapamycin decreased beta-cell apoptosis under conditions of glucolipotoxicity. Inhibition of mTORC1 by rapamycin did not affect proinsulin and total protein synthesis in beta-cells incubated at high glucose with palmitate. However, it decreased IRE1alpha expression and signaling and inhibited JNK pathway activation. In TSC2-deficient mouse embryonic fibroblasts, in which mTORC1 is constitutively active, mTORC1 regulated the stimulation of JNK by ER stressors, but not in response to anisomycin, which activates JNK independent of ER stress. Finally, we found that JNK inhibition decreased beta-cell apoptosis under conditions of glucolipotoxicity. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Collectively, our findings suggest that mTORC1 mediates glucose amplification of lipotoxicity, acting through activation of ER stress and JNK. Thus, mTORC1 is an important transducer of ER stress in beta-cell glucolipotoxicity. Moreover, in stressed beta-cells mTORC1 inhibition decreases IRE1alpha protein expression and JNK activity without affecting ER protein load, suggesting that mTORC1 regulates the beta-cell stress response to glucose and fatty acids by modulating the synthesis and activity of specific proteins involved in the execution of the ER stress response. This novel paradigm may have important implications for understanding beta-cell failure in type 2 diabetes

    Plasticité anatomique et fonctionnelle des cellules β du pancréas endocrine et diabète de type 2

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    Le diabète de type 2 (DT2, 90 % des diabétiques) progresse de manière spectaculaire dans les pays développés et encore plus dans les pays du tiers monde. Longtemps restreint à une population de sujets obèses ayant atteint la maturité, il touche à présent des populations de plus en plus jeunes. L’hyperglycémie à jeun et post-prandiale du patient DT2 est la résultante de deux anomalies interdépendantes, la diminution de la sensibilité des tissus-cibles à l’insuline (insulinorésistance) et l’altération de la capacité des cellules β à sécréter l’hormone. Le développement des connaissances sur la maladie font du dysfonctionnement des cellules β l’élément-clé de la détérioration de l’équilibre glycémique. La capacité d’adaptation (plasticité) anatomique (nombre et volume des cellules) et fonctionnelle (quantité d’insuline sécrétée et cinétique de la sécrétion de l’hormone) des cellules β aux besoins en insuline de l’organisme est impressionnante. Elle garantit un contrôle optimal de l’homéostasie glucidique. On comprend donc qu’un défaut de plasticité des cellules β, surtout chez des sujets ayant une demande insulinique supérieure à la normale du fait de l’insulinorésistance, concoure au développement du DT2. Il est ainsi indéniable que l’équipement en cellules β fonctionnelles (masse fonctionnelle) est altéré chez le sujet DT2 et qu’il se dégrade au cours de l’évolution de la maladie. Cette dégradation est largement liée à la détérioration de l’environnement métabolique de la cellule β résultant de l’hyperglycémie et de l’hyperlipidémie (gluco-lipotoxicité). Dans ces conditions, il est logique que les approches thérapeutiques futures du DT2 intègrent la nécessité d’augmenter la masse fonctionnelle β en ciblant les mécanismes de sa détérioratio

    Splanchnic and peripheral glucose and amino acid metabolism in diabetes mellitus

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