1,063 research outputs found

    Planar and 3D fibrous polyaniline-based materials for memristive elements

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    We discuss the effect of structure formation of Langmuir polyaniline layers on the performance of memristive thin-film elements as well as the morphology and conductivity of electrospinned PANI–PEO nonwovens

    Matrix Correction Minimal with respect to the Euclidean Norm of a Pair of Dual Linear Programming Problems

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    Abstract. The paper presents problem formulations, theorems and illustrative numerical examples describing conditions for the existence and a form of solutions of the problem of matrix correction minimal with respect to the Euclidean norm of a pair of dual linear programming (LP) problems. The main results of the paper complement classical duality theory and can serve as a tool to tackle improper LP problems, and/or to ensure the achievement of prespecified optimal solutions of the primal and dual problems via the minimal with respect to the Euclidean norm correction of the constraint matrix elements, the right-hand sides of the constraints and the objective functions of the original problems. Keywords: dual pairs of linear programs, improper linear programs, the minimum matrix correction, the Euclidean norm

    Application of Spectroscopy Methods for Indication and Identification of Pathogenic Biological Agents

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    The review presents data on application of UV, IR and optical spectroscopy methods for non-specific indication of pathogenic biological agents, and IR Fourier spectroscopy, and Raman spectroscopy - for their identification. Considered are advantages, disadvantages and prospects of different spectroscopy methods application for monitoring of the environment for the presence of pathogenic biological agents

    Development of Methodological Approaches for Examination of Particularly Dangerous Infectious Diseases Agents by Means of Atomic Power Microscopy

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    The atomic power microscopy (APM) is used to study the cell surface structure of particularly dangerous infectious diseases agents and to carry out the morphometric analysis. APM shows similar results with scanning electron microscopy. However, its application makes it possible to avoid time-consuming and labour-intensive procedures of samples preparing for testing by fixation, dehydration and sputtering of conducting layer. Methodological approach has been elaborated for preparing and analysis of samples of agents of particularly dangerous infectious diseases by means of APM. This approach includes a selection of optimal substrate, mode of disinfection and scanning of samples


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    The CD spectra of a range of antenna complexes from several different species of purple photosynthetic bacteria were recorded in the wavelength range of 190 to 930 nm. Analysis of the far UV CD (190 to 250 nm) showed that in each case except for the B800-850 from Chr. vinosum the secondary structure of the light-harvesting complexes contains a large amount of α-helix (50%) and very little 0-pleated sheet. This confirms the predictions of the group of Zuber of a high a-helical content based upon consideration of the primary structures of several antenna apoproteins. The CD spectra from the carotenoids and the bacteriochlorophylls show considerable variations depending upon the type of antenna complex. The different amplitude ratios in the CD spectrum for the bacteriochlorophyll Qy, Qx and Soret bands indicate not only different degrees of exciton coupling, but also a strong and variable hyperchromism (Scherz and Parson, 1984a, b)

    The significance of retained austenite in the high strength and plasticity of medium carbon Q&P steel

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    The Fe-0.44%C-1.8%Si-1.3%Mn-0.82%Cr-0.28%Mo steel treated by the quenching-partitioning partitioning process showed a product of strength and elongation of 30 GPa % with yield stress of 1350 MPa. Such a combination of high ultimate tensile strength and good ductility is attributed to a high portion of retained austenite (≥20%) transforming to martensite under tension. The high yield stress is provided by carbon supersaturation of austenite and a high dislocation density in this phas

    Myth as a Means of Ordering and Organizing Social Reality

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    This study investigates the phenomenon of social myth as a factor of forming and transforming the consciousness of social actors. It is defined that one of the factors of appealing to mythological representation of reality is the crisis of scientific orientations of modernism. In this plane, the article studies phenomenological receptions of myth as well as the process of mythologization of modern social reality. Moreover, attention is drawn to the fact that mythologization fixes an idea of social reality and its axiological (value) dimension in the consciousness of separate individuals and their groups. Myths are axiological indicators; the more controversial society values are the greater number of myths is produced by social consciousness to eliminate these contradictions. The difference between modern and archaic myth has both qualitative and quantitative aspects. Modern society generates a great number of myths with much more narrow content. This is a consequence of "specialization" of myths, their orientation towards solving particular local tasks: political, economic, etc. Functional and structural changes of social myths can be accounted for by critical, permanently transitional condition of society in which myth compensates the unformed elements of new social practices. However, the content side of myth is not a crisis but social request and values of particular culture. The question about the necessity to fight against myths probably should be answered negatively if we don’t mean the most dangerous myths posing a serious threat for society. Myths are in harmony with social consciousness and arise in places where there is a fault between current and desirable normativity. Thus, when social practices become stable social consciousness itself displaces and nullifies myths that are responsible for harmonization of new order and they become demanded

    Extensive Studies of Legionella Strains Isolated from the Environmental Objects during Preparation and Holding of Mass Events in the Russian Federation in 2013-2014

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    Objective of the work was to conduct an extended study of Legionella strains isolated from epidemiologically significant environmental objects during the preparation and conduct of mass events in the territory of the Russian Federation in 2013-2014 . Materials and methods. Studied were 53 strains of Legionella pneumophila, isolated from epidemiologically significant objects during the preparation and conduct of a number of mass events (ME): XXVII World Summer Universiade, XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games, Sochi; Summer Health Promotion Campaign in 2014, Republic of Crimea; IV Caspian Summit, Astrakhan, 2014. Strains were analyzed using multilocus sequencing, time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-ToF-MS) and atomic force microscopy. Legionella strains were typed by multilocus sequencing in accordance with the algorithm of the European Legionellosis Research Group “Sequence-Based Typing protocol for epidemiological typing of L. pneumophila". Results and discussion. Strains of L. pneumophila, legionellosis agent, were isolated in the territory of the Republic of Crimea, Moscow, Kazan, Sochi, Astrakhan and characterized. According to the results of slide agglutination, 17 L. pneumophila strains were assigned to 1 serogroup , 37 - to 2-14 serogroups. Based on the data obtained by multilocus sequencing, in accordance with the algorithm of the European Working Group on Legionellosis Surveillance, allelic profiles of all the studied L. pneumophila strains were identified; their belonging to 7 sequence types was established. Using the method of time-of-flight mass spectrometry, legionella strains were characterized, their protein profiles were studied, and a database was formed. Using the method of scanning probe microscopy, information was obtained on the morphology of the cells of 18 legionella strains and the features of their surface structures. Using the methods of multilocus sequencing, time-of-flight mass spectrometry, and atomic force microscopy, molecular-genetic, proteomic, and morphometric features of Legionellosis pathogen strains that circulate in epidemiologically significant sites in the Russian Federation were determined